属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 农场主对战北美野牛极端保护者
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-气候变化 呈钟形曲线变化的天气
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-气候变化 呈钟形曲线变化的天气
1 | “好!”葛擂硬先生踌躇了一会儿,然后笑逐颜开地说,“你比我料想的还要冷静得多。” | "Well," said Mr. Gradgrind, breaking into a smile, after being for the moment at a loss, you are even more dispassionate than I expected | |
2 | 但是当他的眼光终于又回上去注在林佩珊的脸上时,他忽然发见林佩珊的神情是冷静得和平常一样,和第三者一样 | When his eyes went up again to her face, he found her as calm, dispassionate and impersonal as she always was | |
3 | 记者应当是对事实作冷静报导的人 | A journalist should be a dispassionate reporter of fact. | |
4 | 他报道的特点是全文几乎都是冷静细致的描述:它向公允而沉着的读者报道的是一次确实发生的暴行。他的这一特点对后来《卫报》的文风起了重要作用。 | The hallmark of his reporting-which was to be vital to the Guardian in future years-was that most of it was coolly and carefully descriptive: it conveyed to an impartial, dispassionate reader that an atrocity had occurred | |
5 | 现在,广大公众从功利出发,把他们的兴趣放在“空间”方面。我们同意这种情形可能会影响我们进行冷静的思考。 | Now I would agree that the utilitarian, sporting interest a wide public has lately been taking in "space" can mask a dispassionate awareness | |
6 | 一个没有偏见的观察家. | a dispassionate observer | |
7 | 伊莎贝尔象一个冷若冰霜的证人,丝毫不理睬杜歇夫人对客人的评论。 | Isabel, as a dispassionate witness, had not been struck with the force of Mrs. Touchett’s characterisation of her visitor | |
8 | 造就一个绅士是件美好的事,有教养的才智,优雅的情趣,正直、公正而冷静的头脑,高贵而彬彬有礼的举止 | It is well to be a gentleman, it is well to have a cultivated intellect, a delicate taste, a candid, equitable, dispassionate mind, a noble and courteous bearing in the conduct of life | |
9 | 这篇报道虽然措词不带感情色彩,但结尾却提出“还要等到什么时候才能找到某种惩罚办法而不必剥夺生命? | The report, though otherwise dispassionate , ended: "When will some mode of punishment be found to save these sacrifices of life?" | |
10 | ||1:赞成引进狼群的生物学家和官员们自称为独特地方的冷静管理员。||2:但他们类似精神的谈话暴露了自己的狐狸尾巴,称狼群可以将被人类破坏的风景“完全”恢复。||3:确实,当黄石公园在1995年第一次放出狼群时,当时的内政部长布鲁斯·巴比特把这天叫做“救赎日”。||4:而在与赞成保护野牛的活动家们一起居住时,法雷尔先生听到了一些令他震惊的话:他们对着各种毛绒绒的标本说“我们爱你们”,或“神圣的孩子们,我们来保护你们了”,并唾弃有所删节的美国本土关于动物古老灵魂的学说(同时在许多情况下,他们也坚持不信任宗教和其作品)。 | ||1:Pro-wolf biologists and officials call themselves dispassionate custodians of a unique place.||2:But they give themselves away with quasi-spiritual talk of wolves restoring “wholeness” to a landscape damaged by man.||3:Indeed, when the first Yellowstone wolves were released in 1995, the then-interior secretary, Bruce Babbit, called it “a day of redemption”.||4:While living with pro-bison activists, a startled Mr Farrell heard them telling various furry specimens “We love you,” or “We are here to protect you, you big sacred boy,” and spouting bowdlerised Native-American teachings about the animals’ ancient souls (while simultaneously insisting, in many cases, that they distrusted religion and its works). | |
11 | 但有意思的是,该文章在表述证据时却远未做到不偏不倚。 | For the paper, interesting though the evidence it delivers is, is far from dispassionate . | |
