属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 中断的学校教育使不平等加剧(2)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-Tainted love 堕落的爱
1 | 中风患者鼻胃管的使用对忧郁倾向及功能预后的影响 | The Influence of Nasogastric Tube to Post-Stroke Depressive Tendency and Functional Outcome | |
2 | 中西医结合治疗中风后抑郁症31例疗效观察 | Clinical Observation on Integrative Medicine in Treating 31 Cases of Depressive Disorder after Stroke | |
3 | 中学生抑郁症状的影响因素分析 | Analysis of Influencing Factors in Depressive Symptoms in Middle School Students | |
4 | 重点中学中学生6307人的抑郁障碍现况调查 | An Investigation on Depressive Disorder among 6307 Middle School Students | |
5 | 重庆地区抑郁症患者博尔纳病病毒感染的分子生物学研究 | Molecular Biological Research on Borna Disease Virus Infection in Depressive Patients of Chongqing | |
6 | 综合性医院冠心病病人抑郁/焦虑现况研究 | A Cross-sectional Survey on the Prevalence of Depressive and/or Anxiety Disorder in Coronary Heart Disease Cases in General Hospitals | |
7 | ||1:还有一个问题在于上网课的途径。||2:接近一半的美国土著学生,以及35%的黑人和亚裔学生的家中无法使用电脑和网络,相比之下,白人学生只有19%。||3:来自贫困家庭的学生的心理健康恶化也会危害成绩。||4:巴纳德学院的伊丽莎白·阿纳特和杜克大学的安娜·加斯曼-皮恩斯对费城家中有儿童的钟点工展开了调查,其中一半人对此并不乐观,反而表示焦虑和抑郁。 | ||1:Then there is the problem of access to online classes.||2:Nearly half of Native American pupils and 35% of black and Hispanic ones do not have access to either a computer or the internet at home, compared with 19% of whites.||3:Worsening mental health among poorer families will also hurt achievement.||4:Elizabeth Ananat of Barnard College and Anna Gassman-Pines of Duke University surveyed hourly service-sector workers in Philadelphia who had young children; half were screening positive for anxiety or depressive disorders. | |
8 | 2016年一项研究表明2005年至2014年期间,青少年抑郁症发病人数增长37%。 | A 2016 study showed the number of teens who experienced a major depressive episode saw a 37% increase between 2005 and 2014. | |
9 | ||读这本书,并不会让人感觉轻松,或是得到某种安慰。读者会感觉很同情伽林。伽林真苦,他都厌食症了,不想吃东西,自怨自艾,消沉。但是他时不时地表现出自私的模样,逃避现实,很讨厌。||受害者最终会变成攻击者,生活既然已经腐蚀了,那索性就腐烂到底吧,管它什么玩意的救赎。对于这一理论,伽林演绎的是有血有肉。 | ||This is not a relaxing or consoling book. The reader feels some sympathy for Galen, whose suffering turns him into a bulimic and self-hating depressive .|| But he is also unremittingly selfish, deluded and abhorrent. He gives flesh to the notion that the victim eventually becomes the aggressor; that life taints and ruins, rather than redeems. | |
10 | 该研究在两所大学中进行,并分别对99名患有抑郁症的成年人和253名未患抑郁症的成年人进行检查。 | Conducted at two universities, the study examined 99 adults with a depressive disorder and 253 adults without the disorder. |