1 | 懊恼,苦恼:一种强烈的思想不安感,如由失败,失望或烦恼的事件引发的恼怒或尴尬。 | chagrin:a keen feeling of mental unease, as of annoyance or embarrassment, caused by failure, disappointment, or a disconcerting event. | |
2 | 她长着一个肥鼓鼓的蒜头鼻子,一双碧蓝的眼珠直盯盯地凝视着,令人感到不安。 | She had a fleshy, bulbous nose and eyes which stared out, a fine bright blue, with a disconcerting fixity | |
3 | 那么一件令人惊诧的信息,从那样一个的口中确凿地说了出来,真令我仓皇失措到了极点。 | So startling an announcement,so confidently made,and by such lips,is really disconcerting in the last degree. | |
4 | 他的冷酷、鬼鬼祟祟的小眼睛真让人不安。 | His hard, shifty little eyes were disconcerting | |
5 | 他每一步都受到政治阻力的阻挠(威廉·E·H·莱基)。Foil被或似乎被欺骗、混淆或惊慌击败 | He was thwarted at every step by political obstacles(William E.H.Lecky.Tofoil is to defeat by or as if by outwitting,confounding,or disconcerting | |
6 | 他那相当丰富的学识不断地显露出来,这会令人不安,他以前决不是一个卖弄自己的人。 | His considerable erudition keeps cropping up,and this can be disconcerting .He was never one to wear his learning lightly. | |
7 | 雨村听了,如雷震一惊,方想起往事. | At this disconcerting remark, the past came back to Yucun like the crash of a thunder-bolt. | |
8 | 这听着不舒服。 | It is disconcerting to hear. | |
9 | 这一招倒是出人意料,而且也使人难以招架。 | This move was unexpected, and proportionately disconcerting | |
10 | 正如他所说,“当你知道美国是以言论自由为基础的,但实际上却又限制很严,这真是 | As he put it, "It’s disconcerting to know that the United States is based on freedom of expression, yet in actuality it’s quite restrictive." | |
11 | ||1:相较英国战后那些“愤怒青年”作家——比如金斯利·埃米斯、约翰·奥斯本和他人而言,西利托显得卓尔不群。||2:这份独特,和那一成不变的烟斗无关,和那一口诺丁汉腔的乡音无关,也和他那友善却令人尴尬的眼神无关。||3:不妨说,西氏的特色乃在于两点:一是他拒绝被外界贴上“愤怒派”或其他流派的标签;二是对于圈内对其作品的褒扬,他漠不关心。||4:他的书可以自己去闯。他有他的价值,也有他自己的骄傲。||5: 就像书中人亚瑟·西顿说的那样:“若还要人们去告诉他他是什么时, 那么此人连狗屁都不是了。” | ||1: Alongside the “Angry Young Men” of post-war literary Britain—Kingsley Amis, John Osborne and the rest—he cut a different figure. ||2: It was not the constant pipe, or the Nottingham vowels, or the friendly but disconcerting stare. ||3: It was his refusal to be labelled as angry, or as anything else, and his indifference to literary acclaim. ||4: His books could sink or swim. He had his own worth, and his own pride. ||5: As Arthur Seaton put it, “He was nothing at all when people tried to tell him what he was.” | |
12 | 不过仔细看看他们过往的记录会发现一个很令人不安的事实。 | However, a look at their track record reveals a disconcerting fact. | |
13 | 此次下跌不安的一面是在中国尤其在互联网上发泄出的抨击。 | One disconcerting aspect of the fall was the invective it unleashed within China, particularly on the Internet. | |
14 | 但是,对于清理银行有毒资产的共同对策拿不出详细方案,这一点极其令人不安。 | But the absence of detail about a common approach to cleansing the banks of their toxic assets is extremely disconcerting . | |
15 | 但是更令人担忧的是这一现象也适用于信息产业。 | But even more disconcerting are the implications of this phenomenon for the information industry. | |
16 | 当我在一个自己已习惯于匿名浏览的网站上看到我朋友的脸时,会感到很不舒服。 | It’s disconcerting being on a Web site that I’m used to browsing anonymously, and seeing my friends’ faces there. | |
17 | 对一些人,我猜,这可能让人沮丧,但是我很快习惯了这种语言区间带。 | For some, I imagine, this would be a disconcerting , frustrating experience, but I quickly got used to this linguistic interzone. | |
18 | 对于疲弱的石油巨头来说,这可能是一个良机。但对于所有其他人而言,其影响将令人忧虑。 | For flabby oil majors this could be a great opportunity. For everyone else, the implications are disconcerting . | |
19 | 非常相似,但是需要从根本上改变接口仍然会让人不安。 | Pretty similar, but it’s still disconcerting that you had to alter your interface at all. | |
20 | 更令人不安的是批判性思维的缺失,而且迷信在这个国家势如破竹,这样不会出乱子。 | More disconcerting is the lack of critical thinking, and at times, blind faith that China is on a roll, so don’t rock the boat. | |
21 | 家中的问题可能有点令人不安。 | Problems on the home front might be a little disconcerting . | |
22 | 她看上去的确是漂亮极了,都有些令人困惑了,活脱脱一个希区柯克式的金发美女,只是脸颊上有点瘀肿。 | She does look fabulous, in a slightly disconcerting way - the image of a Hitchcock blonde with bruised cheeks. | |
23 | 她有着极强的好奇心,同时也掺杂着令人喜欢而又使人稍感不安的诚实。 | She had an insatiable curiosity combined with an enchanting, yet somewhat disconcerting , honesty. | |
24 | 康妮是个严肃沉默的小人儿,她有个令人不安的习惯:眼睛一眨不眨地盯着人看,就好像你和她没有丝毫的共同之处。 | She was a grave and silent little person with the disconcerting habit of holding your gaze unblinkingly, as if you had nothing in common. | |
25 | 可是,看到一个拥有如此多采取行动动机的行业还在如此拖延,实在令人不安。 | But it’s disconcerting to see so much dawdling in an industry with so much incentive to act. | |
26 | 某些被断断续续报道的内容,恰恰是奥巴马总统命令启动一项为期三个月的政策审核,并对战略进行修订的原因所在。 | Some of the disconcerting things reported are exactly why the president ordered a three month policy review and a change in strategy. | |
27 | 内插值变换的处理能很好的去除模糊和抖动,但它也能使物体的运动看起来并非那么自然和舒坦。 | The interpolation process is good at removing blur and judder, but it can make the motion appear unnaturally smooth and disconcerting . | |
28 | 去年夏天这一切都已经以令人不安的准确性显现出预兆来。 | All this had been foreshadowed with disconcerting accuracy last summer. | |
29 | 如果这样的一个局面是尴尬的,那么建立单一信仰的学校的想法必然是不足取的。 | If such an idea is disconcerting , then surely the idea of schools representing a single religious viewpoint is equally deplorable. | |
30 | 事实上,我们突然意识到它有些令人不安。 | The fact that we’re suddenly discovering it is a little disconcerting . |