属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-金斯伯格大选数周前去世引发两党政治争斗
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-女士专用出租车 女驾驶员
1 | 脾气坏的性情上心胸狭窄的、不随和的且顽固的:脾气不好的 | Mean-spirited, disagreeable , and contrary in disposition; cantankerous. | |
2 | 请求之声从四面八方袭来,连埃德蒙都说,“范妮如果你不十分反感的话,就干吧。” | She was immediately surrounded by supplications, even Edmumd said, "Do Fanny, if it is not very disagreeable to you." | |
3 | 人的心灵尽管奋发向上,飞向壮丽的高空,但它所习以为常的却是地面上那些卑微可怜的小事。 | The mind soars by an effort to the grand and lofty: it at home in the groveling, the disagreeable , and the little | |
4 | 声音不和谐的;刺耳的,不调和 | Disagreeable in sound;harsh or dissonant. | |
5 | 食物可能不合口味. | Food may be disagreeable to the taste! | |
6 | 说到那一张通知书,我很高兴它已经到了您的手里,这可以使我不必自我介绍了,因为自我介绍总是很不方便的。 | But as regards the letter of advice, I am charmed to find that it has reached you.That will spare me the troublesome and disagreeable task of coming to you for money myself | |
7 | 说起直升飞机对敌人村庄的突袭,思想犯的审讯和坦白,爱护部地下室里的处决,他那副心满意足的样子好不惹人厌。 | He would talk with a disagreeable gloating satisfaction of helicopter raids on enemy villages, and trials and confessions of thought-criminals, the executions in the cellars of the Ministry of Love | |
8 | 他对我的谈话很感兴趣,因为那时我的谈吐也许不怎么令人讨厌。他听我说要出去见见世面,就对我说,假如我愿意和他一起去,可以免费搭他的船,并可做他的伙伴,和他一起用餐。 | And who taking a fancy to my conversation, which was not at all disagreeable at that time, hearing me say I had a mind to see the world, told me if I would go the, voyage with him I should be at no expense; I should be his mess-mate and his companion | |
9 | 他发觉他的合股人很不近人情,他经常喝得酩酊大醉,而且在喝醉的时候脾气变得很坏。 | He found his partner to he very disagreeable . Frequently he was the worse for liquor which made him surly. | |
10 | 他发现难以忍受这种不愉快的状况。 | He found it hard to reconcile himself to the disagreeable state. | |
11 | 他是个难以相处的家伙。 | He is a disagreeable fellow. | |
12 | 他一贯刚愎自用,性情乖戾。 | He is always self-willed and disagreeable . | |
13 | 他总是努力避免不愉快的话题. | He always studied to avoid disagreeable topics. | |
14 | 讨厌的顽童. | a disagreeable imp | |
15 | 洗手间即使不算肮脏,也是粗陋不堪,空气污秽恶劣。 | The washrooms were disagreeable , crude, if not foul places, and the whole atmosphere was sordid. | |
16 | 一个脾气坏的人. | a disagreeable fellow | |
17 | 一个野心勃勃、狡猾、平庸而又虚伪的投机商,体现了…他的那个年代的最令人讨厌的种种特点(b戴维·坎纳戴恩) | an ambitious,disingenuous,philistine,and hypocritical operator,who.exemplified.the most disagreeable traits of his time(bDavid Cannadine) | |
18 | 一个野心勃勃、狡猾、平庸而又虚伪的投机商,体现了…他的那个年代的最令人讨厌的种种特点(戴维·坎纳戴恩) | an ambitious,disingenuous,philistine,and hypocritical operator,who.exemplified.the most disagreeable traits of his time(David Cannadine) | |
19 | 一天天过去,哈里代的评论越来越肆无忌惮,越来越讨人嫌,越来越阴损了。 | Halliday’s comments grew daily more and more sparklingly disagreeable and disparaging | |
20 | 易怒的脾气坏的;易怒的 | Having a disagreeable disposition;irritable. | |
21 | 银杏,白果一种产于中国的雌雄异株的落叶树(佛指银杏属),有扇形叶子和多肉的淡黄色果实和讨厌的气味。雄树通常生长在街道的两旁,用作装饰 | A deciduous,dioecious tree(Ginkgo biloba)native to China and having fan-shaped leaves and fleshy yellowish seeds with a disagreeable odor.The male plants are often grown as ornamental street trees. | |
