属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-埃弗里1959年的研究发现拯救无数早产儿
1 | 爱使挫折变得如春雨般温和, | adversity and discouragement will beat against my new shield and become as the softest of rains | |
2 | 爱使挫折变得如春雨般温和,它是我商场上的护身符 | Adversity and discouragement will beat against my new shield and become as the softest of rains. | |
3 | 但由于人体机能上某种奇怪的现象,唐太斯越是看到眼前这些事实,证实了法里亚神甫的话,他越是不觉得定心,越来越感到无力、沮丧,几乎失去了勇气。 | But by some strange play of emotion, in proportion as the proofs that Faria, had not been deceived became stronger, so did his heart give way, and a feeling of discouragement stole over him | |
4 | 对于自由企业的鼓励和对垄断独占的阻止. | the encouragement of free enterprise and discouragement of monopolies | |
5 | 坚持不懈,锲而不舍在面临阻碍或挫折时,坚持或永久保存一个目标、想法或任务 | To persist in or remain constant to a purpose,an idea,or a task in the face of obstacles or discouragement . | |
6 | 惊愕;气馁;灰心 | Dismay/dIs5meI;dIs`me/n [U]feeling of shock and discouragement | |
7 | 良好的法律足以防止罪恶发生. | Good laws present every discouragement to vice. | |
8 | 目前,我犹如初生的婴孩,除了自己一身之外,别无他物。做面包的事成了天天苦恼我的心事。 | I that was reduced to a mere state of nature, found this to my daily discouragement , and was made more and more sensible of it every hour | |
9 | 那我一定要心灰意冷,爽然若有所失。 | There comes upon me a sense of chill discouragement , of dreary deprivation | |
10 | 农夫经受了片刻的对农作物歉收的痛苦 | The farmer experienced moments of discouragement over the failure of his crops. | |
11 | 人的性情出现轻微的变化,以及过度兴奋、过分烦恼、胆小羞怯、抑郁不乐、沮丧泄气、神经质的烦燥、忿恨不满或易兴奋、激动。 | Mild changes in personality occur, as well as erethism characterized by excessive, undue embarrassment, timidity, depression, discouragement , irritability, resentfulness, or excitability | |
12 | 丧气引起受挫或泄气的情绪 | To cause feelings of discouragement or bafflement in. | |
13 | 他第一本小说所得的不利评论令他极其灰心丧气。 | The unfavorable reviews of his first novel were a great discouragement to him. | |
14 | 他又泄气了。 | He plunged back into the deepest discouragement | |
15 | 为此,我决定把地面掘起,掘出一个向下的斜坡。 | Well, to take away this discouragement , I resolv’d to dig into the surface of the earth, and so make a declivity. | |
16 | 为了扫除这个障碍,我决定把地面掘平,掘成一个向下斜的土坡。 | To take away this discouragement , I resolved to dig into the surface of the earth, and so make a declivity | |
17 | 我们大家都会有气馁的时刻. | There are moments of discouragement in us all. | |
18 | 我一定会心灰意冷,怅然若有所失。 | There comes upon me a sense of chill discouragement of dreary deprivation | |
19 | 抑制,控制;失望 | A restraint or check;a discouragement . | |
20 | 又要经过冥思苦想才能明白他的话语的真正含义,那我一定会饮誉受挫,若有所失了。 | And that in accents which only through the laboring intelligence can touch the living soul, there comes upon me a sense of chill discouragement , of dreary deprivation. | |
21 | 在这阴暗失意的时刻,连她这样一个遇事死也不放手的人,也觉得走投无路了。 | At this discouragement there seemed, even to her holdfast nature, no way out | |
22 | 这种情况,不但在美国,在其他大国里面,也同样地使人感到厌倦和失望,象我们联想到罗马帝国一样。 | This state of things leads, not only in America but in all large states, to something of the weariness and discouragement that we associate with the Roman Empire | |
23 | 自从思龙先生创立公司以来,在冲水阀行业内,还没有任何公司能够在销售量上超过思龙,甚至没有公司有足够的勇气面对思龙的抵抗和可能遭遇的挫折。 | No figure in our industry ever faced a greater sales challenge than Mr. Sloan in launching his new company, and none ever persevered more courageously in the face of resistance and discouragement . | |
24 | ||1:埃弗里:“坚持是关键,我认为。||2:知道自己想做什么同时不要轻易气馁是关键,特别是在研究中。||3:你知道,你不断地会进入未知领域。||4:你花几个月时间试图证明一些东西,结果却发现自己犯了一些严重错误同时不得不说,‘我这六个月的辛勤工作全白搭了。’而你必须从头再来,这非常气馁。” | ||1:MARY ELLEN AVERY: "Hanging in there is key, I think.||2:Knowing what you want to do and not being easily discouraged is key, particularly in research.||3:You know, you’re always moving into the unknown.||4:And you can spend months trying to prove something, only to find that you made some terrible mistakes and you have to be willing to say ’six months of my life and my hard work went down the drain,’ and you have to start over -- that’s terrible discouragement ." | |
25 | 不要放弃。抵抗沮丧的情绪,完成上帝为你安排的赛跑吧! | Don’t quit. Resist discouragement and finish the race God has set before you. | |
26 | 当我回顾起我的职业生涯,我发现我对自己的胆怯总是有太多的理由。 | When I look back on my own career, I can find plenty of reasons for discouragement , personal discouragement. | |
27 | 德意志银行的一项最新研究抨击了英国能源战略,称该战略令绿色能源投资者丧失信心。 | A new study by Deutsche Bank attacks UK energy strategy as being a discouragement to green-power investors. | |
28 | 发展一段令人生疑、失望或沮丧的关系只会带来更多的挫折和恼怒。 | Being involved in relationships that you find questionable, disappointing, or frustrating only lead to more discouragement and aggravation. | |
29 | 更高的税率和更多的支出将无法治愈它施加给美国民众的苦难、忧虑和失望。 | More of the same will not cure the hardship, anxiety and discouragement it has imposed on the American people. | |
30 | 试图像牵线木偶一样控制未来将会提升遭受挫折、焦躁和沮丧的机会。 | Trying to manipulate the future like a marionette will increase instances of frustration, impatience, and discouragement . |