属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人权 关于同性恋的分歧
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 移民的数字游戏
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-奥巴马医改 实验医学
1 | 许多人不赞同学校里把孩子们按程度分班。 | Many people disapprove of streaming children in schools | |
2 | 许多人都不赞成在学校里将学生按智力分班。 | Many people disapprove of streaming children in school. | |
3 | 厌恶;不赞成 | To disapprove of;dislike. | |
4 | 因为工程师代表的失误,未曾对任何工作、材料或工程设备发出否定意见,不应影响工程师对该工作、材料或工程设备提出否定意见,并发出进行改正的指示的权力 | any failure of the Engineer’s Representative to disapprove any work, materials or Plant shall not prejudice the authority of the Engineer to disapprove such work, materials or Plant and to give instructions for the rectification thereof | |
5 | 有人说,有的地方戏不好,连本地人也反对。 | Some say that a few local operas are so bad that even the local people disapprove of them | |
6 | 有些女孩子不喜欢粗野的游戏。 | Some girls disapprove of rough games | |
7 | 有些同志不赞成我党中央关于我国农业合作化的步骤应当和我国的社会主义工业化的步骤相适应的方针,而这种方针,曾经在苏联证明是正确的。 | Some comrades disapprove of our Central Committee’s policy of keeping the development of agricultural co-operation in step with our socialist industrialization, although the validity of such a policy has been borne out in the Soviet Union | |
8 | 在前面的桌子上我们看到副总统切尼有些不高兴(很多保守党人士都不同意这一计划),而布什总统靠在一个大官印旁边, | At the front desk we see Vice President Cheney looking none too pleased (many conservatives disapprove )and President Bush next to a big bureaucratic stamp | |
9 | 这是件了不起的事情,不赞成的人会有不少 | It would be an extraordinary thing, which many people would disapprove of. | |
10 | ||1:不过,随着时间的推移,人们的态度也发生了变化。||2:值得注意的是,不管是在东德还是西德,1975之后出生的女性比年长的女性更有可能否认全职妈妈,这推翻了年轻女性更热衷于工作的观点,或许女性的观点是由她们所面临的政策决定的。||3:凯瑟琳·若珂是该报告的作者之一,她也怀疑这种转变标志着年轻女性对德意志民主共和国的双职工模式和德意志联邦共和国的单职工模式的排斥。||4:她说:“相反,年轻一代似乎热衷于半工作模式。”这一偏好可能需要相应的政策予以回应。 | ||1: Attitudes have also changed over time, though. ||2: Strikingly, women born after 1975 in both the east and west are more likely to disapprove of mothers in full-time work than older ones, putting paid to the idea that younger women are keener on work. Perhaps women’s views are shaped by the policies they face. ||3: Katharina Wrohlich, one of the report’s authors, also suspects that the shift marks a rejection by younger women of both the dual-earner model of the GDR and the single-earner model of the FRG. ||4: "Instead the younger generation seems to be aspiring to the one-and-a-half jobs model," she says—a preference that policy may need to respond to in turn. | |
11 | ||1:根据皮尤调查研究中心7月14日发布的国际民意思调查报告,这种观点似乎不为外界所知。||2:外国人不是很喜欢被窥视,许多国家都反对美国使用无人机。||3:然而在中东以外的许多地区人们依然很喜欢美国。||4:美国民众并没有对其总统失去信心、不抱幻想。||5:总统的工作得到40%的民众的支持,这也在其他方面得到回应。 | ||1:This seems to have passed the rest of the world by, according to a Pew Research Centre world poll, published on July 14th.||2:Foreigners do not much like being snooped on, and most countries disapprove of America’s use of drones.||3:Yet most places outside the Middle East still view America favourably.||4:Nor does America’s disenchantment with its president, whose job approval numbers hover around 40%, seem to be echoed elsewhere.||5:Taking Pew’s numbers on whether countries expect Mr Obama to do the right thing in world affairs and comparing them with state-by-state presidential approval numbers from Gallup, it turns out that the 44th president is more popular in China than in all but three of the 50 states: Maryland, Massachusetts and Hawaii. | |
12 | ||1:实话说,即使一些政客以愤世嫉俗的原因提出反对,对同性恋的反感是一个古老深刻的话题。||2:拿起武器反对假象的西方阴谋,普京和尼日利亚总统乔纳森无疑希望从自己的政权的腐败和无能中转移注意力。||3:他们精明的挑选了他们的替罪羊:74%的俄罗斯人和98%的尼日利亚人反对同性恋。||4:在像印度尼西亚,塞内加尔,乌干达和马来西亚这样地方的年轻人不像老年人那么宽容,甚至更少。 | ||1:Revulsion against homosexuals is ancient, deep and, in its way, sincere, even if some of the politicians leading the backlash do so for cynical reasons.||2:By taking up arms against an imaginary Western plot to spread perversion, Vladimir Putin and Nigeria’s Goodluck Jonathan doubtless hope to distract attention from the corruption and incompetence of their own regimes.||3:But they have picked their scapegoats shrewdly: 74% of Russians and 98% of Nigerians disapprove of homosexuality.||4:In places like Indonesia, Senegal, Uganda and Malaysia the young are no more tolerant than the old—sometimes less so. | |