12 | 然而,詹姆斯汉森与他的同事所采用的展示方案却在一群人中引起了骚动。这些人认为科技论文在表述证据时应客观公正, | The team’s method of presentation, however, has caused a stir among those who feel that scientific papers should be dispassionate in their delivery of the evidence. | |
13 | “没人试着以客观冷静的态度与公司交涉吗?”汤姆问。 | "Has anyone tried approaching the company with a dispassionate attitude? " asked Tom. | |
14 | Ryback的分析在冷静的质问与道德批判之间很好地保持了平衡。 | Mr Ryback has done a good job maintaining a balance between dispassionate inquiry and moral revulsion. | |
15 | 比如她的儿子杰西(Jesse),就阅读了那些评论,并冷静地总结了其中有用的意见。 | Her son Jesse, for example, read the reviews and prepared a dispassionate summary of useful criticisms. | |
16 | 达尔文不是不动情感的科学家,他是一个充满热情的人道主义者。 | Darwin was not a dispassionate scientist, he was a passionate humanitarian. | |
17 | 但恶劣的政治对美国人已不在新鲜,美国在建国时期根本不能做到很理智的思考。 | But nasty politics is nothing new to the US: its founding era was hardly an idyll of dispassionate deliberation. | |
18 | 但任何冷静的观察者都能明显看出,中国或俄罗斯与30年前已大不相同。 | But it is evident to any dispassionate observer that these are far from being the countries of three decades ago. | |
19 | 而当《圣经》取代了庄严、冷静的证据分析时,你该清楚,事情严重出错了。 | But when biblical exegesis replaces the solemn, dispassionate weighing of evidence you know that things have gone badly wrong. | |
20 | 公正而全面的新闻与时事节目位居首位:民主制度要求新闻的获取方式必须是开放的。 | Dispassionate and comprehensive news and current affairs are at the top of the list: democracy demands open access to news. | |
21 | 她平静而敏锐的年轻嗓音和那年仅14岁就如此心酸的人生观也无法改变什么。 | Her dispassionate , observant young voice and poignant 14-year-old view of life don’t change much. | |
22 | 考察数据,计算概率,作出冷静、校准的决策。 | Look at the data; calculate the probabilities; make a dispassionate calibrated decision. | |
23 | 考虑世界上生命的复杂性,公正的旁观者可能会说“也该是大力发展生物学的时候了”。 | Considering the complexity of all living creatures, dispassionate observers might say "about time too" . | |
24 | 跨国公司对我国技术转移的冷思考 | Dispassionate Consideration of MNC’s Technique Transfer to China | |
25 | 冷静地折衷并不能奏效,它们充其量只会敷衍你一会儿,但最终你会被完全地抛弃掉。 | Dispassionate half-measures don’t work. At best they’ll entertain you for a short while. But you’ll quit eventually out of disinterest. | |
26 | 你不带偏见的态度让你清除不必要的、轻率的想法和情绪。 | Your dispassionate focus allows your mind to be clear of unnecessary, disparaging thoughts and emotions. | |
27 | 如果以一种更中立的角度来看待上述两个金融中心的宣言,二者力量的天平比乍看起来更为微妙。 | A more dispassionate look at the claims of the two centres suggests that the balance of power is subtler than first appears. | |
28 | 他提议,宾·查德可能因为和他的下线长期走的过近从而失去了他做出冷静判断的能力。 | Perhaps over time bin Zeid had gotten too close to his recruit and lost his ability to make dispassionate judgments, he offered. | |
29 | 我从来不曾听过有人会用不带情感色彩的委婉语“表现欠佳者”来形容自己。 | The dispassionate euphemism "underperformer" is one that I have never heard anyone use to describe themselves. | |
30 | 牙医们大可安枕无忧,知道自己手艺的无趣特点仍未受挑战。 | The dentists can rest for the moment safe in the knowledge that the dispassionate dullness of their craft remains unchallenged. |