属类:文学表达-外国名著-The Captain’s Daughter
1 | <3>培训:俱乐部将根据会员的要求,举办多种形式的培训、讲座和研讨会,以提高英语水平,交流学习经验。 | <3>Training: according to membersdemand, we will hold vary forms of training activities, lectures, focus discussing , with purpose to enhance our English communicating proficiency | |
2 | (里斯本美联电)葡萄牙总检察长办公室前天说,总检察署正在研究葡萄牙议员关于引渡印尼前总统苏哈多的要求。 | (AP report from lisbon)Portugal’s Chief Procurator’s Office said the day before yesterday that the General Procuratorate is discussing a request raised by a Portuguese Parliament member to extradite former Indonesian President Suharto | |
3 | (以拖长讨论时间)阻止议会通过(议案). | Prevent(a bill)being approved by Parliament by discussing it for so long that a vote cannot be taken | |
4 | potluck是个有趣的表达法。Elyn和我刚才正在谈论这个问题,我们猜想它来自于美洲早期文化,人们在锅中烹煮食物,然后把食物带来放在一起共同进餐。那么luck在这里是什么意思呢? | "potluck" is a funny word, Elyn and I were just discussing it, And our guess is from maybe native American culture or early American culture, where they cooked the food at pots and everyone brought the food together, and the lucky part is what? | |
5 | 彼得同玛利亚谈及这场争吵,才了解到希瓦卜林曾向她求婚,但遭到了拒绝。这样希瓦卜林的行为便不难理解了。 | Discussing the quarrel with Maria, Peter leaned that Shvabrin’s actions could be explained by the fact that he was her rejected suitor. | |
6 | 避免与面试人谈政治或宗教 | Try to avoid discussing politics or religion with your interviewer. | |
7 | 变力性一词通常用来描述心肌收缩性的变化。 | The term inotropic is commonly used in discussing changes in myocardial contractility | |
8 | 不过这不是我们目前讨论的问题。 | But that’s not the point we are discussing at the moment. | |
9 | 不要把我们正在讨论的事情告诉任何人,这是保密的。 | Don’t say anything about what we’re discussing to anyone; it’s private. | |
10 | 厂里账房间内挤满了人,王金贞和阿珍她们全班管车,乱烘烘地谈论刚才的事变。 | The general office was packed; all the forewomen were there, including Wang Chin-chen and Ah Chen, noisily discussing the incident at the gate | |
11 | 但是,如果一个案例或是决策过程异常复杂的话,运用最完备的方法,从不同的角度加以切入就有必要了。 | But if a case and a decision making process becomes particularly difficult, it will be worth applying the most adequate methods and discussing the different perspectives within a group. | |
12 | 当老师发现两个学生在考试中交谈时,就以为他们在讨论答案,为此很生气。 | When the teacher saw the two students talking during the exam, she assumed they were discussing the answers and got angry. | |
13 | 当他们欢庆胜利并且怀着猜疑妒忌之心讨论继承宙斯王位的人选时,海上女神特提斯看到奥林波斯山将爆发一场内战,便急匆匆把百臂巨人布里亚柔斯找来。 | While they were celebrating their victory, and jealously discussing who was to be his successor, Thetis the nereid, foreseeing a civil war on Olympus, hurried in search of the hundred-handed Briareus | |
14 | 当他们正在讨论一些重要问题时,他却插进了一个毫不相干的问题。 | As they were discussing some important questions, he interposed an unrelated thing | |
15 | 当伊娃开始讨论政治时,任何事都不能阻止她。 | When Eva gets to discussing politics, nothing can stop her | |
16 | 多说无益。有何好处? | There’s no use in discussing it. What’s the use? | |
17 | 而饥饿本身又通过降低劳动生产率、降低人们对疾病的抵抗力、压抑教育成就,而进一步导致了贫困。2001年,Dixon等人在讨论农业增长在消除贫困方面的影响时,曾经做了如下阐述: | Hunger itself contributes to poverty by lowering labor productivity, reducing resistance to disease and depressing educational achievements. In discussing the contribution of agricultural growth to poverty alleviation Dixon et al, 2001, comment: | |
18 | 饭后谈起苏小姐和曹元郎订婚的事,辛楣宽宏大度地说:“这样最好。 | After dinner they began discussing Miss Su’s engagement to Ts’ao Yan-lang.Hsin-mei remarked magnanimously, "It’s for the best | |
19 | 怪不得昨天不赏面子了,原来跟人谈诗去了,我们是俗物呀!根本就不配认识你。 | No wonder you didn’t show up yesterday.All that time you were discussing poetry with someone.We’re uncouth, just not worthy of your acquaintance | |
20 | 管理人员目前正在与工人讨论这件事。 | The managers are presently discussing the matter with the workers. | |
21 | 国务院发言人包润石说,鲍尔在斯里巴加旺举行的亚太安全会议外与白南淳作了"十五分钟的非正式会面",讨论恢复双方中断的对话。 | Spokesman of the US State Department, Boucher said, Powell met Bai Nanchun held "informal meeting for 15 minutes" at the sideline of the Asia-Pacific Security Conference, discussing resumption of the already halted dialogue between the two sides | |
22 | 回到我们原来的议题上来.... | To hark back to what we were discussing earlier... | |
23 | 火焰温度的测定可作为讨论均质推进剂能量特性的指导。 | Flame temperature measurements can be used as a guide in discussing energetics of a homogeneous propellant | |
24 | 吉姆在与葆拉海阔天空,无所不谈 | Jim is discussing anything under the sun with Paula.(anything under the sun:任何事情) | |
25 | 几个星期以前,我去一家服装店买了件运动衣,顺便和店主马克·麦克斯讨论了一些有关为人父母的问题。 | I was buying a sport coat a few weeks ago and Mark Michaels,the owner of the store,and I were discussing parenting. | |
26 | 讲演人正在谈论政治,但因听众提出问题一岔开而谈起宗教来了. | The lecturer was discussing politics but got side-tracked by a question from the audience into talking about religion. | |
27 | 她在与人谈论自己的私事时毫无拘束。 | She is very free in discussing her personal problem | |
28 | 她丈夫陆先生,一脸不可饶恕的得意之色,好谈论时事。 | Her husband, Mr. Lu, who always had an unforgivably smug expression on his face, enjoyed discussing current events | |
29 | 今天主要是商量我退休的时间和方式。 | Today I want to concentrate on discussing when and how I should retire. | |
30 | 就是借马车给我的后母,差一顶点儿就把她和我的小弟弟一起摔死的那个银行家。 | While the rest of the company were discussing the approaching marriage of Mademoiselle Danglars, I was reding the paper to my grandfather |