属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-南非城市现状 支离破碎
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-鸟类数量锐减 是天灾还是人为?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国鸟类迁徙趋势 有所改变
1 | 一座向一边倾斜的危险房屋。 | A dilapidated building that shoulders out to one side. | |
2 | 在那时候,这地方变得破落不堪,风从裂了缝的墙壁呼呼地吹进来。 | In the meantime, the place became dilapidated , the wind whistled through the cracked walls | |
3 | 遭到破碎或毁坏的事物 | Something shattered or dilapidated . | |
4 | 这房子已破旧不堪,但还有可利用的价值。 | The house is very dilapidated but it has possibilities. | |
5 | 这楼已破败不堪。 | The building is dilapidated . | |
6 | 这所房子破烂失修已有一段时间了,但最终把它毁掉的是一阵大风。 | The building had been in a dilapidated condition for some time, but it was the gale that finally did for it | |
7 | ||1:多数城镇郊区都是成片破旧的、极其狭窄的房屋,这无疑是黑人的住所。||2:周围是一大片荒地,再远处就是城区了。||3:市区和郊区间并没有人行道,出门工作时,黑人们只能穿过田地或者道路,有时候还要挤破烂不堪的面包车。||4:1950年族群住区法将非白种人驱赶至城市边缘地带—有一定距离,但这距离也足够提供廉价劳动力—这种状况如今并无任何转变。 | ||1:Most towns start with a collection of shacks, or perhaps rows of tiny matchbox houses, inevitably inhabited by blacks.||2:A swathe of wasteland follows and then, further along, comes the town proper.||3:Between the two, black people walk through fields or along roads—there are no proper pavements—or sometimes pile in and out of dilapidated minibus taxis en route from home to work.||4:The effects of the Group Areas Act, which physically pushed non-whites to the margins of towns in 1950—at a distance, yet close enough to provide cheap labour—are still evident. | |
8 | ||1:他始创基业时,政策更为光明。||2:他跟为数不多的盟友-委内瑞拉的胡戈·查韦斯所怀抱负一样,初涉政治舞台时,决意保障子民的石油收入,而不是为外国公司服务。||3:他重谈石油合同,对财富进行再分配,看着利比亚走向富裕。不过,他的家族比任何人都富得更快,拥有上亿海外投资。||4:石油赋予了他权利,让他敢于蔑视破败不堪的祖国施加给他的限制。||5:他开始自视为第三世界的领袖,世界穷人的发言人,非洲世界的国王(2009年他任非洲统一组织主席)以及世界革命的赞助人。||6:利比里亚查尔斯·泰勒,塞拉利昂义军领导福戴·桑科等沾满血腥的名人都曾受卡扎菲邀访问利比亚,提供军事训练。||7:他给哥伦比亚革命武装力量及爱尔兰共和军提供资金,还试图激化新西兰毛利人间的矛盾。||8:哪里掀起了反西方或反议会浪潮,哪里就有他的身影,并在那儿制造麻烦。他在“绿皮书”中如是写道,唯一的真民主即人民能直接甚至运用暴力流露其意愿,不过,这句话不适用于利比亚。 | ||1: His rule had begun better. ||2: Like Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez, a rare ally, he came to power determined to secure oil revenues for his people rather than for foreign corporations. ||3: Having renegotiated the oil contracts, he redistributed wealth and saw Libya grow rich—though no one grew rich faster than his own clan, with billions invested abroad. ||4: Oil gave him power far beyond the confines of his dilapidated state. ||5: He began to see himself as the leader of the Third World, the voice of the world’s poor, the King of Africa (when, in 2009, he chaired the Organisation of African Unity) and the patron of world revolution. ||6: He invited to Libya for military training such bloodstained luminaries as Liberia’s Charles Taylor and Sierra Leone’s rebel leader, Foday Sankoh. ||7: He gave money to Colombia’s FARC and the IRA, and tried to radicalise even the Maoris of New Zealand. ||8: Wherever anti-Western or anti-parliamentary feelings stirred, he was there, sowing trouble; for as he said in the “Green Book”, the only true democracy was the direct, even violent, expression of the will of the people—except in Libya. | |
9 | ||1:英国的观鸟者已经对坏消息习以为常。||2:自1966年以来,家养麻雀的数量已从约3000万减少到1000万。||3:杓鷸的数量在十五年间锐减50%,变得越发罕见。||4:过去二十年间,曾经经常从非洲迁徙至英国东南部的布谷鸟数量减少了63%。||5:造成这种灾患的原因包括迷惑候鸟的早春,更高效的耕种以及危房(适宜筑巢)向现代房屋的转变。 | ||1:British birdwatchers are used to bad news.||2:House sparrow numbers have fallen from an estimated 30m to 10m since 1966.||3:Curlews have become a rare sight, their numbers plummeting by 50% in 15 years.||4:Cuckoos, once-frequent visitors from Africa, have declined by 63% in the south-east in the past two decades.||5:Earlier springs that confuse migratory birds, more efficient farming and the conversion of dilapidated buildings (good for nesting) into modern homes have all contributed to these woes. | |
