属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-在巴西做生意 何等简单
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-在巴西做生意 何等简单
1 | 适用于高计数率下的放大甄别一体化电路 | An Integral Whole Circuit of Amplifying and Discriminating Suited to High Counting Rate | |
2 | 苏里格气田气藏类型判别实验研究 | Experimental Research for Discriminating the Type of Gas Reservoir in Sulige Field | |
3 | 天然气初次裂解与二次裂解作用判识 | Discriminating between Primary Cracking Gas and Secondary Cracking Gas | |
4 | 土地改革的总路线,是依靠贫农,团结中农,有步骤地、有分别地消灭封建剥削制度,发展农业生产。 | The general line in the land reform is to rely on the poor peasants, unite with the middle peasants, abolish the system of feudal exploitation step by step and in a discriminating way, and develop agricultural production | |
5 | 推广Eisenstein判别法判定整系数多项式有理根的存在性 | To Spread Eisenstein Discriminating Method Which is Useful in Deciding the Existence of Rational Root of the Multinomial with Integral Coefficient | |
6 | 消费者对质量的要求也更高。 | Consumers have become increasingly more discriminating in regard to quality | |
7 | 新近发展的复电阻率能谱为鉴别矿石矿物和非矿石矿物的信息提供了希望。 | Some new work with complex-resistivity spectra offers hope of discriminating between signals from ore minerals and nonore minerals. | |
8 | 新型胺类荧光分子探针的合成及其对羧酸分子的识别 | A Novel Fluorescence Probe Containing Amino Groups: Synthesis and Its Discriminating Ability toward Carboxylic Acids | |
9 | 新颖的光纤光栅温度压力同时区分测量传感器 | A Novel Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor for Simultaneous Discriminating Measurement of Temperature and Pressure | |
10 | 一位有鉴赏力的稀有书籍收集者;为美味鉴赏者而备的一道菜. | A discriminating collector of rare books; a dish for the discriminating palate. | |
11 | 一些有分辨能力的听众听出了演出中的瑕疵 | A few discriminating listeners heard the flaws in the performance | |
12 | 一种基于最小二乘支持向量机算法的近红外光谱判别分析方法 | Discriminating the Genuineness of Chinese Medicines with Least Squares Support Vector Machines | |
13 | 以认知因素区辨不同阅读能力组的效能分析 | Discriminating Poor Readers on the Basis of Cognitive Components | |
14 | 用于识别不同细胞蛋白质组的噬菌体抗体芯片 | Phage Antibody Chip for Discriminating Proteomes from Different Cells | |
15 | 有识别力的;敏锐的:能识别或画出明显的差别;洞察的 | Discriminating :able to recognize or draw fine distinctions; perceptive. | |
16 | 政府正在努力消除种族歧视。 | The government is making efforts to eradicate racial discriminating . | |
17 | 中国近代史上的两种《女子世界》 | Discriminating Two Kinds of Women’s World | |
18 | 中小企业融资信息甄别机制的构建 | Designing an Information-discriminating Mechanism of Middle and Small Enterprises | |
19 | ||1:Deecke博士在仔细研究所拍照片后发现,那三块石头上都粘有藤壶,而他认为这些藤壶的功能梳齿一样。||2:Deecke博士认为,那只熊自制梳子可能是想让自己舒服,而不是为了美观。||3:但是,那只熊没有用它捡到的第一块石头,这说明它有能力判断子什么样的梳子才好用;换言之,就是哪块石头可以拿来当梳子。这一点对判断动物是否会使用工具至关重要。 | ||1: Dr Deecke found, upon close examination of his photographs, that all three rocks were encrusted with barnacles and he reckons these were acting as the functional equivalent of the teeth of a comb. ||2: He thinks the bear was probably using its makeshift combs for comfort, rather than vanity. ||3: But crucially for the concept of tool-use, the animal’s rejection of the first rock it picked up shows a discriminating understanding of what was required to get the right amount of scratching from a comb; which rock, in other words, was the tool for the job. | |
20 | 但是,那只熊没有用它捡到的第一块石头,这说明它有能力判断子什么样的梳子才好用; | But crucially for the concept of tool-use, the animal’s rejection of the first rock it picked up shows a discriminating understanding of what was required to get the right amount of scratching from a comb; | |
21 | 反对党—巴西社会人民党已请求最高法院规范歧视微型贸易者的违宪行为。 | The Socialist People’s Party, an opposition group, has asked the Supreme Court to rule it unconstitutional for discriminating against micro-traders. | |
22 | 反对党——巴西社会人民党已请求最高法院规范歧视微型贸易者的违宪行为。 | The Socialist People’s Party, an opposition group, has asked the Supreme Court to rule it unconstitutional for discriminating against micro-traders. | |
23 | 最后,他就能根据描述符分辨艺术家的能力来给它们打分。 | As a result, he was able to rank each of the 4,027 descriptors by how useful it was at discriminating between artists. | |
24 | “文艺学”学科性质再辨 | Re-discriminating the Discipline Characters of "Science of Literature" | |
25 | ELISA法检测急性血吸虫病患者血清HBV标志物时假阳性排除方法探讨 | Exploring Study for Discriminating False Positive in HBV Markers Test by ELISA Among Patients With Co- infected Acute Schistosomiasis | |
26 | WYP-01型微机远方跳闸就地判别装置的应用和改进 | Application and improvement of WYP-01 type microcomputer-based local discriminating gear for remote tripping | |
27 | 保证期间性质辨析 | Discriminating Characters of Guaranteeing Period | |
28 | 辨析三机关互相制约和检察监督引发的几点思考 | Several thoughts caused by discriminating three judicial organs checking each other from procuratorial supervision | |
29 | 不过,随着对一切中国主题不加鉴别的乐观情绪开始消退,投资者或许会变得更有眼光。 | As uncritical bullishness about all things China ebbs, though, investors may become more discriminating . | |
30 | 不仅仅是中国对战略资产的外国潜在购买者抱有成见。 | China is not alone in discriminating against foreign would-be purchasers of strategic assets. |