属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-诺贝尔物理学奖公布 气候变化领域研究成果获奖
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-诺贝尔物理学奖公布 气候变化领域研究成果获奖
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-儿童、老年人睡眠问题上的新发现
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-儿童、老年人睡眠问题上的新发现
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-儿童、老年人睡眠问题上的新发现
1 | 他生活毫无规律,于贫困中死去. | He led a disordered life and died in poverty. | |
2 | 他头发蓬乱。 | His hair was disordered . | |
3 | 他自己打扮得也不像个新郎,身上穿得邋里邋遢的,就好像他有意要拿这件正经事开开玩笑似的。 | Nor was he dressed himself like a bridegroom, but in strange disordered attire, as if he meant to make a sport of the serious business he came about | |
4 | 听起来总是那么古里古怪、好象神经有点毛病似的。 | It sounded just that weird and disordered | |
5 | 突然的倾盆大雨使游行队伍混乱。 | The sudden downfall of rain disordered the parade. | |
6 | 维尔福的额头上直冒冷汗,他的双腿发抖,各种不祥的念头在他的脑子里乱转。 | his legs trembled, and his thoughts flew about madly in his brain like the wheels of a disordered watch | |
7 | 我们两人都喜欢住在佐治亚州南部。我在一个小镇巴克斯利得到一份教师的工作,教育行为失调的孩子们。基思则销售农产品,盼望着有一天能养自己的牛。 | Both of us wanted to stay in southern Georgia. I got a job teaching behavior-disordered children in the small town of Baxley. Keith was selling farm supplies and looking forward to raising his own cattle. | |
8 | 无序电子系统中自旋轨道散射对Hall电导率的影响 | Spin-Orbit Scattering Effects on Hall Conductivity in a Layered Disordered Electron System | |
9 | 无序一维三元光子晶体的能带特性研究 | Bandgap Properties of Disordered One-dimensional Ternary Photonic Crystals | |
10 | 一份七拼八凑杂乱无章的报告 | a farraginous mass of disordered report | |
11 | 一连串的意外事件把店里弄得乱七八糟。 | A series of accidents disordered the shop | |
12 | 一维无序体系的振动局域态 | The Localization of Vibration in one-dimensional Disordered System | |
13 | 应用出院准备服务概念护理一位情感型精神疾患之经验 | A Discharge Plan for an Affective Disordered Patient | |
14 | 英文电影片名翻译之三足鼎立 | Disordered Situations in China’s English Film Title Translation | |
15 | 由铁磁性转变为顺磁性涉及到电子自旋的取向由有序向无序转变。 | The transition from ferromagnetism to paramagnetism involves a transition from ordered to disordered orientations of electron spins | |
16 | 有序态和无序态Ni3Mn的环境氢脆 | Environmental Embrittlement of Ordered and Disordered Ni3Mn | |
17 | 在物理学中,温度是组成一个物体的分子无序动能的一种量度。 | In physics, the temperature is a measure of the disordered kinetic energy of the molecules constituting a body | |
18 | 这件事虽在我错乱的脑子里留下鲜明的印象,但不久也就淡忘了。 | Although this event failed not of a vivid effect upon my disordered imagination, yet was it evanescent as vivid. | |
19 | 这位不速之客打乱了他的计划。 | The unexpected guest disordered his plans | |
20 | 准一维三平行链无序系统电子结构 | The Electronic Structure of Quasi-one-dimensional Disordered Systems with Three Parallel Chains | |
21 | 帕里西因为在上世纪80年代发现了从原子到行星尺度的物理系统中无序运动背后的“隐藏规则”而获奖。 | Parisi is honored for his early 1980s discovery of "hidden rules" behind disordered movements in physical systems from the atomic to the planet level. | |
22 | 瑞典科学院表示:“帕里西因其对无序材料和随机过程理论的革命性贡献而获奖。” | "Giorgio Parisi won the honor for his revolutionary contributions to the theory of disordered materials and random processes," the Academy said. | |
23 | ||1:“睡眠呼吸紊乱”是一个术语,描述了一组干扰人们睡觉时正常呼吸的状况。||2:其中包括打鼾、用嘴呼吸和睡眠呼吸暂停。||3:睡眠呼吸紊乱不仅仅会导致人们第二天感觉疲倦,还会影响人们的健康。||4:对儿童的影响还包括行为和情绪问题。 | ||1:Sleep-disordered breathing is a term for a group of conditions that can interfere with normal breathing while people sleep.||2:These include snoring, mouth-breathing and sleep apnea.||3:Sleep-disordered breathing can do more than just leave people feeling tired the next day. It can also affect people’s health.||4:In children the effects can include behavioral and emotional problems. | |
24 | 波诺克:“整体上的重要发现是,睡眠呼吸紊乱和不利的神经行为后果50%的增量有关。” | KAREN BONUCK: "The central finding overall is that sleep-disordered breathing is associated with a fifty percent increase in adverse neurobehavioral outcomes." | |
25 | 这项研究发表在儿科杂志上。据估计,1/10的孩子定期打鼾。患有其它睡眠呼吸紊乱的比例更小。 | The study appears in the journal Pediatrics. An estimated one child in ten snores regularly. A smaller number suffer from other sleep-disordered breathing. | |
26 | 68例儿童阻塞性睡眠呼吸障碍的临床分析 | Clinical analysis of 68 patients with obstructive sleep-disordered breathing in children | |
27 | 北京女校大学生进食障碍与心境的问卷调查 | Disordered Eating Attitudes and Behaviors and Related Mood States among Female University Students in Beijing | |
28 | 茶碱对稳定期慢性充血性心力衰竭患者睡眠呼吸障碍的作用 | The effect of theophylline on sleep-disordered breathing in stable chronic congestive heart failure | |
29 | 从睡眠呼吸障碍研究进展看多学科交叉的重要价值 | Evaluation of the cross-subjects based on the research progress of sleep-disordered breathing | |
30 | 脆性无序介质损伤破坏过程的离散元法动态模拟 | Dynamic Simulation of Failure Processes for Disordered Materials |