属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-奥巴马表示经济公正是未竟事业
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-教皇本笃十六世正式辞职离开梵蒂冈
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-朝鲜希望蓬佩奥退出未来美朝谈判
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-雅加达学生强奸案引发全球关注印尼性虐待
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-数百万精神健康患者很少甚至根本没有得到治疗
1 | 我宁死不愿受辱。 | I prefer death to dishonor . | |
2 | 侮辱对个人名誉的重大损坏或对个人的侮辱 | Great personal dishonor or humiliation. | |
3 | 析老子荣辱观及其对高校思想政治教育的借鉴作用 | Analysis on the Concept of Honor and Dishonor of Lao-tzu and Its Learning Function to Ideological and Political Education in Universities | |
4 | 行使再追索权的被追索人获得清偿时,应当交出汇票和有关拒绝证明,并出具所收到利息和费用的收据。 | When the person who exercises the right of re-recourse is reimbursed, he shall surrender the bill of exchange and relevant evidence of dishonor and issue a receipt of interest and expenses paid. | |
5 | 要为玉碎不为瓦全 | Die with honor, rather than survive with dishonor | |
6 | 已成为这个俱乐部的耻辱 | had become a dishonor to the club. | |
7 | 以“八荣八耻”为标杆 树立电大生荣辱观 | Take "Eight Do’s and Eight Don’ts" as Range Pole Raise TV University Fresh Outlook for Honor and Dishonor | |
8 | 在死亡与受辱之间任择其一。 | The choice lies between death and dishonor | |
9 | 组织工作干部要做树立社会主义荣辱观的模范 | Group Cadres Ought to be the Model of Socialism Outlook for Honor and Dishonor | |
10 | 奥巴马表示,那些认为改变微乎其微的人,对不起50年前的这些游行者。与此同时他表示,争取种族平等的工作尚未完成。奥巴马指出,我们需要对投票权、高失业率和其它问题的挑战引起注意。 | Mr. Obama said those who suggest little has changed in America dishonor the marchers of 50 years ago. At the same time, he said work toward racial equality is not complete. The president noted that challenges to voting rights, high unemployment rates and other problems need attention. | |
11 | 教皇曾不得不回应天主教神职人员腐败和性虐待的指控,并处理了数千份私密文件泄密的事件,据说这些文件展示了教会不光彩的一面。此外欧洲范围内对天主教的信仰也出现了下降。 | The pope has had to answer accusations of corruption and sexual abuse by Catholic clergy members. He has dealt with the leak of thousands of private documents that reportedly show dishonor in the church. And, there has been a decrease in the Catholic faith within Europe. | |
12 | 权正根表示,蓬佩奥曾说过让朝鲜领导人蒙羞的话。上周,蓬佩奥在美国国会听证会上同意将金正恩定义为“暴君”。 | Kwon said Pompeo had said things to dishonor North Korea’s leader. Last week, Pompeo agreed to the naming of Kim as a "tyrant" at a U.S. congressional hearing. | |
13 | 受害者们往往害怕谈及性侵犯。他们担心这会让家门受辱。印尼社会中的很大一部分人都认为讨论性和性虐待是唐突无礼的。 | Victims are often afraid to talk about sexual attacks, they fear it will dishonor their families. A large part of Indonesian society considers it offensive to talk of sex and sexual abuse. | |
14 | 谢卡尔·萨克斯纳(Shekhar Saxena)是世卫组织精神卫生和药物滥用司司长。他对美国之音表示,各个社区和国家在精神健康问题上没有给予足够重视。他说,这是因为精神疾病和耻辱挂钩。 | Shekhar Saxena is the director of WHO’s Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse. He tells VOA that communities and countries do not pay enough attention to mental health problems. He says this is because there is a stigma, a feeling of dishonor , tied to mental illness. | |
15 | UCP600下的银行审单,在审单时间、审单标准和拒付后对单据的处理问题上也发生了重要改变。 | The examination of documents had also changed in the time and standard as well as the ways deal with the documents after dishonor . | |
16 | 不名誉的:应得,表明或招致谴责或丢脸的 | Deserving of, indicating, or incurring censure or dishonor | |
17 | 倡导社会主义荣辱观树立社会主义新风尚 | Initiative socialism outlook for honor and dishonor setting up socialism new prevailing custom | |
18 | 耻辱,羞辱,见不得人的感觉 | stigma n. a feeling of shame or dishonor | |
19 | 传统文化与社会主义荣辱观 | Traditional Culture and Socialism Outlook for Honor and Dishonor | |
20 | 打造两个平台,让社会主义荣辱观融入家庭、社会; | Makes two platforms, Let the socialism outlook for honor and dishonor integrate the family, the society; | |
21 | 大学生社会主义荣辱观的培养与塑造 | University Student the Socialism Honor Versus Dishonor View Educates with Mold | |
22 | 对青年大学生进行荣辱观教育,具有重大的意义。 | Educating the university students with honor versus dishonor view has the important meaning. | |
23 | 对一起拒付案的几点思考 | Reflections on a case of dishonor or of payment | |
24 | 福建地域文化:构建社会主义荣辱观教育的有效平台 | Region culture of Fujian: to construct an effective platform for the socialism outlook for honor and dishonor education | |
25 | 高校大学生社会主义荣辱观教育的路径选择 | Carries on the way choice of education for the socialism outlook for honor and dishonor to the university students by the universities | |
26 | 高校教师践行社会主义荣辱观的研究 | View of College Teachers Practising Socialism Concept about Honor and Dishonor | |
27 | 关于大学生社会主义荣辱观教育的思考 | Pondering about socialist honor and dishonor education for university students | |
28 | 加强高职院校社会主义荣辱观教育初探 | Enhancing the Socialistic Viewpoint of Honor and Dishonor in Vocational College | |
29 | 坚持正确价值取向树立社会主义荣辱观 | Persist Correct Value Orientation Set up Socialism Outlook for Honor and Dishonor | |
30 | 就像你知道的,海鸥们从不在空中乱颤甚至是失控坠落。在空中失控是使人丢脸和觉得羞耻的。 | Seagulls, as you know, never falter, never stall. To stall in the air is for them disgraced and it is dishonor . |