1 | "你不想说出他的名字吗?反正他逃不出我的手心,"他接着说,露出得意的神情,似乎是他在主宰命运。 | "Thou wilt not reveal his name? Not the less he is mine,"" resumed he, with a look of confidence, as if destiny were at one with him." | |
2 | “好了,好了,”莫雷尔先生说,“我知道你们谁都没有错,这只能怪命。 | "Well, well," said M. Morrel, "I know there was no one in fault but destiny | |
3 | “正如在《大西洋宪章》所表达的,现今被征服的人民重新成为自己命运的主人是我们的战争目的之一。 | It is one of our war aims, as expressed in the Atlantic charter, that the conquered populations of today be again the masters of their destiny | |
4 | 埃涅阿斯显然拥有命运的宠爱。 | On the side of aeneas were the expressed decree of destiny | |
5 | 本书作者在他对刑法问题和法律裁判的研究里遇见的那种为了窃取一个面包而造成终身悲局的案情,这是第二次。 | This is the second time, during his studies on the penal question and damnation by law, that the author of this book has come across the theft of a loaf of bread as the point of departure for the disaster of a destiny | |
6 | 碧昂丝表示:“我热爱‘天命真女’,而且我是该乐队的一员。 | I love Destiny ’s Child and I am a member of the group, she asserts | |
7 | 并在近代反抗外来侵略、实现民族解放的斗争中自立自强,最终掌握了自己的命运。 | We grew stronger by relying on our own efforts in the struggle to resist foreign aggression and gain national liberation in modern times and finally became masters of our own destiny . | |
8 | 哺乳动物共有的一种基因的微小突变可能改变了人类的命运。 | A tiny mutation in a gene common to mammals may have changed the destiny of humanity | |
9 | 不可捉摸的自然[命运]之力 | The blind forces of nature/destiny | |
10 | 超自然的力量对人类命运的影响. | The play of supernatural forces in human destiny | |
11 | 从你们的队伍之中,涌现出优秀的指挥官,一旦战争的警报响起,我们国家的命运就掌握在他们手中。 | From your ranks come the great captains who hold the nation’s destiny in their hands the moment the war tocsin sounds | |
12 | 但你父亲也并不是个乡村市侩,无论他交了什么怪运,他在任何场合也都能处之泰然。 | Your father is not a snob, and he will be quite at home in any station of life to which his eccentric destiny may call him | |
13 | 但人民真正当家作主,成为国家、社会和自己命运的主人,只是在新中国成立以后才成为现实,这是中国人民政治地位的根本变化。 | But it was only after the founding of New China that its people became the true masters of their country, their society and their own destiny , which represents a fundamental change in the political status of the Chinese people. | |
14 | 但是,既然命运已赋予我这个使命,我希望,安排我来承担这个任务是为了使我有所建树… | But as it has been a kind of destiny that has thrown me upon this service, I shall hope that my undertaking it is designed to answer some good purpose… | |
15 | 但是,他们像过去那样随意主宰世界人民命运的时代已经过去。 | However, gone are the days when hegemonists could willfully decide the destiny of the people all over the world. | |
16 | 当他那深埋密隐的名字被人那样突然提到时,他大为惊骇,好象被他那离奇的恶运冲昏了似的 | At the moment when that name, which he had buried beneath so many layers, was so strangely articulated, he was struck with stupor, and as though intoxicated with the sinister eccentricity of his destiny | |
17 | 多少世代以来,它就为种族的命运所默认,而不顾我们个别的反抗。然后,悄悄地浮游而度,象一只老鼠在一条黑暗的河里一样。 | Something old, old, and acquiescent in the race! Aeons of acquiescence in race destiny , instead of our individual resistance. And then a swimming through, like rats in a dark river. | |
18 | 干部的素质如何关系到我们国家的前途和未来 | The quality of our cadres has an important bearing on the future and destiny of our country | |
19 | 各位议员,此时此地,由于历史的无情潮流,你们被复仇女神召来履行一项神圣的职责,因为你们手中掌握了我国的命运。 | Honourable Members, you are called, here and now, as a result of the relentless tide of history, by nemesis as it were, to a sacred charge, for you hold the destiny of our country in your hands | |
20 | 归根曰静,静曰复命,复命曰常,知常曰明,不知常,妄作凶, | Returning to the source is serenity,it is to realize one’s destiny . To realize one’s destiny is to know the eternal. To know the eternal is to be enlightened. Not to know the eternal is to act blindly and court disaster. | |
21 | 国家的命运、党的命运、人民的命运需要有这样一个领导集体。 | The destiny of the country, the Party and the people hinges on a strong collective leadership such as I have described. | |
22 | 和许多忧国忧民之士一样 | Like many who were concerned about the destiny of their country and their people | |
23 | 或许是出于对这位如此命苦的女人的怜悯;或许是出于对平淡无奇的事情也要故弄玄虚的少见多怪 | Whether from commiseration for a woman of so miserable a destiny ; or from the morbid curiosity that gives a fictitious value even to common or worthless things | |
24 | 蹇运仿佛扬扬得意地紧紧追着我,说真的,这正表明蹇运那样不可捉摸地把我摆布,目前还不过才开头呢。 | My evil destiny pursued me as if in exultation, and proved, indeed, that the exercise of its mysterious dominion had as yet only began. | |
25 | 蒋介石先生以国民党总裁和国民党政府负责人的身份,在其自己的《中国之命运》一书中也是这样乱骂“割据”,自己不负一点责任,这有什么道理呢? | What reason does Mr. Chiang have for railing against "separatism" in his China’s Destiny , without showing the slightest sense of his own responsibility in the matter, though he himself is Director-General of the Kuomintang and head of its government? | |
26 | 她把她的命运与我的未来联系在一起。 | She joins her destiny on my future | |
27 | 今天西藏各族人民充分享有政治、经济、文化等各方面的权利,完全掌握了自己的命运。 | Today the people of all ethnic groups enjoy full political, economic, cultural and other rights and have complete control of their destiny . | |
28 | 金博士还说:“我们必须做出不懈努力,将这个民族推向更崇高的命运,推向新 | And Dr King also said, "We must work unceasingly to lift this Nation to a higher destiny , to a new plateau of compassion." | |
29 | 进入二十一世纪之际,我们可以看到三个主要发展趋势正在改变着亚洲并塑造它的未来。 | As we enter the 21st century, we can see 3 major developments shaping the destiny of Asia and transforming the continent. | |
30 | 康妮觉得有点给这些话语压倒了。她知道他在理论上是对的。但是在事实上,当她考虑到和他过着那种持续的生活时……她不禁犹豫了。难道真是她的命中注定了,要把她今后的一生都断送给这个人么 | Connie was a little overwhelmed by his words. She knew he was right theoretically. But when she actually touched her steadily-lived life with him she...hesitated. Was it actually her destiny to go on weaving herself into his life all the rest of her life? |