属类:法学专业-中国法律-中国执业 医师法
1 | ( 三)毁坏军事禁区、军事管理区的围墙、铁丝网或者界线标志的。 | (3)Destroying the enclosing walls, barbed wire fences or boundary markers of the military restricted zone or the military administrative zone. | |
2 | ( 五)捏造或者歪曲事实,散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序的; | (5)Making falsehoods or distorting the truth, spreading rumors, destroying the order of society; | |
3 | (八)在铁路、公路、水域航道、堤坝上,挖掘坑穴,放置障碍物,损毁、移动指示标志,可能影响交通运输安全,尚不够刑事处罚的。 | (8)digging holes, placing obstacles, damaging, destroying or removing markers on railways, highways, navigation routes or dams which may affect safe traffic and transportation, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment. | |
4 | (二)破坏典型地震遗址、遗迹的。 | (2)destroying typical earthquake ruins or sites. | |
5 | (二)擅自提供、抄录、公布、销毁属于国家所有的档案的; | (2)providing, transcribing, publicizing, or destroying State-owned archives without authorization; | |
6 | (七)埋压、圈占或者损毁消火栓、水泵、水塔、蓄水池等消防设施或者将消防器材、设备挪作他用,经公安机关通知不加改正的; | (7)burying, enclosing or damaging and destroying fire-fighting facilities such as fire hydrants, water pumps, water towers, cisterns, or using such instruments and equipment for other purposes, and refusing to correct such acts after being informed by the public security organs; | |
7 | (七)隐匿、毁弃或者私自开拆他人邮件、电报的。 | (7)hiding, destroying , discarding or illegally opening another person’s postal articles or telegrams. | |
8 | (七)在生产劳动中故意违反操作规程,或者有意损坏生产工具的; | (7)intentionally violating the operation rules in productive labour or intentionally destroying tools of production; | |
9 | (三)故意污损国家保护的文物、名胜古迹,损毁公共场所雕塑,尚不够刑事处罚的; | (3)deliberately defacing and damaging cultural relics, scenic spots or historic relics, under protection of the state, and damaging or destroying sculptures in public places, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment; | |
10 | (三)在车辆、行人通行的地方施工,对沟井坎穴不设覆盖物、标志、防围的,或者故意损毁、移动覆盖物、标志、防围的。 | (3)when setting up a construction site in a place where vehicles and pedestrians pass, installing no covers, signs or fences for pits, wells, ridges and holes, or intentionally damaging, destroying , or removing covers, signs and fences. | |
11 | (四)故意损毁或者擅自移动路牌、交通标志的; | (4)deliberately damaging, destroying or removing without approval street nameplates or traffic markers; | |
12 | (五)故意损毁路灯、邮筒、公用电话或者其他公用设施,尚不够刑事处罚的; | (5)deliberately damaging or destroying street lamps, postboxes, public telephone booths or other public facilities, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment; | |
13 | (五)隐匿、伪造或者擅自销毁医学文书及有关资料的; | (5)concealing, forging or destroying without authorization medical documents and other relevant materials; | |
14 | (五)有毁灭、伪造证据或者串供可能的; | (5)if there is likelihood of his destroying or falsifying evidence or tallying confessions; | |
15 | (一)侵占、损毁或者未经批准擅自移动气象设施的; | (1)seizing, damaging, destroying , or relocating without approval meteorological facilities; or | |
16 | “嗯,”蕾妮说,“我真觉的有点儿遗憾,您为什么不选择另外一种职业--譬如说,做一个医生,杀人天使,虽然有天使之称,但在我看来似乎总是可怕的。” | "Well," said Rene, "I cannot help regretting you had not chosen some other profession than your own--a physician, for instance. Do you know I always felt a shudder at the idea of even a destroying angel?" | |
17 | 阿滋海默症:大脑退化的疾病,发展于成年人中、晚期,导致渐进而无法挽回的记忆衰退和其它不同的认知功能退化。 | Alzheimer’s disease :Degenerative brain disorder. It occurs in middle to late adult life, destroying neurons and connections in the cerebral cortex and resulting in significant loss of brain mass. | |
