属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国政治 幕后智者
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-?一周要闻 巴基斯坦发生自杀式爆炸 伊斯兰
1 | (二)全部伪军立即缴械遣散,在华北、苏北、皖北者,由解放区负责缴械遣散 | (2)All puppet troops should be immediately disarmed and disbanded, and in northern China, northern Kiangsu and northern anhwei the Liberated Areas should take charge of such disarming and disbanding | |
2 | 不过这个人有他特别吸引人的地方,笑容可掬,因此我也就不去计较了。 | But there was something so magnetic about the man and so disarming his smile, that I didn’t care | |
3 | 将到三马路口的时候,她突然站住了,从韩孟翔的臂弯中脱出她的右手来,她退一步,很妩媚地对韩孟翔笑了一笑,又飞一个吻,转身就跳上了一辆人力车。韩孟翔站住了望着她发怔。 | As they reached Hankow Road she stopped dead and pulled her arm out of his, then stepped back with a disarming smile, blew him a kiss, and jumped into a rickshaw. Han Meng-hsiang stood rooted to the ground, gaping after her receding figure | |
4 | 随着技术的进步,这一点更趋明显了:任何一方都不可能指望在实际上逐步形成一种可以信赖的、能使对方解除武装的能力,除非是通过一种巨大得足以对政治稳定造成重大威胁的努力。 | As technology advanced, it became apparent that neither side could realistically expect to develop a credible disarming capability against the other except through efforts so gigantic as to represent a major threat to political stability | |
5 | 他以使人无法反驳的坦率态度探询他的来宾们的问题。 | He inquired into his visitors’ problems with disarming frankness | |
6 | 他整了一整鼻梁上的眼镜,这个姿态总使人有一种奇怪的亲切之感。 | With the curious, disarming friendliness that he always managed to put in to the gesture he resettled his spectacles on his nose | |
7 | 他总会习惯地把鼻子上的眼睛扶扶正 | He had a trick of resettling his spectacles on his nose which was curiously disarming --in some indefinable way, curiously civilized | |
8 | 杨轻松愉快,和蔼可亲的风度在底特律从白到黑的转变中起了核心作用。 | Young’s breezy, disarming style proved central in the transition from white to black Detroit | |
9 | 一切织风者最终必落得一场空。他们受到威胁,被缴械,被击败;在冲突中,来自教会的那些摆好阵势的使者们,米迦勒的万军,用长矛和盾牌永远保卫教会。 | The void awaits surely all them that weave the wind: a menace, a disarming and a worsting from those embattled angels of the church, Michael’s host, who defend her ever in the hour of conflict with their lances and their shields | |
10 | 这个人有他特别吸引人的地方,笑客可掬,因此我也就不去计较了。 | There was something so magnetic about the man and so disarming about his smile that I didn’t care | |
11 | 真诚的化解敌意的一瞥 | A guileless, disarming look | |
12 | ||1:这本文笔好的书原本可以写得更好的。||2:它记录了作者离开政坛,进入报业呆了几十个年头的经历。||3: 因此,读者难以查阅四人帮(Jenkins, David Owen, William Rogers and Shirley Williams)的倒台,也读不到工党的变化。 ||4:但是这些俨然是推动此书前三分之一的那些问题。||5: Lord Lipsey有时似乎会对人们发无名火:比如代理总理Nick Clegg没好好处理关于可选择能源的公民投票,因煤炭的事被他狠狠的痛骂了一顿。 ||6:然而令人舒缓的是,他承认自己的个人不足之处:关于他选举改革方面的工作,“在我政治生涯里的数个错误中,这个必定是最大的错误”。 | ||1: There are ways in which this well-written book could have been better. ||2: It follows the author out of politics and into the newspaper industry for a couple of decades. ||3: As a result, the reader hears almost nothing about the walkout of the “gang of four” (Jenkins, David Owen, William Rogers and Shirley Williams) and the transformation of the Labour Party. ||4: Yet these are precisely the sorts of issues that animate the first third of the book. ||5: At times Lord Lipsey seems to take disproportionate umbrage against people: Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, is ferociously raked over the coals for mishandling the referendum on the alternative vote, for example. ||6: And yet he has a disarming willingness to admit his personal limitations: his own work on voting reform “must rank the greatest failure among a number of failures in my political life”. | |
13 | 双方共同签署了一项议程,其中包括解除叛乱者武装的条款以及双方参政的事宜。 | The two sides agreed on an agenda, including terms for disarming the rebels and their participation in politics. | |
14 | [font=Verdana]我们不应该很乐观的认为这一次金正日会像他的友善言词一样保持合作。 | [font=Verdana][font=Verdana]It is hard to be optimistic that this time Mr Kim will be as good as his disarming word. | |
15 | 不过她的语气中也夹杂着一种同情。 | But she mixed hard talk with a disarming air of compassion. | |
16 | 参与直接战斗的部队也许不会出现,取而代之的是解除武装和重建方面的专家。 | Combat troops should perhaps not be considered, but rather specialists in disarming and reconstruction. | |
17 | 但是汤婷婷的真诚显而易见,消除了我戒心。 | But Kingston’s sincerity is apparent and disarming . | |
18 | 如今,要将圣主抵抗军完全缴械,就必须用金属探测器清扫数千英里的厚密丛林。 | Disarming the LRA today would mean sweeping thousands of miles of dense jungle with metal detectors. | |
19 | 社会上的枪太多了,解除警察的武装应该是解除全体公民武装的一个自然组成部分。 | There are too many guns about, and the disarming of the police should be a natural aspect of the disarming of the entire citizenry . | |
20 | 他并没有接触核武装的意图,仅仅是采用分化谈判桌上的其他五个国家的策略。 | He may have no intention of disarming himself, only of provoking division among the other five across the table. | |
21 | 他说“为了有效运作,美国的非裔美国人充当让人松弛的机器。” | He said, "To function effectively as an African American male in the U. S. it helps to have a disarming mechanism. " | |
22 | 他坦率地谈到了自己的出身和那不寻常的职业生涯,说起话来带着一种让人不由得放松下来的意识流风格。 | He talks candidly about his background and unusual career and converses in a disarming , stream-of-consciousness style. | |
23 | 它们也可以被用于检验桥梁、矿山、任何对于人而言太过密闭的空间以及用于拆除炸弹。 | They could also be used for inspecting bridges, mines, and any spaces too tight for humans, and for disarming bombs. | |
24 | 它能变得滑稽有趣、充满活力、高调响亮、歇斯底里,它还能缓消敌意。 | It can get funny, disarming , energetic, loud, and hysterical. | |
25 | 完事之后他们或许就开始打鼾,或者咧开大嘴十足一副傻样。 | Maybe they snore right after sex. Or they make a disarming "o" face. | |
26 | 以摆这样事实的方式听一位才华横溢的年轻女人谈论她的生殖能力,令人哭笑不得。 | It’s rather disarming to hear a talented young woman talk about her reproductive ability in such a matter-of-fact manner. | |
27 | 由于需要加热金属到很高温度,有时候在来不及拆除的时候就被引爆了。 | Because the metal is so hot, it can sometimes detonate the explosive instead of disarming it. | |
28 | 在停火的这几天里,纳斯鲁拉称现在就来讨论解散武装还为时过早。 | Within days of the ceasefire, Mr Nasrallah said it was "too early" to discuss disarming . | |
29 | 这本书基调决不像你可能想像的那么灰暗(或像它本应的那么灰暗):克拉克的写作风格机智地令人失去警觉。 | The book’s tone is by no means as bleak as you might suppose (or maybe as it should be): Mr Clark writes with disarming wit. |