属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 74
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-塑料 旧法新用
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-外汇市场 固定汇率
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国法院和欧洲央行 尘埃未定
1 | 不久,中央情报局不再让他造假,而改搞化装,如假胡子、假发,早在20世纪60年代这些东西的制作相当粗糙。 | The agency soon moved him from forgery to disguises -like mustaches and wigs, which were fairly crude back then in the 1960s | |
2 | 但他们很快就发觉,有时化装效果太逼真了。 | But as they soon discovered, disguises can sometimes be too perfect. | |
3 | 祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏 | Misfortune might be a Blessing in disguises | |
4 | 令人捧腹的笑话、化装、错误. | Uproarious jokes, disguises ,mistakes | |
5 | 派里尼老板已经在着手为他们弄明天化装的衣服,他向他们保证,一定会使他们十分满意的。 | Signor Pastrini had already set about procuring their disguises for the morrow; and he assured them that they would be perfectly satisfied | |
6 | 说谎掩盖了人死的必然性、缺陷、恐惧、焦虑和在熙熙攘攘的人群中所感到的孤独。耳熟能详的谎言会创造一个较易应付的现实。人渴望从这些谎言中得到安慰。(美国作家梅尔) | Lying disguises our mortality, our inadequacies, our fears and anxieties, our loneliness in the midst of the crowd. We yearn for the comfort of familiar lies to create a more amenable reality. (Howards Mel, USawriter) | |
7 | 他曾经设法找各种借口. | He has tried all sorts of disguises . | |
8 | 我们很想去掉任何可能的假象以测定催化剂固有选择性的可能。 | We would like to measure the intrinsic selectivity behavior of a catalyst independent of any potential disguises | |
9 | 我们看到的是一个精力充沛的努里耶夫,─个活泼好动的顽童,扮演各种欢快的角色(阿勒尼·克罗齐) | It’s a very larky Nureyev whom we see-a buoyant imp who.cavorts in various disguises (Arlene Croce) | |
10 | 下午一点半时,他们下了楼,车夫和跟班在他们化装衣服上又套上了制服,这使他们看来更滑稽可笑,同时也为弗兰兹和阿尔贝博得不少喝彩。 | At half-past one they descended, the coachman and footman had put on their livery over their disguises , which gave them a more ridiculous appearance than ever, and which gained them the applause of Franz and Albert | |
11 | 一个人写文章,只要会从熟悉的日常用语中想一二十种说法,这种语言更接近他所要表达的情感 | A person who dews not deliberately dimples of all his thoughts alike in cumbrous draperies and flimsy disguises may strike out twenty varieties of familiar everyday language, each coming somewhat nearer to the feeling he wants to convey | |
12 | 这个坏蛋常常把自己化装成别的样子,但是,你们只要一听到他那粗哑的声音、一看到它那黑黑的爪子,就能认出它来。”小山羊们说:“好妈妈,我们会当心的。你去吧,不用担心。”老山羊咩咩地叫了几声,便放心地去了。 | The wretch often disguises himself, but you will know him at once by his rough voice and his black feet. The kids said, dear mother, we will take good care of ourselves, you may go away without any anxiety. Then the old one bleated, and went on her way with an easy mind. | |
13 | ||1:ECB当然想要把大部分流动资金投入到实体经济中。||2:但是,借贷双方保护措施第三步,就是在极其不确定的情况下,按兵不动。||3:《经济学家》编辑了一份信贷紧缩指数,其中包含若干各种数据,从银行贷款额,到防止欧元区银行、公司和国家违约而投入的保险费。||4:区区一个指数掩饰了强弱国家之间不小的差距,然而,这组数据却显示出,当下的信贷危机比08年银行危机最严重时更严重。 | ||1:Much of that ECB liquidity is meant to find its way into the real economy, of course.||2:But the third precautionary technique, for both lenders and borrowers, is to hang fire while uncertainty is so high.||3:The Economist has compiled credit-crunch index, comprising a number of measures on everything from bank lending to the cost of buying insurance against default for banks, firms and sovereigns in the euro zone.||4:A single index disguises big differences between weaker and stronger states, but it shows that credit is crunchier now than it was at the height of the banking crisis in 2008 (see chart 2). | |
14 | ||1:蒙脱土可以被冷冻干燥成一种叫做气凝胶的海绵状材料。||2:因为主要是空心,所以气凝胶是一种有名的易碎材料。||3:事实上,它们有时候也被戏称为"固态烟"。||4:其实,他们的易碎性掩盖了他们坚强的一面。||5:如果将酪蛋白塑料灌入气凝胶的细孔,那么气凝胶将不再易碎,相反,气凝胶中粘土分子的网状系统同样会防止酪蛋白塑料破裂。||6:所以,研究者们认为如果他们将酪蛋白与粘土混合在一起并添加甘油醛(用来取代原先塑料中所使用的含毒性的甲醛),将形成一种非常有用的材料。 | ||1: Sodium montmorillonite can be freeze-dried into a spongelike material known as an aerogel. ||2: Aerogels are famously fragile. But that is because they are mostly empty space. ||3: Indeed, they are sometimes nicknamed "solid smoke". ||4: This fragility disguises an underlying stiffness. ||5: Filling the pores in the aerogel with plastic should remove its fragility and, conversely, the network of clay molecules in the aerogel will stop the plastic cracking. ||6: So the researchers reckoned that if they mixed casein with the clay and added glyceraldehyde (which substitutes for the poisonous formaldehyde used in the original plastic), they might be able to make something really rather useful. | |
