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1 | ||1:这转变了大多数经济学家在不明朗的情势下看到的趋势。||2:他们曾认为疲软的经济使得灰心丧气的劳动者退出劳动力市场,从而压制了参与率,经济复苏可以使得参与率回升。||3:克鲁格先生赞同这样的观点:经济衰退降低了劳动力需求从而降低了参与率,但他认为这后面另有玄机:过去的十年里参与率已经有潜在的下降的趋势,这时由于劳动力老龄化以及女性参与率下降造成的。||4:不过在接下来的几年里,参与率会由于现在读大学生毕业而再度上升。||5:克鲁格先生还指出当这些大学生毕业后会拥有更高的人力资本,如果一切顺利的话,他们将因此获得更高的薪资,并促进经济总体潜力的增长。||6:这样总得来说还是好的,因为他们须偿还巨额贷款。 | ||1:That puts a different spin on a trend most economists have seen in a drearier light.||2:They thought a lacklustre economy was suppressing participation by driving discouraged workers out of the labour market altogether, and that participation would rebound along with the economy.||3:Mr Krueger agrees that part of the drop is due to lack of demand for labour because of the recession, but thinks something else is at work: the underlying trend in participation in the past decade has already been falling because of an ageing work force and a downdrift in participation by women.||4:It may tick up in coming years as the young people now in college graduate.||5:When they do, Mr Krueger notes, they will have more human capital, which will, with luck, earn them higher wages and boost the economy’s overall potential.||6:Which would be all to the good, since they will have hefty student loans to repay. | |
2 | 崛义人,一名风险投资家和前GREE的投资者,这条新闻让他回想起最近几年政府打压新晋企业的种种措施,已经使日本人丧失了开创新商业的勇气。 | To Yoshito Hori, a venture capitalist and former GREE backer, the news recalled a pattern of crackdowns on alleged abuses by start-ups in recent years that have discouraged the Japanese from setting up new businesses. | |
3 | 这就降低了人们出国留学的的欲望。 | That has discouraged people from studying abroad. | |
4 | 这一规则在欧洲培育了竞争,压低了价格,但打消了这些公司进行投资的积极性。 | This rule has fostered competition and kept prices down in Europe but has discouraged networks from investing. | |
5 | 《须知》也不鼓励游客与陌生人交谈。 | Conversing with strangers was discouraged . | |
6 | 1400万以上的美国人失去了工作,还有更多的人要么未充分就业,要么信心受挫,不再作任何指望。 | More than 14 million people are out of work and many more are either underemployed or so discouraged they’ve just stopped looking. | |
7 | 1999年AAP第一次就媒体对幼童的影响颁布指南,其内容主要是认为2岁以下的幼童不应该接触媒体。 | The AAP first released guidelines on media use by young kids in 1999, concluding that media use by kids under 2 should be discouraged . | |
8 | 66他们又到四处找了一遍便灰心丧气地坐下来。哈克一个主意也说不出来,最后还是汤姆开了口。 | They searched everywhere once more, and then sat down discouraged . Huck could suggest nothing. By-and-by Tom said. | |
9 | Paula坚信,开始努力感觉良好的气馁的人们会掌握他们的生活。他们会做出更好的选择。 | Paula believes discouraged people who take steps to feel their best will get control of their lives. They will make better choices. | |
10 | 比如像“在六个月内成为CEO”将是一个不大可能会在短期内实现的,这样的目标只会让你气馁和沮丧。 | A goal such as "becoming CEO in six months" is not likely to happen and will leave you discouraged and frustrated. |