属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-爱的代价 The price of love
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-上世纪的名流 Twentieth-century li
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国电信 呼吸新鲜的电波
1 | 这个女人的失踪令人费解,使大家十分担忧。 | The inexplicable disappearance of the woman worried everyone. | |
2 | 这些研究人员上周在魁北克举行的会议中表示,与浮冰的融解类似,永冻层的消失可能急剧改变当地居民的生活方式。 | During a meeting in Montreal last week, these researchers indicated that the disappearance of permafrost, similar to the melting of ice floes, is rapidly changing the lifestyle of local residents | |
3 | 终变期有丝分裂的最终阶段,以二价染色体的收缩、纺缍形纤维的形成、核仁的消失以及核膜的退化为特点 | The final stage of the prophase in meiosis,characterized by shortening and thickening of the paired chromosomes,formation of the spindle fibers,disappearance of the nucleolus,and degeneration of the nuclear membrane. | |
4 | 朱迪思走后不久,吹来了轻轻的南风。 | Shortly after the disappearance of Judith, a light southerly air arose | |
5 | 逐渐消失在亮度、响度或精力上逐渐减弱直至全部消失的活动或例子 | The act or an instance of gradually diminishing in brightness,loudness,or strength until actual disappearance occurs. | |
6 | ||1: 懦弱的同谋是Carlos Gamerro小说《公开的秘密》(An Open Secret)的中心内容,该书最早出版于2002年,是一部有实力成为经典作品的惊悚小说。 ||2:完美的犯罪是“众目睽睽之下的犯罪——因为这样没有目击者,只有同谋。”||3:一位参加过福克兰群岛(阿根廷称之为马尔维纳斯群岛)战争的老兵上世纪90年代回到他在潘帕斯草原的家,对一起事件进行调查:20年前迭戈·马拉多纳首次登场比赛,就在那个周末,一个被拘留的麻烦缠身的年轻记者莫名失踪。||4:他发现这并不是一场沉默的阴谋,而是“人人都在谈论的阴谋”,这起谋杀在全城人尽皆知。 | ||1: Craven complicity is at the heart of Carlos Gamerro’s “An Open Secret”, a literary thriller first published in 2002 that has the makings of a classic. ||2: The perfect crime is “one committed in the sight of everyone—because then there are no witnesses, only accomplices.” ||3: A veteran of the war in the Falklands (or Malvinas as they are known in Argentina) returns in the 1990s to his hometown in the pampas to probe the disappearance in custody of a troublesome young journalist during the weekend of Diego Maradona’s football debut 20 years earlier. ||4: He finds a “conspiracy of chattiness” rather than of silence, over a murder the whole town was in on. | |
7 | ||1:20世纪60年代后,很快Belafonte的事业开始走下坡路。但这丝毫不令人感到意外:守城永远没有攻城有意思。||2:Belafonte的这本自传也长的让人生厌:Belafonte漫谈他不太顺利生意,Belafonte烦恼他家小孩享受特权,这些描写冗长又乏味。||3: 接着是他的政治判断:支持Martin Luther King junior反对不公正和压迫,与支持老练的政治压迫者,例如Hugo Chávez 和 Fidel Castro,是不尽相同的。 ||4:鉴于年代的局限性,以及当时种族隔离的世界顺应人心地消失,Belafonte的这首生命之歌,将不会再被奏响。 | ||1: After the 1960s, “My Song” goes downhill quickly, but that is hardly a surprise: maintaining fame is never as interesting as achieving it. ||2: The book is also too long. Mr Belafonte’s ramblings about business deals that went sour and his agonising over the extraordinary privileges his children enjoyed grow tedious. ||3: And then there is his political judgment. Standing with Martin Luther King junior to fight injustice and oppression is quite different from standing with practised political oppressors such as Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro. ||4: Still, Mr Belafonte does have a remarkable song to sing. Given its breadth, and the welcome disappearance of the segregated world in which it began, such a song will not be sung again. | |
8 | ||1:上世纪60年代后,贝拉方特“唱”不动了,事业迅速下滑。但这并不奇怪:追逐名誉时,人们总是乐此不疲,但要永葆不衰,可就难咯。||2: 这本同名自传也够冗长的: 不是漫谈生意不顺,就讲孩子享受优待,当爹的很是焦虑的事,读着读着也觉得无聊。 ||3:书中还叙述了其个人的政治判断:他既和老练得政治压迫者(比如雨果·查韦斯,菲德尔·卡斯特罗)有过交情,也曾与马丁·路德·金并肩,同歧视,压迫做过斗争。两者意义却大不相同。||4:不过,贝拉方特还真有一首别致的歌要唱,但一来这歌受众不广,二来它出炉于种族隔离的时代,如今,人们早已敞开胸怀,愈合这个世界,如此看来⒆,此曲恐为绝唱哩! | ||1: After the 1960s, “My Song” goes downhill quickly, but that is hardly a surprise: maintaining fame is never as interesting as achieving it. ||2: The book is also too long. Mr Belafonte’s ramblings about business deals that went sour and his agonising over the extraordinary privileges his children enjoyed grow tedious. ||3: And then there is his political judgment. Standing with Martin Luther King junior to fight injustice and oppression is quite different from standing with practised political oppressors such as Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro. ||4: Still, Mr Belafonte does have a remarkable song to sing. Given its breadth, and the welcome disappearance of the segregated world in which it began, such a song will not be sung again. | |
9 | ||1:他曾是曼谷的杰伊?盖茨比:腰缠万贯、魅力四射、热情无限,但身世总有一些神秘。||2:他的死亡只能令这种神秘有增无减。||3:1967年的复活节那天他离开马来西亚金马伦高原的度假小屋,似乎是想在午后散个步。||4:然后他就此消失。||5:尽管人们进行了大规模的常规搜索(后来还使用了更多带有异国风情的方法,包括通灵术和派一个廓尔喀族人空降柬埔寨),却未发现他的丝毫踪迹。||6:关于此事的阴谋论之多足以装满一个图书馆,却未能解释他为何消失。 | ||1:HE WAS the Jay Gatsby of Bangkok: rich, charming, glamorous and endlessly hospitable, but with something mysterious in his background.||2:The mystery only deepened with his death.||3:On Easter Sunday in 1967 Jim Thompson left the cottage where he was on holiday in the Cameron Highlands in Malaysia, apparently for an afternoon walk.||4:He vanished.||5:Despite a huge conventional search operation (followed by more exotic efforts involving psychics and a Gurkha parachuted into Cambodia), no trace was ever found of him.||6:A library’s-worth of conspiracy theories has never explained his disappearance . | |
10 | 这种做法会提高电视台的运营成本,同时可能导致临近墨西哥、加拿大的边境城市里的部分电视台消失,因为在那里频带资源本就很有限。 | This will raise their costs and could lead to the disappearance of some stations in cities near the Mexican and Canadian borders, where TV spectrum is already limited. |