15 | ||1:为什么这位摄影家的大部分作品里都是她自己?羞涩是个原因。||2:自己乔装打扮可以随心所欲,雇人办事可能麻烦得多。||3:她也一度尝试使用模特,结果发现自己厌恶此事。||4:谢尔曼乐于独立工作,独自做事,也曾拍摄过自己不存于斯的照片。||5:这些照片吸引着她的铁杆拥趸,但却没有其它作品里的那个“活物”。||6:收藏家就是为了看她,才会买她的照片,所以这类照片并不畅销。||7:去年,1981年的《中央插页》(Centrefold)系列中的一张照片(见上图)拍出了390万美元,成为当时照片拍卖的一项纪录。||8:这让她为收藏者看她入镜的执念震惊,学着男人的声音开玩笑说:“面具后面的是她吗。 | ||1:Why does the photographer appear in most of her work.||2:One reason is shyness.||3:Disguises can be liberating and delegating can be arduous; she tried hiring models once, but found she hated it.||4:Ms Sherman enjoys working alone and doing everything herself.||5:She has also experimented with still lives in which she does not appear.||6:These images appeal to her hard-core fans but they lack the life, literally, of her other work.||7:They are also hard to sell.||8:When collectors buy a Sherman photograph, they want her. | |
16 | ||1:夏季迟钝症掩盖了潜在的危机。||2:全球的监管机构都在调查银行在货币交易中扮演的角色,显然他们认为这是又一个存在商业违规行为的金融市场。||3:将近30名银行职员已经被停职或解雇了,其中包括许多交易大厅的老板。||4:巨额罚款看来是不可避免的!||5:更糟糕的是,改革可能会将外汇市场现在的核心业务分离出去。||6:银行之前是通过向客户买卖外汇盈利的,但是改革之后它在外汇交易中可能将会由主角变为小角色。||7:这个年收益200亿美元的差事儿已经岌岌可危。 | ||1:The summertime torpor disguises existential angst.||2:Regulators across the world are probing the role of banks in currency trading, apparently convinced it is the latest financial market to have been fiddled.||3:Around 30 bank staff, including many trading-floor bosses, have been suspended or fired.||4:Hefty fines seem inevitable.||5:Worse, reforms may tear the heart out of the FX market as it is presently constituted.||6:Banks, which make money by offering to buy or sell currencies from or to their clients, could go from being central actors to bit players.||7:The future of a business which used to reap annual revenues of 20 billion is at stake. | |
17 | 这些直接货币交易的名字沉闷无趣,却隐藏着强大的冲击力。事实证明,OMT威慑力大到实质上从不需要被调配。 | These Outright Monetary Transactions, whose dreary name disguises their punch, proved so potent a deterrent that they never had to be deployed. | |
18 | 但是,向游客课以重税掩饰了地方政府服务的真实成本,会阻碍商务旅游和投资。 | But heavily taxing visitors disguises the true costs of local-level government services and can discourage business travel and investment. | |
19 | 但这一数据掩盖了以下事实:在伊朗与阿联酋的贸易往来中,有许多商品运往或来自中国。 | But this number disguises the fact that much of Iran’s trade with the United Arab Emirates consists of goods channelled to or from China. | |
20 | 但正如两位作者指出的,在这一引人注目的结论背后,还隐藏着更恼人的事实。 | But as the authors point out, this striking result disguises a more disturbing fact. | |
21 | 对于他很欣赏的作家,塞林格是慷慨的。但他对那些他所谓的有“伪装”的人却不留情。 | Salinger was generous with writers he admired, but he was unsparing about those who had what he called "disguises . " | |
22 | 格伦·克洛斯主演,讲的是一个19世纪爱尔兰的女人,为了找工作而“女扮男装”成一个名为阿尔伯特·诺伯斯的男人。 | Glenn Close plays a woman who disguises herself as a man named Albert Nobbs in order to find work in 19th-century Ireland. | |
23 | 各商店都在出售万圣节服装和假面具而玩“不招待就使坏”的恶作剧者也整装待发要到街上风光占尽。 | Halloween costumes and disguises are selling out in stores as trick-or-treaters are ready to take over the streets. | |
24 | 黑话只不过是语言在要干坏事时用来改头换面的化装室。 | Slang is nothing but a dressing-room where the tongue having some bad action to perform, disguises itself. | |
25 | 青草车可能还是得吃汽油,不过被绿色装饰一新。 | Grass Car Probably still running on petrol, this car disguises to be green. (Image credits: dipfan) | |
26 | 然而这种姿态却掩盖了中国内部围绕货币政策正在发生的真实辩论。 | Yet this stance disguises the very real debate taking place within China about currency policy. | |
27 | 然后它沿着湖边行走寻找水中的鲑鱼,用一种欺骗性的轻松步履来掩盖它巨大的力量。 | Then it moved on, patrolling the water’s edge for salmon with that deceptively easy lope that disguises the species’ immense strength. | |
28 | 首先,幸亏由于近期经济缩水严重,因此才能以百分比来计算增长速度,以便对其极低的绝对数值进行掩饰。 | For a start, talk of rapid growth in percentage terms disguises low absolute numbers, thanks to the depth of the recent contraction. | |
29 | 我则坚信,这个可怜的家伙因为想方设法要从自身影像的世界中消失,会将种种保护色试个没完。 | I insisted that the poor beast trying to disappear in a universe of itself would endlessly cycle through a number of its disguises . | |
30 | 英国的离婚率比较稳定,而这一趋势掩盖了整体分居率的上升。 | Britain’s divorce rate has stabilised. But that trend disguises a rise in the overall separation rate. |