1 | 但自那以后,北韩在六方会谈上却否认了该承诺,而会谈本是希望使北韩裁减军备。 | The North has since all but disowned the promise at the six-party talks aimed at getting it to disarm . | |
2 | 多年来,军队和执法机构一直利用专用机器人解除炸弹,完成其它危险任务。 | For years, the military and law enforcement agencies have used specialized robots to disarm bombs and carry out other dangerous missions. | |
3 | 凤凰冲击的缴械效果不会因你在结束前魔免而无法消失了。 | Icarus Dive disarm now gets properly dispelled if you become magic immune while the debuff is on you | |
4 | 关于拆除北韩核武装的步骤的谈判曾在北韩准备提交一份本国核材料清单时陷于停顿。 | Negotiations on steps to disarm nuclear North Korea were halted while Pyongyang prepared a declaration of its nuclear materials. | |
5 | 将“一切都好”挂在嘴边能解除欺负者的武装,能修补婚姻,能停止拳脚。 | Keeping "All is well" on the tip of your tongue can disarm bullies, mend marriages, stop fist fights. | |
6 | 今天早晨,15人一组的突击队员开始进入泰姬酒店和Trident酒店,试图拯救人质并解除恐怖分子的武装。 | Early today commandos had begun to enter both the Taj and Trident in groups of 15 in an attempt to rescue hostages and disarm the attackers. | |
7 | 尽管早先达成的协议原则上要求解除(朝鲜的)核武装,但他可能已经拥有足够制造多达12枚核弹的裂变材料。 | Despite an earlier agreement in principle to disarm , he may already have enough fissile material for up to a dozen bombs. | |
8 | 就帮助解除经济定时炸弹的一小措施在参议院引起了争论 | The Senate debates a small measure to help disarm an economic time bomb | |
9 | 联合国秘书长安南说,参与民主进程的任何组织都应该放下武器。 | U. N. Secretary General Kofi Annan says any group that participates in a democratic process should disarm . | |
10 | 了解到其统治以及其自身的存亡会受到不断的威胁,金正日极不情愿进行裁军。 | No doubt understanding that his regime and his own survival are under constant threat, Kim has been quite unwilling to disarm . | |
11 | 目前,唯一能使真主党解除武装的途径就是与真主党达成一个它能接受的协议。 | At present, the only way to disarm Hizbullah is therefore in the context of an agreement Hizbullah itself can be made to accept. | |
12 | 难道就能解除真主党的武装,并处理叙利亚和伊朗? | Would it be able to disarm Hizbullah and deal with Syria and Iran? | |
13 | 让着惨烈的一幕激励我们去完成解除乱党武装、恢复本地区和平与稳定的使命。 | Let it persuade us to complete our mission to disarm the rebels and to bring peace and stability to this region. | |
14 | 他敦促总统宣布该地区进入“紧急状态”,派遣军队进入,解除参与此事的各团体的武装。 | He urged the president to declare a "state of emergency" in the area and bring in the military to disarm the groups involved. | |
15 | 他们仅使用少量的水和少量的炸药(就能拆弹)。 | They are using a very small amount of water and a very small amount of explosives (to disarm bombs). | |
16 | 他们是否真正愿意且有能力通过武力使真主党解除武装? | Would they really be willing or able to disarm Hizbullah by force? | |
17 | 他们也进行了大量排雷工作,帮助数以万计的叛乱分子解除武装(包括童子军)。 | They have also done a lot of de-mining and have helped disarm tens of thousands of fighters, including child soldiers. | |
18 | 他说:“她们这样做就是为了让她们的丈夫放下武器,如果他们没交枪,就得决定准备在何时、何地,通过何种方式交枪。” | "The message they are giving them is disarm or if not then they will decide how, when, where and at what time, " he said. | |
19 | 他说服成千上万的右翼准军事组织解除武装,对哥伦比亚革命武装力量游击队造成了可能致命的打击。 | He persuaded thousands of right-wing paramilitaries to disarm , and has inflicted probably mortal blows on the FARC guerrillas. | |
20 | 它们拆除炸弹、执行飞行战斗任务、组装精密复杂的机器甚至踢足球。 | They disarm bombs, fly combat missions, put together complicated machines, even play football. | |
21 | 我们请求准许进口防弹车,要求给我们提供探侧和解除IED(ImprovisedExplosiveDevices)炸弹的技术。 | We requested permission to import a bulletproof vehicle. We asked to be provided technology that would detect and disarm IEDs. | |
22 | 现在,加拿大和日本的科学家们已经想出了对付导致食物中毒的病菌的新招。 | Now scientists in Canada and Japan have come up with a new way to disarm the bugs that cause food poisoning. | |
23 | 现在,在奥巴马开始争取在2012年竞选连任之际,纽约和白宫外面欢呼的人群将化解这些批评。 | Now, at the outset of his 2012 re-election campaign, the cheering crowds in New York and outside the White House will disarm the critics. | |
24 | 一个大问题摆在面前是,政府是否能履行承诺,在解除军阀私人武装上究竟准备走的多远。 | A bigger question is how far the national government is prepared to go to disarm all the warlords’ armies, as it has promised. | |
25 | 因此黎巴嫩政府军或是联合国部队想要违背真主党的意愿解除他的武装的可能性几乎为零。 | And the likelihood of the Lebanese army or a UN force trying to disarm Hizbullah against its will is zero. | |
26 | 再次强调的是,最有效的谈话是双方都保持中立:声明谈话过程中不能耍花招。 | Again, the most effective is to move to the middle: disarm the ploy by addressing it. | |
27 | 政府发言人说,另一个头等大事是,解除塞义德.巴卡尔的民兵武装,找到他们的头目。 | He says another priority will be to disarm Mohamed Bacar’s militias and find their leader. | |
28 | 之后不久,中国官员预言,旨在向北朝鲜施压的六方会谈会“因此搁置个把月”。 | Soon after, Chinese officials predicted that negotiations intended to pressure the North to disarm would be "shelved for a few months. " | |
29 | 最微妙的是,犹太定居者坚持保留自卫队,巴勒斯坦政府怎样消除敌意让他们放下武装? | Most awkward of all, how would a Palestinian government disarm settlers who insisted on retaining self-defence militias? |