22 | 用于指某人不喜欢或极其讨厌的人的贬义用语. | Used as a disparaging term for a person one dislikes or finds extremely disagreeable . | |
23 | 原因就在于,这位五短身材、病病怏怏、脾气暴躁、富于魅力的小老头永远是正确的。 | Because this undersized, sickly, disagreeable , fascinating little man was right all the time. The joke was on us | |
24 | 在人前不要说瞎话,没有比这更让人讨厌和不悦的事了。 | Do not tell stories in company; there is nothing more tedious and disagreeable | |
25 | 他在声明中指出,金斯伯格证明了“一个人可以反对,但又不给人带来反感。” | His statement noted that Ginsburg had "demonstrated that one can disagree without being disagreeable ." | |
26 | ||1:但并不是每个人都觉得这是好主意。||2:在最近的一次演讲中,欧盟委员会主席乌苏拉·冯·德莱恩提到,这种“黄金护照”是对欧洲法治的一系列威胁之一,同样也侵害着审判。||3:她的烦恼是可以理解的。||4:因为持有欧盟护照的人可以在欧盟成员国的任何地方活动,塞浦路斯政府的快钱会给欧盟其余成员国带来麻烦。||5:塞浦路斯自2013年启动该计划以来,已从中获利70亿欧元,相当于该岛国年度国内生产总值的四分之一。||6:它已经将签证卖给了大批富有却不讨喜的人,这些人现在可以自由在德国或法国定居。 | ||1:Not everyone thinks this is a good idea.||2:In a recent speech Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission’s president, mentioned such “golden passports” as one of a list of threats to the rule of law in Europe, alongside judge-nobbling.||3:Her annoyance is understandable.||4:Since anyone with an EU passport can move anywhere in the bloc, a quick buck for the Cypriot government can create problems for the rest of the EU.||5:Cyprus has made 7bn euros from the scheme since its launch in 2013, which amounts to a quarter of the island’s annual GDP.||6:It has sold passports to plenty of rich but disagreeable folk, who are now free to settle in Germany or France. | |
27 | ||1:奸夫、变态、叛徒、杀人犯。||2:1793年,在法国没有哪个女人比玛丽亚·安东尼特更受到无情的诽谤。||3:政治小册子散布有关她堕落的毫无根据的谣言。||4:一些画显示了她与多个情人在一起,有男有女。||5:另一些人把她描绘成一个大雕,一个臭名昭著的令人讨厌的神话野兽,一半是猛禽,一半是女人。||6:这种诽谤达到了政治目的。||7:推翻君主制的革命者们想在砍下前女王的头之前败坏她的名声。 | ||1:Adulterer, pervert, traitor, murderer.||2:In France in 1793, no woman was more relentlessly slandered than Marie Antoinette.||3:Political pamphlets spread baseless rumours of her depravity.||4:Some drawings showed her with multiple lovers, male and female.||5:Others portrayed her as a harpy, a notoriously disagreeable mythical beast that was half bird-of-prey, half woman.||6:Such mudslinging served a political purpose.||7:The revolutionaries who had overthrown the monarchy wanted to tarnish the former queen’s reputation before they cut off her head. | |
28 | ||1:与此类似的服务在印度、南非和众多中东城市发展迅速。||2: 巴西和墨西哥的一些城市专门为女性 提供被称为“粉色运输”的公共交通项目。 ||3:日本自1912年开始就不断地推出专为女性设置的客运列车。||4: 著名的花朵火车为那些在东京早晚高峰时段艰难摸索进站 的女性提供了避难所,乘地铁不再那么令人难以忍受。 ||5:宾馆提供的女士专用楼层也大受欢迎。 | ||1: Similar services thrive in India, South Africa and several Middle Eastern cities. ||2: Some Brazilian and Mexican cities offer women-only public-transport programmes known as “pink transport”. ||3: Japan has had women-only railway carriages on and off since 1912. ||4: Known as hana densha (flower trains), they offer a haven from the gropers who make rush hour in Tokyo so disagreeable . ||5: Women-only hotel floors are popular, too. | |
29 | (对一个不受欢迎的追求者的殷勤觉得讨厌); | to find the attentions of an unwanted suitor disagreeable | |
30 | 不顺服或无理取闹的行为可以给他减去五分。 | Disagreeable and unreasonable behavior can be penalized 5 points or so. |