属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-蒙古铜矿 半程去何方?
1 | ||1:阿拉伯之春爆发已有一年。虽然很明显当前经济发展畸形,且当年对生活水平的不满正是革命爆发的主因之一,但至今,中东各国政府都没有尝试过任何认真的经济改革。||2:面对现状,他们主要通过增加公共支出来收买人心、防止更多的抗议活动。||3:2011年沙特政府支出比2008年增长了50%。 | ||1:A year after the start of the Arab spring, no government in the Middle East has attempted serious economic reform even though it is obvious both that economies are distorted and that discontent over living standards has played a big part in the uprisings.||2:The main reaction by governments has been to buy off further protests by increasing public spending.||3:Saudi Arabia boosted government spending by over 50% between 2008 and 2011. | |
2 | ||1:不过,时任下议院领袖的富特自我确认,他所在的工党将会在10月的大选中落马。||2:尤其是,他也使首相(即当时由工党出任的首相詹姆斯·卡拉汉)认识到这一点。||3:因伴之以大罢工的“不满的冬天”事件的影响,10月份的选举被推迟到1979年的春天。||4:这次选举是富特两次轻易将胜选权让渡给撒切尔夫人中的第一次。 | ||1: But Mr Foot, by then the leader of the House of Commons, convinced himself that his party would lose an election that October. ||2: More important, he convinced the prime minister. ||3: The election was postponed to the spring of 1979. The “winter of discontent ”, with widespread strikes, intervened. ||4: This was the first of two elections which Mr Foot delivered to Margaret Thatcher on a plate. | |
3 | ||1:意大利的情况不同。||2:当地银行不需要政府纾困。||3:实际上意大利经济已经十多年都停滞不前,人们对于缺少发展机会表示愤恨,意大利年轻人的不满则更是因此不满。||4:但这并不是暴力活动的原因。||5:成年上万的人在罗马市中心和平游行几分钟后,一些头戴面具的抗议者们就抢劫了一家超市,践踏了一所教堂,烧毁了车辆,在一大教堂附近的广场上同警察产生冲突。||6:一个放置在银行外面的土炸弹把一个试图将其运走的和平示威者炸成重伤。||7:意大利内政部长Roberto Maroni说的很正确,这些冲突可能是致命的。||8:一个被抗议者点燃后爆炸的装甲小货车险些夺走了一个制止暴乱的警察小分队的人的性命。 | ||1:Italy is very different.||2:Banks there have not needed bailing out.||3:Discontent among young Italians stems rather from burning resentment at the lack of opportunity in an economy that has been at a virtual standstill for more than ten years.||4:But that does not explain the violence.||5:Minutes after the start of a peaceful march by several tens of thousands through the centre of Rome, masked protesters looted a supermarket, defiled a church, set cars alight and battled police in a square near a cathedral.||6:A crude bomb planted outside a bank badly injured a peaceful protester who tried to move it to safety.||7:Italy’s interior minister, Roberto Maroni, rightly noted that the clashes could have been lethal.||8:A detachment of riot police narrowly escaped from an armoured van that was set alight by the protesters and exploded. | |
4 | 这次庆祝并没有受到在首都乌兰巴托的蒙古政客们的不满抱怨影响。 | Celebrations were hardly marred by rumblings of discontent back in the capital, Ulaanbaatar, from Mongolian politicians. | |
5 | 这些庆祝几乎没有受到来自首都乌兰巴托的蒙古政治家们不满叫嚣的干扰。 | Celebrations were hardly marred by rumblings of discontent back in the capital, Ulaanbaatar, from Mongolian politicians. | |
6 | “你是不是拿准了这是我的一个缺点呢,汤姆?”露易莎除掉了这句话外,仿佛对他那愤懑的样子和坏脾气并没有别的什么感觉似的。 | "Have you so proved it to be a failing of mine, Tom? " said Louisa, showing no other sense of his discontent and ill-nature. | |
7 | 1994年夏天是我极度不满意的夏天。 | The summer of 1994 was the summer of my extreme discontent . | |
8 | 阿布•玛利亚承认利用了这种不满情绪但拒绝接受说他正在走向发动暴力袭击的谴责。 | Mr Abu Mariya admits to tapping into such discontent but rejects accusations that he is travelling down a slippery slope towards violence. | |
9 | 阿利姆说,经济上的不满也是人民广场的学生抗议事件起因之一。 | Economic discontent also drove the students to protest, said Alim. | |
10 | 埃及走向经济自由化的脚步激发了国民获得更大机会的希望。这种希望进一步点燃了对执政当局的不满。 | Egypt’s steps towards economic liberalisation stimulated an appetite for greater opportunity that fuelled discontent with the ruling regime. |