属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-埃博拉的扩展 疏通还是围堵
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-埃博拉的扩展 疏通还是围堵
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 中国疫苗安全引全球关注 萨尔瓦多与中国建交
1 | ( 二)入境、出境的交通工具,在入境检疫之前或者在出境检疫之后,擅自上下人员,装卸行李、货物、邮包等物品的; | (2)embark on or disembark from conveyances, load or unload articles such as luggage, goods or postal parcels from conveyances prior to entry quarantine and after exit quarantine; | |
2 | (五)进出境运输工具未经海关同意,擅自装卸进出境货物、物品或者上下进出境旅客的; | (5)For an inbound or outbound means of transport, to load or unload inbound or outbound goods and articles, or to embark and disembark passengers without Customs approval; | |
3 | 除紧急情况外,未经国境卫生检疫机关或者当地卫生行政部门许可,任何人不准上下船舶、航空器,不准装卸行李、货物、邮包等物品。 | Except in cases of emergency, no person shall be allowed to embark on or disembark from the ship or airborne vehicle, and no articles such as baggage, goods and postal parcels shall be loaded or unloaded without the permission of a frontier health and quarantine office or the local health administration department. | |
4 | 除引航员外,未经国境卫生检疫机关许可,任何人不准上下交通工具,不准装卸行李、货物、邮包等物品。具体办法由本法实施细则规定。 | Except for harbour pilots, no person shall be allowed to embark on or disembark from any means of transport and no articles such as baggage, goods or postal parcels shall be loaded or unloaded without the health and quarantine inspector’s permission. Specific measures for the implementation of this Law shall be stipulated in detailed regulations. | |
5 | 船上的人员,除因船舶遇险外,未经卫生检疫机关许可,不准离船;引航员不得将船引离检疫锚地。 | Except in wreckage, no person board the ship is allowed to disembark and no pilot is allowed to guide the ship out of the quarantine anchorage without the permission of CIQ. | |
6 | 第九条 国际航行船舶在中国港口停泊期间,外国船员及其随行家属要求登陆,不出港口城市的,向边防检查站申请登陆证,要求在陆地住宿的,申请住宿证。有正当理由需前往港口城市以外的地区,或者不能随原船出境的,须向当地公安局申请办理相应的签证。 | Article 9 When vessels operating international service anchor at Chinese ports, foreign crew members and their accompanying family members wishing to disembark at the port city shall apply to border check-posts for disembarkation permits, or lodging permits if they desire to stay overnight on land. Those who, for proper reasons, need to travel to areas beyond the port city or who cannot leave China on the original vessel shall apply to the local public security bureau for appropriate visas. | |
7 | 第一百一十二条 旅客无票乘船、越级乘船或者超程乘船,应当按照规定补足票款,承运人可以按照规定加收票款;拒不交付的,船长有权在适当地点令离船,承运人有权向其追偿。 | Article 112 A passenger travelling without a ticket or taking a higher class berth than booked or going beyond the distance paid for shall pay for the fare or the excess fare as required by relevant regulations, and the carrier may, according to the relevant regulations, charge additional fare. Should any passenger refuse to pay, the Master is entitled to order him to disembark at a suitable place and the carrier has the right of recourse against him. | |
8 | 军队登陆了 | The troops disembark ed. | |
9 | 离机,下机从飞机上下来 | To disembark from an airplane. | |
10 | 联络船在班轮旁边停下,系紧缆绳,准备让旅客上岸。 | The tender drew up alongside the liner, made fast, and prepared to disembark the passengers. | |
11 | 让乘客下飞机. | Disembark passengers from the plane | |
12 | 使军队登陆 | disembark troops | |
13 | 孙氏一家和其他三四个学生也要在九龙下船,搭粤汉铁路的车 | Three or four students and the Suns were going to disembark at Kowloon to take the Canton-Hankow train | |
