属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-奥巴马确立2013年执政目标
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-雄文胜武 Mightier than the swor
1 | 他不动声色,谨慎地办他的公事。 | He did administrative work diligently and cautiously without moving a muscle of his face. | |
2 | 他非常喜欢欧洲文艺复兴时期及以后的古典绘画,废寝忘食的悉心临摹。 | He liked the Western classical paintings of the Renaissance Period very much and diligently copied them day and night. | |
3 | 他们经常不是天生才华出众的人,而是那些不论在什么行业里都埋头刻苦工作的人。 | not so often the gifted, of naturally bright and shining qualities, as those who have applied themselves diligently to their work, in whatsoever line that might lie | |
4 | 他们在外企中努力学习先进技术和现代管理经验,从一个方面带动了国民素质的提高。 | They make diligently study advanced technologies and modern management experience in foreign invested enterprises, and from one aspect, brings along the increase in citizen’s quality | |
5 | 他努力学习物理。 | He studies physics diligently | |
6 | 纨绔子弟从衣兜里抽出一张报纸,开始非常用功地仔细阅读。 | The buck drew a newspaper from his pocket and set about perusing it very diligently | |
7 | 为国争光的志愿激励运动员刻苦训练。 | The desire to win glory for their country impels the athletes to train diligently . | |
8 | 我们应当谨记,天国是在精神上许诺给穷人的。 | It is incumbent on us diligently to remember that the kingdom of heaven was promised to the poor in spirit | |
9 | 我现在有了目标,我得起早贪黑勤奋工作,好攒钱开始房地产投资。 | I now had a purpose. I came in early and worked diligently , amassing as much money as possible so I could begin investing in real estate. | |
10 | 我爷爷有一个小农场,他在那里养牛,也种一些粮食。同时他还是一家工厂的工人和一个乡村牧师。 | My grandfather had a small farm where he raised beef and some grain for feed. He also worked diligently as a factory laborer and country pastor. | |
11 | 游戏中我们努力地想跳出"老鼠赛跑",这个过程是被设计得如此之好,以至于我们很快就忘记了我们是在学习。 | "The process was so well disguised that while we were diligently working to get out of the ""Rat Race,"" we quickly forgot we were learning." | |
12 | 有积极的工作态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。 | Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision. | |
13 | 幼年学书,十分刻苦。他的书法热情奔放、豪迈恣肆 | He studied calligraphy diligently while a child, and his style was mannerly and bold. | |
14 | 于是就问他这么费力地在找什么。醉汉回答说,他摔了一跤,掉了劳力士表。 | The man asked the drunk what he was looking for so diligently and the drunk said he had tripped and his Rolex wrist watch had broken loose from his wrist. | |
15 | 在所有的男孩子中他学习最勤奋。 | Of all the boy he study most diligently . | |
16 | 在这个组的所有教师中,她学习最勤奋。 | Of all the teacher in the group,she study most diligently . | |
17 | 在这里,我代表我们党,向在社会主义现代化建设中辛勤劳动的全国工人、农民和知识分子,致以崇高的敬意. | Here, on behalf of the Party, I wish to pay high tribute to all the workers, peasants and intellectuals who have worked diligently for socialist modernization. | |
18 | 这个秘密铺平了致富之路,路的尽头有对你付出时间和勤奋关注你自己的事业的回报。 | The secret that puts the rich way ahead of the pack. The reward at the end of the road for diligently taking the time to mind your own business. | |
19 | 这就是我们一直在做的----努力工作,为顾客挖掘更多利益并将它转让给顾客。 | And that′s what we continue to do-work diligently to find great deals to pass on to our customers. | |
20 | 孜孜努力地做某件事 | Put one’s back into something; do something diligently | |
21 | “就在此时此刻,参众两院的一些跨党派小组正在努力草拟一项法案,我对他们的努力表示赞赏。那么让我们来完成这项工作吧。未来几个月内请把一项全面移民改革的法案提交给我,我会立即予以签署。美国将因为它而变得更美好。让我们把它完成。” | "As we speak, bipartisan groups in both chambers are working diligently to draft a bill, and I applaud their efforts. Now let’s get this done. Send me a comprehensive immigration reform bill in the next few months, and I will sign it right away, and America will be better for it. Let’s get it done." | |
