属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 全球股市持续承压 日韩贸易争端加剧 美政府延
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-经济数据改善,但一些美国人感觉被落下
1 | 不要这样泄气. | Don’t be so despondent . | |
2 | 除了恐怖主义外,我们也注意因仇恨而犯罪的可能,以及此人是否因某些原因而沮丧。" | Besides terrorism, we are also looking into the possibility of a hate crime as well as whether the man was despondent due to some reasons." | |
3 | 当然,我明白要将学生塑造成完整的个体,对我而言重要的一点就是要向前看,而不是因为一些个别的负面结果而沮丧。 | However, I know that in shaping students into becoming whole individuals, it is important for me to look forward instead of becoming despondent because of some isolated negative results. | |
4 | 非常失望的;沮丧的 | Profoundly disappointed;despondent . | |
5 | 鸿渐郁闷不乐,老家也懒去。遯翁打电话来催。 | Glum and despondent , Hung-chien was reluctant to go back to his parents’ home, but Tun-weng called up to press him | |
6 | 就在刚觉得失望的时候,他把头一仰,挺出胸膛,象平常一般精神抖擞地走着。 | Even in this very beginning of a tendency to feel despondent he threw back his head, expanded his chest, and walked as briskly as ever | |
7 | 沮丧的失败者、情绪、神情 | A despondent loser,mood,look | |
8 | 使忧伤,沮丧;使悲伤 | To make despondent ;sadden. | |
9 | 是左拉的支持以及他对于马奈在绘画中所作尝试的坚定信念才使马奈不致于陷入绝望境地。 | It was zola’s support and belief in what he was trying to achieve that kept Manet from becoming despondent | |
10 | 他回到家整天闷闷不乐,觉得不能更延宕了,得赶快表明态度。 | He went back home and for the rest of the day remained glum and despondent , feeling he could no longer go on as before and must clarify his position to her as soon as possible | |
11 | 他看上去怅然若失。 | It seemed that he was in a despondent mood. | |
12 | 他一度兴高采烈,但忽然又情绪低落下来。 | He was up for a time and then,without warning,despondent again. | |
13 | 唐小姐抱歉过信表姐,气愤时说话太决绝,又担忧鸿渐失神落魄,别给汽车电车撞死了。 | Miss T’ang regretted having believed her cousin so much and in her anger spoken with such finality to him.She also began to worry that Hung-chien would become so despondent he might get run over by an automobile or trolley car | |
14 | 我每次沮丧时,父亲总给我打气。 | Each time I get despondent , my father cheers me up | |
15 | 应该指出,颜色的加色成色作用是以将每种基色分别投影到同一屏幕上为基础的。 | It should be noted that additive production of color is despondent upon the individual projection of each primary onto a common screen | |
16 | 作品被拒后我感到很沮丧。 | I feel despondent when my work is rejected. | |
17 | ||1:本周早些时候,当特朗普政府表示将把对部分中国进口商品征收10%的关税推迟到12月15日时,沮丧的市场有所回升。||2:这份清单上的商品包括智能手机、笔记本电脑、视频游戏机和玩具,特朗普表示,这些商品将在圣诞节前让消费者们受益。||3:延期适用于三分之二需缴纳这项特别征税的产品。||4:从9月1日起,将对中国其他商品征收10%的关税。 | ||1:Earlier in the week, despondent markets had lifted when the Trump administration said it would postpone a 10% tariff on some Chinese imports until December 15th.||2:The list of goods includes smartphones, laptops, video-game consoles and toys, which Donald Trump suggested would benefit shoppers in the run-up to Christmas.||3:The delay applies to two-thirds of the products subjected to this particular levy.||4:A 10% tariff will be collected on the other Chinese goods from September 1st. | |
18 | 她说,“在经济或政治方面我很失望。我认为两位候选人都无益于中产阶级。” | "In terms of the economy or politics, I’m very despondent in that regard. I don’t think either candidate will help the middle class." | |
19 | Sit说:“我的目的是想通过给用户更好的体验来帮助craigslist,他们那样做实在太可恶了。” | "My goal was to help craigslist by making the user experience better, " a despondent Sit says. "This just sucks. " | |
20 | 啊!73分!不会吧!毁了!这次玩完了!(垂头丧气的回家) | ah! 73 points! That won’t happen, will it. Ruin! This was done! ( the home become dejected and despondent ) | |
21 | 癌症患者发生抑郁的相关因素及护理对策 | Correlated factors and nursing countermeasures for the despondent status in cancer patients | |
22 | 除了恐怖主义外,我们也注意因仇恨了犯罪的可能,以及此人是否因某些原因而沮丧。 | Besides terrorism, we are also looking into the possibility of a hate crime as well as whether the Man was despondent due to some reasons. | |
23 | 除了让自由主义者失望,最后因为里德先生的策略而失望的,也许正是里德自己。 | In addition to the despondent liberals, Mr Reid’s tactic may end up a disappointment to its author. | |
24 | 垂头丧气。手中的牌无法组拢来,和牌希望渺茫。纯粹是陪其余三家打牌。 | Become dejected and despondent . Hand to set up, and the licensing of hope. With the remaining three cards is pure. | |
25 | 而在关于谁来支付这些药物费用的问题上,会议讨论的结果感觉有些沮丧但并不是完全绝望的。 | On the question of who pays for all these drugs, the feeling at the meeting was glum but not despondent . | |
26 | 更危险的是,当美国人对经济感到更为沮丧时,中国将自然而然地成为头号替罪羊。 | More dangerously, as Americans become more economically despondent , China will naturally emerge as scapegoat number one. | |
27 | 其他人则没有这么沮丧,警告着别把科学不端行为和艰难的科学混为一谈。 | Others are less despondent , warning against conflating scientific misconduct with difficult science. | |
28 | 裘哼哼着,把双肘靠在桌上,一副垂头丧气的样子。 | Jo groaned and leaned both elbows on the table in a despondent attitude. | |
29 | 如果我们如实回答(“不是特别明显,我觉得还行”),你们会不说话,因我们不够积极。 | If we answer truthfully ( "Not especially, I think they’re fine" ), you become despondent because we’re not being positive enough. | |
30 | 孙亭湖(音译)知道自己的工资跟日本和美国同行比起来少得可怜,这让他感到灰心丧气。 | Sun Tinghu, an employee who was aware of how little he earned relative to his Japanese and American peers, was despondent . |