14 | 在检疫没有结束之前,除经卫生检疫机关许可外,任何人不得上下航空器,不准装卸行李、货物、邮包等物品。 | Without the permission of CIQ, no person is allowed to embark or disembark , and no loading or unloading of luggage, goods and postal parcels is allowed before quarantine inspection is over. | |
15 | ||1:柏林洪堡大学合成网络的专家德克·布罗克曼正在利用航空数据分析埃博拉到底是怎样扩散并跨越国界的。||2:他在研究中假设有一个正常的正在运营的航班,试计算一名来自疫情严重国家(尤其是几内亚、利比里亚和塞拉利昂)的埃博拉患者登录该航班并进入其他几十个国家的可能性。 | ||1:Dirk Brockmann, a specialist in complex networks at Humboldt University in Berlin, has used air-transport data to study how Ebola might spread across borders.||2:His research, which assumes that a normal flight schedule is in operation, calculates how probable it is that an infected person boarding a plane in the worst-affected countries—Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, in particular—will disembark in each of dozens of other destinations. | |
16 | ||1:布罗克曼的研究表明了三个重要信息。||2:即使维持航班的正常运行,埃博拉患者进入西方国家境内的可能性也微乎其微。||3:因为每100个在几内亚、利比里亚和塞拉利昂登机的患者中,有84人的目的地将是非洲的其他机场;有3人进入英国和法国;仅有1人前往美国。||4:该患者必须要登陆飞机这一要求本身就大大降低了该事发生的风险。||5:准备充分且资金充足的卫生系统足以应对此事。 | ||1:Mr Brockmann’s work offers three big messages.||2:First, the risks to Western countries remain relatively low, even with normal flight schedules.||3:For every 100 infected passengers embarking in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, 84 would normally disembark at another African airport. Three would arrive in Britain and France; only one in America.||4:That infected people must get onto a plane in the first place further reduces the absolute risks.||5:Well-prepared, well-funded health systems will be able to cope. | |
17 | ||1:意大利强硬的内政部长马特奥·萨尔维尼(Matteo Salvini)拒绝让一艘意大利船只靠岸,这艘船在海上搭救了177名难民。||2:虽然任期不长,但是萨尔维尼以强硬对待移民的态度闻名。||3:他说,只要接到这些难民将分往所有欧盟国家的保证,他就允许这些难民上岸。 | ||1:Italy’s hardline interior minister, Matteo Salvini, refused to allow 177 refugees off an Italian ship that had rescued them at sea.||2:In his short time in office Mr Salvini has built a reputation for being tough on migrants.||3:He said he would give permission for the refugees to disembark once he received assurances that they would be distributed among all European Union countries. | |
18 | 由于几乎没有定期航班,设法上岸的船员可能无法回家。 | With few scheduled flights, the sailors who manage to disembark may not be able to get home. | |
19 | 飞机在法国降落后,一位空姐扶飞行员下飞机。 | A stewardess gives a pilot a hand as they disembark in France. | |
20 | 气垫船因此可以轻松上船和离船。 | Hovercraft will therefore be able to embark and disembark easily. | |
21 | 他们到达一个漂浮在地幔中充满了晶体的岩石泡泡内。 | They disembark in a rock bubble filled with crystals which is floating around the earth’s mantle. | |
22 | 他曾把民主比作一列火车,乘客到站了自然就要弃车而去。 | He once called democracy a train from which to disembark on reaching one’s destination. | |
23 | 我将于10月30号下船,那时船将到达在新加坡北部,马来西亚南端的另一个大港口。 | I will disembark on October 30th when we reach another massive port, on the southern tip of Malaysia, just north of Singapore. | |
24 | 我们的游船停靠在那里,有另外一个旅游团正准备下船。 | We were docking there so that another group could disembark . | |
25 | 我们放下行李快速赶往“神奇场”,我以前从来没有到过这个地方,所以我们拼命赶路。 | We disembark , dump the bags and skitter across town to the Field of Miracles. We have never been before. | |
26 | 游客上岸后漫步阳朔的街市,那里渔民将试图让你付款购买他们的鸬鹚。 | Passengers disembark on Market Street in Yangshuo, where the fishermen will try to get you to pay to pose with their cormorants. |