1 | 因而我有理由相信凭借我的合作、努力与乐观精神,我会成为一名商贸公司的优秀秘书。 | So I am convinced that I am a perfect secretary in a large trading company with cooperation, diligence and optimism. | |
2 | 友谊具有最好大夫的医术和观察力,最好护士的勤勉和谨慎,最好母亲的柔情和耐心。--克拉伦敦 | Friendship hath the skill and observation of the best physician, the diligence and vigilance of the bet nurse, and the tenderness and patience of the best mother.-- Charlendon | |
3 | 有些书只须浅尝辄止,有些书可以囫囵吞枣,有些书应该慢慢咀嚼,加以消化;也就是说,有些书只读其中的若干总价即可;有些书应该阅读,但是不必很仔细;有些书则应该勤勉不懈聚精会神地全部阅读。--培根 | Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some grew to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention.-- Bacon | |
4 | 愉快和勤奋就是绝大部分的实用知识。 | cheerfulness and diligence are nine-tenths of practical wisdom | |
5 | 在此迈进新世纪的转捩时刻,面临着百业竞争创新的浩瀚时代,统一企业一直秉持着“诚实苦干、创新求进”的立业精神 | At the transitional moment of a new century, and while facing stiff competition, we will continue to manage our business with the principles of integrity, diligence , innovation and commitment | |
6 | 这使我感到有点意外,但回头一想,我又觉得坦然了。我没有浪费时间,也没有偷懒,把船上一切有用的东西都搬了下来 | I was a little surpriz’d, but recover’d my self with this satisfactory reflection, viz. That I had lost no time, nor abated no diligence to get everything out of her that could be useful to me | |
7 | 这些成绩完全是统一企业集团全体同仁勤奋敬业,与消费大众爱护支持共同开创出来的。 | These accomplishments are the result of integrity and diligence from all employees, as well as the heartfelt support of the general public. | |
8 | 这学生是勤勉的模范。 | This student is a model of diligence . | |
9 | 知悉该申报系失实或令人误解,或经合理努力应可确定其为失实或令人误解者 | knew that the statement was false or misleading or, with reasonable diligence , could have ascertained that it was false or misleading, | |
10 | 中华民族以勤劳勇敢著称。 | The Chinese nation is distinguished for its diligence and courage |