1 | 她将决定这件事该怎么办。 | She will determine how it is to be done. | |
2 | 经常有必要测定翼尖油箱,翼下外挂物,炸弹或其它装置的投放特性。 | It is often necessary to determine the satisfactory release characteristics of tip tanks, underwing stores, bombs, or other devices | |
3 | 经过意见不统一的投票,由书记爱德华.劳森宣布6月29日为当年的感恩节。 | On June 20, 1676, the governing council of Charlestown, Massachusetts, held a meeting to determine how best to express thanks for the good fortune that had seen their community securely established | |
4 | 酒精比重计一种如液体比重计的仪器,用来测定液体中酒精的含量 | An instrument,such as a hydrometer,used to determine the amount of alcohol in a liquid. | |
5 | 决定位置,排列确定…的位置;设于,位于 | To determine the position of;locate. | |
6 | 勘探木材产量勘查以探明木材产量 | To inspect in order to determine lumber yield. | |
7 | 科学家们一直无法确定伊特鲁里亚人的刻印文字的意思 | Scientists have been unable to determine the signification of most Etruscan inscriptions. | |
8 | 里根在海岸防卫学校[演讲时]说,“如果美国反毒品的努力因党派对立而失败,如果我们允许政治决定政策,那将给我们和我们的子孙带来灾难。” | At the Coast Guard Academy,Reagan said that"If America’s anti-drug effort gets tripped up in partisanship,if we permit politics to determine policy,it will mean a disaster for our future and that of our children" | |
9 | 利用试验数据确定产品质量与规格相符性的实用方法 | Standard practice for utilization of test data to determine conformance with specifications | |
10 | 例如:为确保无线连接的可靠性,mac层和物理层一起工作,以确定在他们开始传输之前是否有一条清晰的路径。 | For instance ,to ensure reliability of the wireless link ,mac and PHY work together to determine if a clear path exists before they start a transmission | |
11 | 六月底我们决定最低审查合格标。 | We will determine the lowest evaluate bid end of June. | |
12 | 洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学的研究小组负责人埃里克·维兰说,在雌性胚胎中有3个基因是关键的,而在雄性中起关键作用的基因数是4个,但他们仍需确定是否是这些基因影响了老鼠的大脑性别,并且还得确定人类胚胎情况是否与此相同。 | Eric Vilain, the head of the UCLA team, said three of the genes are dominant in females and four in males, but they still need to determine whether the genes influence brain sexuality in mice and whether the same thing occurs in humans | |
13 | 美国全国癌症研究会在其网站上指出,甜叶菊甙的主要化学成分在实验室可以被转化为能改变基因的物质,而要确定这种甜味剂能否导致癌症还需进一步研究。 | The US National Cancer Institute says on its website that the main chemical in stevioside can be converted in a laboratory into a substance that alters genes, further study is needed to determine whether the sweetener can cause cancer, it says | |
14 | 美国全国人口老化协会正在展开一项研究,确定Aricept是否可以治疗患有轻度认知障碍症的人。 | The National Institute on Aging is embarking on a study to determine if Aricept can help people with mild cognitive impairment | |
15 | 明天她必须决定是是否出国。 | Tomorrow she shall determine whether to go abroad or not. | |
16 | 明天所发生的事情将决定我们是去还是留下来。 | Tomorrow’s events will determine whether we are to go or stay. | |
17 | 某一数制中的指定的数值,按其指数幂乘方再乘以尾数即可得到所要表示的实际数。注:在本含义中,建议不再使用radix(基)这个术语,因它用于“基数制”的概念之中。 | In a numeration system,the number that is raised to the power denoted by the exponent and then multiplied the mantissa to determine the number represented.Note:The term radix is deprecated in this sense because of its use in the term radix numeration system. | |
18 | 内务大臣叫精神病顾问医生决定是否应该由于健康原因将她释放(或转移到医院)。 | The Home Secretary asked a consultant psychiatrist to determine whether she ought to be released(or transferred to hospital)on health grounds. | |
19 | 那警员想查明全部事实。 | The policeman wanted to determine all the facts. | |
20 | 纳税人:如何确定应税收入? | Taxpayer:How should you determine the taxable proceeds? | |
21 | 能否做好售后服务,关系到能否取得较好的经济效益。 | Whether a good job is made of after-sale service will determine whether better economic results can be gained. | |
22 | 你在把任何电器带到美国之前,应先看看它能不能在美国使用。 | Before bringing any machines that operate electrically, check to determine if they can be used in the United States | |
23 | 判定为私生子父亲法律上确定为(例如婚姻外出生的孩子的)父亲 | To determine judicially the paternity of(a child born out of wedlock,for example. | |
24 | 确定(有机体的)类别等级 | To determine the taxonomic classification of(an organism. | |
25 | 确定数据录入或其它操作是否已经正确完成。 | To determine whether a transcription of data or other operation has been accomplished accurately. | |
26 | 确定一种语言的来源 | determine the filiation of a language | |
27 | 如何决定是否承认学生在其他学校所读的学分,每个学校都不同,有些学校只是根据证件作出决定 | Institutions differ in how they determine advanced placement. Some may determine it in advance, on the basis of documents alone | |
28 | 色度计比照色谱或视觉标准确定色彩的仪器 | Any of various instruments used to determine or specify colors,as by comparison with spectroscopic or visual standards. | |
29 | 实验,试验在受控条件下为演示一项已知真理、检验假说的正确性或确定以前未试用过的某物的效能而做的试验 | A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth,examine the validity of a hypothesis,or determine the efficacy of something previously untried. | |
30 | 双方可以各自以自己的名义或以双方的名义针对这样的行为提起诉讼或索赔。 | Both parties have the right to determine to prosecute any claims or suits in its own name or in the name of Licensee and Licensor join together against such behavior. |