18 | 把敌人的阵地摧毁 | Silence the enemy’s guns,eg by destroying them | |
19 | 帮助当事人毁灭、伪造证据,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役 | Whoever assists the parties concerned in destroying or falsifying evidences is to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention if the circumstances are severe. | |
20 | 擦版气笔:手提的小型喷砂器,用压缩空气和浮石粉去除平版上多余的印纹。它擦去画像而不影响版面上的纹理。 | Air eraser: Miniature sandblasting hand appliance, using compressed air and pumice for removing superfluous lithographic images from the plate. It erases the images without destroying the texture of the plate. | |
21 | 除了损伤肝脏,许多研究已证明,过量饮酒可使大脑中毒。 | Besides destroying the liver, several studies have shown that excessive drinking can be toxic to the brain | |
22 | 摧毁封建文化 缔造红色世界―论红色文化对创建红色体制的主导作用 | Destroying the Feudalism Culture and Creating the Red World-On the Leading Role of the Red Culture to the Establishment of the Red System | |
23 | 但未来的巨城真的能够正常活动,而不会使城市的一切公共设施因超负荷而崩溃、不会由于空气和水的污染而使环境受到破坏吗 | But can the colossal cities of the future really function without overloading all their services to the point of collapse and destroying the environment through pollution of air and water? | |
24 | 当未成年人达到法定年龄,销毁这些记录的重要性是显而易见的,因为,少年法庭的判决被抹掉后给了未成年人一个重新开始的机会。 | The importance of destroying the records becomes evident when the juvenile attains legal age because the judgment in juvenile court is wiped away and gives the juvenile a chance at a fresh start. | |
25 | 第十五条 鉴定档案保存价值的原则、保管期限的标准以及销毁档案的程序和办法,由国家档案行政管理部门制定。禁止擅自销毁档案。 | Article 15 The principles by which the value of archives for preservation is appraised, the standards for determining the periods of preservation, and the procedures and methods for destroying archives shall be formulated by the national archives administration department. Unauthorized destruction of archives shall be prohibited. | |
26 | 第五条 对于因民间纠纷引起的打架斗殴或者损毁他人财物等违反治安管理行为,情节轻微的,公安机关可以调解处理。 | Article 5. Acts caused by civil disputes which violate the administration of public security, such as brawling and damaging or destroying another person’s property, if the adverse effects are minor, may be handled by public security organs through mediation. | |
27 | 第一百零七条 税法第二十五条所说的偷税,是指纳税义务人有意违反税法规定,涂改、伪造、销毁票据、记账凭证或者账簿,虚列、多报成本、费用,隐瞒、少报应纳税所得额或者收入额,逃避纳税或者骗回已纳税款等违法行为。 | Article 107 "Tax evasion" mentioned in Article 25 of the Tax Law means the illegal actions of a taxpayer who has intentionally violated the provisions of the Tax Law such as by: falsifying, altering or destroying account books, receipts or accounting vouchers; falsely itemizing or overstating costs and expenses; concealing or understating taxable income or receipts; or avoiding taxes or fraudulently recovering taxes already paid. | |
28 | 对毒品犯罪,规定了并处没收财产或罚金,旨在剥夺毒品罪犯的非法收益,摧毁其再次实施毒品犯罪的经济能力。 | The law specifies that property shall be confiscated or a fine imposed for drug-related crimes, aiming at depriving drug criminals of their illegal income and destroying their economic ability to commit drug-related crimes again | |
29 | ㈡收缴并销毁侵权商标标识; | (2)Confiscating and destroying representations of right-infringing trademarks; | |
30 | 该国对30个月龄以上连看上去明显健康的牛和其下脚料的销毁已花掉了数亿(英镑)。 | The country has since spent billions destroying cows more than 30 months old, regardless of their apparent health, and disposing of the remains |