属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-财富在哪里? The real wealth of n
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-维基百科集资 Wikipedia’s Fund-r
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-丛林法则 夏普和鸿海交易陷入困局
1 | 想要戒烟的人可以在自己的控制和医生的帮助下借助尼古丁戒烟糖来逐步减少吸烟量,这一方法已得到了普遍应用。 | Self-help and doctor-run programs, along with nicotine patches and gums that provide diminishing doses of nicotine, are among the aids available to help those who wish to quit smoking. | |
2 | 消炎利胆治疗对肝胆结石病术后复发的防治效果 | Diminishing Inflammation and Accelerating Choleresis post-operation to Cure Chronic Cholangitis and Prevention from Stone Recurrence | |
3 | 一天天过去了,两个男孩的热情始终未减,一天几次不断地检查,轻轻地翻动鸭蛋。 | Day after day, several times a day, their enthusiasm never diminishing , the boys checked and gently turned the eggs. | |
4 | 余额递减法;递减计提法:即在折旧时采取对资产的原始成本使用一个递减比率的方法计算年折旧额 | Declining balance method; reducing charge method: In depreciation where the annual charge for depreciation is the amount obtained by applying a diminishing rate to the original cost of the asset. | |
5 | 运动、认同政治和全球化:缩小差异性和增加多样性 | Sport, identity politics and globalization: diminishing contrasts and increasing varieties | |
6 | 在教皇约翰·保罗二世时期,它的权力比教会历史上任何时候都更为集中,不仅大大增加了教皇自己进行干预的各种权力,而且缩小了司法机关在教会圣徒事务委员会内部开展工作的独立性。 | Under Pope John Paul it, it has become more centralised than ever in Church history, vastly increasing the Pope’s own powers to intervene and diminishing the independence of the judicial bodies working within the congregation for the Cause of Saints | |
7 | 这病人体力渐减。 | The patient is diminishing in strength. | |
8 | 这病人体力渐虚 | The patient is diminishing in strength. | |
9 | 郑裕彤家族即将收购本港第二大专利巴士公司城巴,或会造成垄断。 | Citybus, Hong Kong’s second-largest franchised bus firm, is to be sold to the Cheng Yu-tung family for $2.2 billion in an industry consolidation that has prompted fears of diminishing competition. | |
10 | 政府必须在减少腐败中起作用。 | Governments must play a role in diminishing corruption. | |
11 | 中国、朝鲜、日本的佛塔为高塔状,用一个基本楼面往上层层重迭并逐层收缩。 | In China, Korea, and Japan, a pagoda is a tall tower repeating a basic story unit in diminishing proportions. The stories may be circular, square, or polygonal. | |
12 | 逐渐消失在亮度、响度或精力上逐渐减弱直至全部消失的活动或例子 | The act or an instance of gradually diminishing in brightness,loudness,or strength until actual disappearance occurs. | |
13 | 组合型总变差不增格式在溃坝流动计算中的比较 | Comparative Study Using Hybrid Type of Total Variation Diminishing (TVD)Schemes for Computation of Dam-Break Flows | |
14 | ||1: 比如,沙特阿拉伯,在1990——2008年间,虽然损耗了 370亿美元的化石燃料,但高中和大学毕业生的人数大大增加(人力资本增长了近1万亿美元)。 ||2:报告指出,在一些更富裕的国家,人力资本的投资收益却日渐萎缩,也许这部分国家应再度投资自然资产,重新“武装”森林,而不是图书馆。 | ||1: A country like Saudi Arabia, for example, depleted its stock of fossil fuels by $37 billion between 1990 and 2008, while adding to its stock of school-leavers and university graduates (its human capital grew by almost $1 trillion). ||2: In some richer countries, however, investments in human capital appear to have hit diminishing returns, the report argues. Perhaps governments should redirect their investment into natural capital instead, restocking their forests rather than their libraries. | |
