属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-幻灭的上班族 屌丝之梦
1 | 嘲弄的笑声. | derisive laughter | |
2 | 嘲笑奚落的、嘲笑的或嘲弄的表情或笑 | A taunting,scoffing,or derisive look or gibe. | |
3 | 车里的吴荪甫往后靠在车垫上,露出了牙齿狞笑。 | Wu Sun-fu sprawled back in his seat and showed his teeth in a derisive grin | |
4 | 她说话的口气并不含有我已完全习惯了的那种直截了当的、含讥讽的敌意,而是声音里带着几分歉意,还有恐惧。 | She did not say it with the blunt, derisive hostility to which I had grown so accustomed, but, rather, with a note of apology in her voice, and fear | |
5 | 可笑的出价(如出一百元欲买价值一千元的货物). | a derisive offer | |
6 | 李玉亭的话不得不又半途停止;他听得赵伯韬一声干笑,又看见他仰脸喷一口雪茄烟,他那三角脸上浮胖胖的肌肉轻轻一下跳动。 | Li Yu-ting broke off helplessly here, for Chao Po-tao suddenly gave a derisive laugh; he tilted back his head and blew a cloud of cigar smoke, his flabby face wrinkling with amusement | |
7 | 然而,当地大声嘲笑起来的时候,她们的脸不禁涨红了。 | They flushed, however, when she burst into a shout of derisive laughter | |
8 | 然而,当地大声嘲笑起来的时候,她们的脸不禁涨红了。 | They flushed,however,when she burst into a shout of derisive laughter. | |
9 | 柔嘉放弃了嘲讽的口吻,坦白地愤恨说--“我早告诉你,我不喜欢跟赵辛楣来往。 | Jou-chia dropped her derisive tone and spoke with outright indignation, "I told you before.I don’t like seeing Chao Hsin-mei | |
10 | 他个子小得可怜,比温斯顿还要瘦小,黑头发,大眼睛,那双凸出的眼睛悲哀又嘲讽,跟谁讲起话来,那眼光便仿佛紧紧探究着你的面孔。 | He was a tiny creature, smaller than Winston, with dark hair and large, protuberant eyes, at once mournful and derisive , which seemed to search your face closely while he was speaking to you | |
11 | 屠维岳冷笑了一声,狞着眼睛望望天空,就对李麻子说:“现在用得到五十个人了! | Tu Wei-yueh gave a derisive snort, narrowed his eyes at the sky for a moment, then looked back at Pockmarked Li again. "Now I’ll need fifty men | |
12 | 屠维岳轻轻冷笑一声,突然翻了脸,看着李麻子,厉声喝道 | Tu Weiyueh gave a derisive snort, then suddenly swung round to Pockmarked Li and rasped | |
13 | 一阵暴风雨般的哄笑声轰然响起。 | A storm of derisive applause broke out | |
14 | 一阵暴风雨般的哄笑声轰然响起。 | A storm of derisive applause broke out. | |
15 | 在慕尼黑举行一次嘲弄性的大型展览。 | A great derisive exhibition was held in Munich | |
16 | ||1:然而朱认为自己是个失败者。||2:他的税后工资只是每月4,000元,并说自己工作时就像个没人注意的机器。||3:通常,他在公司食堂吃饭,晚上就回到自己在合租公寓里租的20平米大的小房间玩网络游戏。||4:他没有女友,也并不想找一个。||5:“没信心啊”,当被问到为什么不找时,他这样回答。||6:和千百万人一样,他戏称自己是“屌丝”,一个表示失败者的街头俚语,本义是“男性的yin毛”。||7:它形象地表达出了这个经济体中那些越来越难获得成功的普通人的无力感。||8:以这个称谓自嘲是一种发出呼声的方式,“就像甘地”,朱并只是在开玩笑,“这是一种无声的反抗。” | ||1: But Mr Zhu considers himself a loser, not a winner. ||2: He earns 4,000 yuan a month after tax and says he feels like a faceless drone at work. ||3: He eats at the office canteen and goes home at night to a rented, 20-square-metre room in a shared flat, where he plays online games. ||4: He does not have a girlfriend or any prospect of finding one. ||5: “Lack of confidence”, he explains when asked why not. ||6: Like millions of others, he mockingly calls himself, in evocative modern street slang, a diaosi, the term for a loser that literally translates as “male pubic hair”. ||7: Figuratively it is a declaration of powerlessness in an economy where it is getting harder for the regular guy to succeed. ||8: Calling himself by this derisive nickname is a way of crying out, “like Gandhi”, says Mr Zhu, only partly in jest. “It is a quiet form of protest.” | |
17 | 但是,当《经济学家》杂志正要出版时,他们好像还处在达成协议的边缘,正像埃尔多安曾预言的嘲弄那样。 | But as The Economist went to press, they too seemed to be on the verge of striking a deal, just as the derisive Mr Erdogan had predicted. | |
18 | 共和党人对此反应快速并充满嘲弄。 | The Republican reaction was swift and derisive . | |
19 | 我将在此稍作停顿,让嘲弄的笑声平息。 | I’ll pause here to let the derisive laughter die down. | |
20 | 我们甚至嘲笑那些人,他们自愿投身到紧张这样一种状态:他们称为“肾上腺素迷们”。 | We’ve even come up with a derisive nickname for people who voluntarily plunge into stressful situations: they’re "adrenaline junkies. " | |
21 | 这一类比在欧美引起的嘲笑声,在中国可能已有所耳闻。 | The derisive laughter this suggestion provoked in the US and Europe could have been heard in China. |