10 | ||1:有些鸟类也发觉在南部地区繁衍更为艰难。||2:以往适宜筑巢的荒废建筑物、谷仓都被人们的住房所占领。||3:2006年至2012年,伦敦的房屋空置率下降了17%,肯特郡的下降12%。||4:同一时期,德比郡的房屋空置率上升16%,而兰开郡的上升10%。||5:哈特尔普尔的鸟类观察员兰·巴特勒称,位于英格兰东北部的北部采矿型乡村曾一度人满为患,现在人烟稀少。 | ||1:Some birds find it harder to make homes in the south, too.||2:Pressure on housing means dilapidated buildings and barns, handy for nesting, have been converted into human dwellings.||3:Between 2006 and 2012 the number of vacant dwellings fell by 17% in London and by 12% in Kent.||4:Over the same period the number of empty houses increased by 16% in Derbyshire and by 10% in Lancashire.||5:Northern mining villages once full of workers are now sparsely populated, points out Ian Bartlett, a birdwatcher in Hartlepool, in north-east England. They have become hot spots for birds and the people who watch them. | |
11 | ||1:曾经,切尔迪到处是瓦砾和破旧的房屋,无所事事的失业者在外面喧嚷。||2:轻微犯罪很猖獗:每年多达300起案件,邻近的村庄也感到恐惧。||3:现在一切都井然有序了。||4:房子很整洁,很多都有浴室。||5:小公园建成了。||6:在田里,女人用锄头干活,男人用铁锹干活,种土豆或打井。 | ||1:Cserdi had once been strewn with rubble and dilapidated houses, with idle, jobless men brawling outside.||2:Petty crime was rampant: up to 300 cases a year, with neighbouring villages terrorised.||3:Now everything was orderly.||4:The houses were neat, and many had gained bathrooms.||5:Small parks had appeared.||6:Out in the fields women worked with hoes, and men with spades, to plant potatoes or dig wells. | |
12 | (家具和建筑物)破旧的;破烂的;年久失修的 | dilapidated : (of furniture and buildings) old and in very bad condition | |
13 | (指家具、建筑物等)残破的,破烂的,失修的: | dilapidated adj. (of furniture, buildings, etc) falling to pieces; in a bad state of repair | |
14 | 1958年1月21日,斯塔克伟泽前往卡瑞尔破旧的房子去见她。 | On January 21, 1958, Starkweather went to visit Caril at her dilapidated house. | |
15 | 20年前,绝大多数城市居民住在由国营雇主分配残旧不堪的宿舍。 | Two decades ago most city folk were consigned to dilapidated quarters provided by their state-owned employer. | |
16 | 20年前,市中心还是一座废墟,到处都是荒废的建筑物和无家可归的人。 | Twenty years ago downtown was a desert of dilapidated buildings and bag people. | |
17 | 暴雨期基岩山坡上崩残积层的稳定性分析 | Analysis on the slope stability of dilapidated and residual soils upon bedrocks considering infiltration of rainstorm | |
18 | 长治市小型病险水库除险加固问题探讨 | Probe into the Reinforcement of the Small-sized Dilapidated Reservoirs in Changzhi City | |
19 | 但是宽阔平坦的大路还没完工就突然中止了修建,留下了一段坑坑洼洼的破路。 | But its gorgeous smooth surface suddenly gives way to a dilapidated , pot-holed obstacle course for the rest of the journey. | |
20 | 各州也确实有很多维修项目,比如修复一些破旧公路。 | States did have a backlog of maintenance projects, such as repaving dilapidated roads. | |
21 | 公司称价格上涨是为了应对修理、增加基础设备的需要; | The company said price hikes were needed to repair and expand the dilapidated infrastructure. | |
22 | 厚厚的云层低低地悬在中西部残破的宅地上空,预示可能发生龙卷风。 | Heavy clouds hang low over a dilapidated homestead in the Midwest, foretelling a possible tornado. | |
23 | 毁坏,磨损的汽车,巴士或其他机器 | a dilapidated , worn out car, bus or other machine | |
24 | 家境富裕的学生可得到良好的私人教育,家境贫困的被迫受教于资金不足且简陋的官办学校。 | Rich pupils get good private education; poor ones are condemned to underfunded, dilapidated state-funded schools. | |
25 | 喷射混凝土加固危房技术的研究应用 | Study and Application of Sprayed Concrete for Strengthening Dilapidated Building | |
26 | 取而代之的是,该俱乐部将出钱将14千米以外,地处伦敦南部激动人心却残破失修的英国田径运动赛场水晶宫体育场装潢一新。 | The club would pay instead to spruce up the existing, dilapidated home of British athletics, at Crystal Palace, 14km away in south London. | |
27 | 石油给予他远超其破旧国家疆界以外的权力。 | Oil gave him power far beyond the confines of his dilapidated state. | |
28 | 他渴望回到他位于新罕不舍尔州一座小村庄中的家,那是一座破败不堪的木结构农舍,他在里面独自生活。 | He yearns to return to his home in a tiny hamlet in New Hampshire, a dilapidated wooden farmhouse where he lives alone. | |
29 | 他们路过一所破烂的房子,看见里面住着一对夫妇和他们的三个孩子。 | When they passed a dilapidated house, they saw a couple with their three children living there. | |
30 | 特尔莫尔·马蒂亨莫(TelmoreMutinhima)是生活在南非成千上万的津巴布韦难民之一,他晚上在一个老旧的轮胎工厂过夜。 | Telmore Mutinhima, above, one of the thousands of refugees from Zimbabwe living in South Africa, sleeps in a dilapidated tire factory. |