13 | ||1:市内政客、学校官员和活动家们都谈及转折点。||2:如今,每八个纳什维尔居民就有一个生于国外,每三个当地儿童中就有一个生活在双语或非英语家庭。纳什维尔不能简单的让新来者离开。||3:鲁伊斯(Ruiz)称,她的美国朋友们可能不同意奥巴马的行政行为,但是他们都为她感到高兴,因为这确保了她的法律身份。||4:迪安(Dean)市长则更进一步,借鉴了美国民众热心支持的古老传统。||5:他说,多亏了民族的多样性,“纳什维尔成了一座更加有趣的城市”,这种嗡嗡的吵闹声和移民带来的能量在预示着美好的未来。||6:他还补充道,在一个高度流动化的国家,如果人们选择了纳什维尔,那会是“民众能够给予的最高赞美“。 | ||1:City politicians, school officials and activists talk of a tipping point.||2:With one-in-eightNashvilleresidents now foreign-born, and one-in-three local children living in a bilingual or non-English household, the city cannot simply wish newcomers away.||3:Ms Ruiz reports that American friends may disapprove of Mr Obama’s executive action, but they are happy for her that it will secure her legal papers.||4:Mayor Dean goes further, drawing on the age-old traditions of American civic boosterism.||5:Thanks to its ethnic diversity, “Nashvilleis a much more interesting city,” he says, with a “buzz” and an “energy” that bodes well for the future.||6:In a highly mobile country, if people pickNashville, that is “the highest compliment they can pay,” he adds. | |
14 | ||1:政治上来讲,奥巴马医改依然备受争议。||2:民意测验的比较发现51%的美国民众不赞同该医改,仅有41%的人支持它。||3:共和党人在竞选演说中猛烈抨击奥巴马医改,而民主党只是顺便提一提。||4:Halbig v Burwell诉讼案件争论法律只允许通过国营的交易而非联邦交易给予保险补助金。||5:如果原告获胜,他们将保障整个改革。 | ||1:Politically, Obamacare remains highly controversial.||2:A poll of polls finds that 51% of Americans disapprove of it; only 41% approve.||3:Republicans bash it in stump speeches; Democrats mention it only in passing.||4:A lawsuit, Halbig v Burwell, contends that the law allows insurance subsidies only through state-run exchanges, not through the federal one.||5:If the plaintiffs win, they could kneecap the entire reform. | |
15 | “反巧言、倡讷言”是孔子在春秋时期提出的说话观。 | "To disapprove explicit words to approve awkward words" is Kong Zi proposes in the Spring and Autumn Period time speaks view. | |
16 | 不同意未成年喝酒的孩子们的父母,他们在大学的时候是不太喝酒的。 | The children of parents who disapprove of underage drinking drink less when they’re in college. | |
17 | 此后,尽管这一数字有些波动,但多数人依然持反对态度。 | Although the numbers have bobbed around since then, most still disapprove . | |
18 | 但是,他们认为使他们相爱的最好方法是装作好像不同意两个孩子之间产生任何关系。 | But, they feel that the best way to make this happen is to act as if they disapprove of any relationship between their 2 children. | |
19 | 但是如果最高法院维持这样的裁决,现在就会很难决定应该禁止同性性行为仅仅因为许多印度人持反对意见。 | But if it does so, it will now be tough to argue that gay sex should be banned because many Indians disapprove of it. | |
20 | 当你阻止我时我有多么伤心。 | Cuz it hurts when you disapprove all along. | |
21 | 动物保护主义者强烈反对用动物做实验。 | Disapprove of Aniamal conservation strongly disapprove of experimenting on animals. | |
22 | 对于雇主来说,他们应该假装不赞同这种做法,但继续睁只眼闭只眼。 | As for employers, they should pretend to disapprove but continue to turn a blind eye. | |
23 | 对于这个派对,我并不十分反对的一个问题反而是个大问题,就是:布莱克把三分之二的费用算作业务支出。 | The one thing that I don’t necessarily disapprove of about the party is the big thing: that Black put two-thirds of the bill on expenses. | |
24 | 伏尔泰也许会说:“我不喜欢你的穿戴,但是我将誓死捍卫你如此穿戴的权利。” | As Voltaire might have said, "I disapprove of your dress, but I will defend to the death your right to wear it. " | |
25 | 毫无疑问的是他们肯定不赞成,尤其是妈妈。 | No doubt they would disapprove , especially her mother. | |
26 | 还有另外一些人抱怨说这是一个要么接受要么放弃的选择,但他们可能反对其中一些条款而赞成另外一些。 | Others complained that, though you might disapprove of some clauses and approve of others, it was a take-it-or-leave it package. | |
27 | 即使你对你正在看的内容并不赞同,色情作品对身体、思想、精神还是有一种即时的影响… | Porn has an instant effect on the human body and mind and the psyche, even if you disapprove of what you are seeing . . . | |
28 | 假设你是一名食品和药品管理局的官员,你负责批准一种新药是否能够销售。 | You’re an FDA official, you have a question of whether to approve or disapprove a new drug. | |
29 | 她想当演员,但她父母不赞成她的想法。 | She wants to be an actress, but her parents disapprove of her intentions. | |
30 | 近60%的美国人不赞同贝拉克•奥巴马处理经济问题的方式,75%的美国人认为国会的工作做的很糟糕。 | Almost 60% of Americans disapprove of Barack Obama’s handling of the economy, and three out of four think Congress is doing a lousy job. |