15 | ||1:过去不明真相的外界责难维基百科,其内部也渐生自满情绪。||2:现在看来两种情况都有好转。||3:维基百科推广的概念,即任何人都可以给在线百科提供高质量东西越来越得到人们的认可。||4:维基百科的词条几乎都不是尽善尽美的,但是它们随时欢迎人们完善修改,这就大大地给它加分了。||5:维基百科也正在逐步摆脱极富个人魅力的威尔士先生的控制和对一小波讲英语爱好者的过度依赖。||6:对那些担心互联网越来越商业化、越来越孤立的人来说,维基百科逃过一劫继续扩大也是一种积极的信号。||7:它不仅仅是在整理知识,它也在制造新闻。 | ||1:Wikipedia has suffered in the past from ill-informed criticism from outside, and complacency on the inside.||2:Signs now are that both are diminishing .||3:The idea that an online encyclopedia that anyone can edit can provide high-quality content is increasingly established.||4:Wikipedia entries are rarely perfect, but their flaws are always open to instant remedy; that is a big plus.||5:The outfit also seems to be moving away from its dependence on the charismatic Mr Wales, and from its over-reliance on a narrow caste of Anglophone enthusiasts.||6:Wikipedia’s survival and expansion are also encouraging signs for those that worry the internet is in danger of becoming too commercial and closed off.||7:Wikipedia is not just collating knowledge: it is making news too. | |
16 | ||1:业界信心普遍下降,企业人士不久也会卷入其中。||2:因为银行和金融市场限制所有贷款,只保留最安全的那部分,因而工厂也意识到不能再依赖信用额度了。||3:有消息称工厂推迟其购买,削减部分发行股票,用现钞保值。||4:由于欧元区危机加重,以及一些不确定性和不安因素,企业会越发频繁对像资本项目和广告这类选择性的花销进行削减。 | ||1:Businesses will soon be caught up in this spiral of ever-diminishing confidence.||2:Firms know that credit lines cannot be relied upon when banks and financial markets shun all but the safest investments.||3:There are already reports that firms are postponing purchases and trimming their stocks of supplies to conserve cash.||4:Cuts to discretionary spending, such as capital projects or advertising, will become more common as the euro crisis intensifies and uncertainty and anxiety increase. | |
17 | Hickey说,更广泛地使用自动化技术可获得更大规模的收益,并坦言自己虽然担心收益止升回落,"但我们还没有触及增幅上限。" | There are hefty gains to be made from using more automation, says Mr Hickey, adding that although he worries about diminishing returns, "we haven’t hit the wall yet." | |
18 | ||不过,虽然如此,鸿海集团这样的胜利也可能只是皮洛士式的惨胜。毕竟它将要背负起的是一个负债累累前景又更凄风冷雨的公司。如果撤出这救命稻草一般的注资,它可能会加剧夏普走向破产。||郭台铭很清楚在弱肉强食竞争激烈的丛林中,任何一点失误都会是致命的。 | ||Still, there is reason to think this might prove a Pyrrhic victory for Hon Hai. After all, it would still be saddled with a stake in a debt-laden firm with diminishing prospects.|| By withdrawing a much-needed lifeline, it might well be propelling Sharp towards eventual bankruptcy. Mr Guo surely knows that in the jungle, mistakes can prove fatal. | |
19 | 2005年,克罗地亚广播服务停播;而据BBC的经理称,塞尔维亚现今拥有可靠的媒体,进而削弱了对英国广播公司服务的需要。 | The Croatian service was closed in 2005 and BBC managers say Serbia now has reliable media, diminishing the need for the BBC’s service. | |
20 | AOL保留了其盈利但逐步缩小的拨号业务,切拖到2006年才解除其内容限制。 | It held on to its lucrative but diminishing dial-up business and only dismantled the wall around its content in 2006. | |
21 | DiNapoli表示,报酬将会在超过两年的时间里减少多大50%,奖金缩水是“一定的”。 | DiNapoli said the diminishing bonuses were "confirmation" that the payments will drop as much as 50 percent over two years. | |
22 | 安理会越来越不具有代表性,不合时宜,权威日衰。 | An increasingly unrepresentative, anachronistic Security Council speaks with diminishing authority. | |
23 | 伴随着换气扇吸气的嘘声,他说那场事故对他的影响在日渐消退。 | The accident’s power over him was diminishing , he said, as his ventilator sucked and hissed. | |
24 | 边际技术替代率递减 | diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution | |
25 | 边际收益递减像摘苹果。 | Diminishing marginal returns are like pickingapples. | |
26 | 边际替代率递减 | diminishing marginal rate of substitution | |
27 | 边际效用价值论所揭示的边际效用递减规律是正确的; | The law of the diminishing marginal benefit expressed in the marginal benefit theory is correct; | |
28 | 并且,这些多巴胺减小的过程会让人无生气、郁闷和消沉。 | And diminishing levels of dopamine produce lethargy, despondency and depression. | |
29 | 并且他一定会担心自己的男儿气概在不断衰减。按荷兰人的说法,就是“门在慢慢关上。” | And he certainly questions the diminishing of his virility, what the Dutch call "the shutting of the door. " | |
30 | 不过,总体而言,英国对于国家实力不断削弱的说法一直予以否认。 | In general, however, Britain’s reaction to diminishing national power has been denial. |