22 | ||1:但除了作为新员工,还有其他更重要的障碍。||2:最明显的是,工程师是男人,而她是女人。||3:在1953年,女性不能质疑男性。||4:女性呆在他们的地方,在这里通常是计算部门,在他们的门罗台式计算器上敲来敲去,或者在表格上填上数字,凯瑟琳和其他人一样熟练。||5:男人是伟大的设计师,工程师;这些女人是“穿着裙子的计算机”,他们会拿到一组方程式,并竭尽全力地、勤勉地仔细检查。||6:男人对这么小的事情不感兴趣。 | ||1:But there were other, more significant snags than simply being new.||2:Most obviously, he was a man and she was a woman.||3:In 1953 women did not question men.||4:They stayed in their place, in this case usually the computing pool, tapping away on their monroe desktop calculators or filling sheets with figures, she as neatly turned out as all the rest.||5:Men were the grand designers, the engineers; the women were "computers in skirts", who were handed a set of equations and exhaustively, diligently checked them.||6:Men were not interested in things as small as that. | |
23 | ||1:加顿·阿什不会撰写那些干涩无趣的文章,与某些知名作家不同,他为身为记者而自豪:无论面对何种主题,他都会勤奋挖掘素材。||2:其评论一针见血,字里行间所透出之学究式的冷冷嘲讽,让人读来不禁有大材小用之叹。||3:这位非凡的语言大师在其巅峰时期,甚至能在笔下中重现乔治·奥威尔当年的风采,而后者正是加顿·阿什心目中的伟大英雄人物之一。||4:本书收录的零散作品,其范围从他最初频繁涉足的德国与中欧,延伸到他于日后挑战的更大主题(英国与欧洲之间神经质一般的“不知、不信、不顾”关系便为一例),并一直远达更富异域情调的地区,其中包括巴西、伊朗和缅甸。 | ||1: Mr Garton Ash is incapable of writing a dull article. Unlike some famous-name writers, he is proud to be a reporter: whatever the subject, he digs diligently . ||2: He observes sharply and with a dry donnish wit that deserves greater play. ||3: A remarkable wordsmith, at his best he has an echo of one of his great heroes, George Orwell. ||4: The pieces range from his first stamping-grounds of Germany and central Europe to the bigger themes he took on later (such as Britain’s neurotic “don’t know, don’t trust, don’t care” relationship with Europe) and to more exotic places, including Brazil, Iran and Myanmar. | |
24 | ||1:现实与谎言、虚构与历史之间的边界,是世界上最具争议的边界之一。||2:它直接贯穿于乌克兰东部扭曲的不毛之地的宣传之中,也贯穿于罗兹尼察的全部作品之中。||3:在他的故事片和纪录片中,他的目标都与宣传者的相反:为了展现已经发生的事情的本质真相,以及一项更加艰巨的任务——勤奋地弄清没有发生的事情。 | ||1:The boundary between reality and lies, fiction and history, is one of the world’s most contested borders.||2:It runs squarely through the propaganda-warped badlands of eastern Ukraine—and through Mr Loznitsa’s powerful oeuvre.||3:In both his feature films and documentaries, his aim is the opposite of the propagandists’: to present the essential truth of what happened, and—an even harder task—diligently to make clear what did not happen, too. | |
25 | ||美国商品期货交易委员会对乔恩·科尔津提出民事指控,认为他与2011年全球曼氏金融破产案有关。全球曼氏金融算是一个微型投行,乔恩是其前任CEO。委员会对乔恩的指控中说,科尔津“未能尽职监管”客户资金流向,使其被挪作他用,填补债务空缺。乔恩则表示该控告为空穴来风。|| | America’s Commodity Futures Trading Commission indicted Jon Corzine on civil charges in relation to the 2011 bankruptcy of MF Global, a derivatives broker at which he was chief executive.|| The CFTC is charging Mr Corzine with a “failure to supervise diligently ” when customer funds were misused to cover bets on debt. He says the allegations have no merit.|| | |
26 | 本质上,您的团队不会因此收到干扰,并能够继续工作,实现快速发布可用软件的目标。 | In essence, your team doesn’t miss a beat and can still work diligently towards releasing working software quickly. | |
27 | 编程人员一连数周或数月都使用示例内容,并编写如清单1所示的代码。 | Programmers work diligently for weeks or months using sample content and writing code such as that shown in Listing 1. | |
28 | 不断提高企业创新力努力实现公司跳跃式发展 | To Enhance the Enterprise Innovation Ability Incessantly to Realize the Leaping Development of the Company Diligently | |
29 | 不过看现场的感觉还是很棒,有钱的话就看好看的去,嘿嘿,努力吧! | However looked that the scene the feeling is very good, the rich words favor going to which looked, heh heh, diligently ! | |
30 | 不努力学习就考不上重点高中。 | Studies not diligently does not test the key high school. |