1 | 把这张药方拿到配药处去配药。 | Take this prescription to the dispensary for your medicine. | |
2 | 第二十七条 医疗机构的药剂人员调配处方,必须经过核对,对处方所列药品不得擅自更改或者代用。对有配伍禁忌或者超剂量的处方,应当拒绝调配;必要时,经处方医师更正或者重新签字,方可调配。 | Article 27 Prescriptions being dispensed by the dispensers of medical organizations must be checked. Pharmaceuticals listed in prescriptions must not be presumptuously changed or substituted. Prescriptions containing incompatible substances or excessive dosages shall be rejected by the dispensary . If necessary, such prescriptions can be dispensed after they have been corrected or re-signed by the doctors who wrote them. | |
3 | 对有配伍禁忌或者超剂量的处方,应当拒绝调配;必要时,经处方医师更正或者重新签字,方可调配。 | Prescriptions containing incompatible substances or excessive dosages shall be rejected by the dispensary . If necessary, such prescriptions can be dispensed after they have been corrected or re-signed by the doctors who wrote them. | |
4 | 流动诊所; 流动诊疗站 | traveling dispensary ; mobile clinic | |
5 | 拿这个处方到药房,他们就会给你配药了。 | Take the prescription to the dispensary and they’ll make it out. | |
6 | 你把它拿到药房去取药 | Please take it to the dispensary . | |
7 | 他在那里开设了一所免费药房。 | he established there a free dispensary | |
8 | 西药房,西药调剂室 | dispensary for western medicine | |
9 | 巡回医疗队. | a travelling dispensary | |
10 | 医院,医务室一个照料老人、病人或伤员的地方,尤指小型医院或诊所 | A place for the care of the infirm,sick,or injured,especially a small hospital or dispensary in an institution. | |
11 | 诊疗所; 诊疗室 | dispensary ; clinic ; therapeutics room | |
12 | 中药房,中药调剂室 | dispensary of traditional Chinese medicine | |
13 | 综合医院与结核病防治机构合作提高肺结核患者发现率的研究 | Increasing Case Detection through the Collaboration between Hospital and TB Dispensary | |
14 | ||1:奥克斯特丹大学自称是加利福尼亚州奥克兰市的“大麻学院”,也先后被人称为“大麻罐的普林斯顿大学”和“大麻的哈佛大学”。||2:它的创始人理查德?李在大麻合法化运动中已经是公众最耳熟能详的人。||3:他是个截瘫患者,需要用大麻来治疗,这在加利福尼亚和其余15州,以及哥伦比亚特区是合法的。||4:他同时也经营着一所药用大麻的药店,2010年在加利福尼亚州还发起了小剂量使用大麻合法化的投票统计运动,不管是用于医学还是娱乐活动。||5:这次统计几乎失败,但大麻合法化的观念却继续赢得支持,人们纷纷改变立场。 | ||1: OAKSTERDAM university, a self-proclaimed “cannabis college” in Oakland, California, has been called everything from “the Princeton of Pot” to “the Harvard of Hemp”. ||2: Its founder, Richard Lee, has become the public face of the movement to legitimise marijuana. ||3: A paraplegic, he uses the drug for medical purposes, which is legal in California and 15 other states and in the District of Columbia. ||4: He also runs a dispensary for medical marijuana and sponsored a 2010 ballot measure in California to legalise marijuana completely in small amounts, whether medicinal or recreational. ||5: That measure failed narrowly, but the idea of legalization continues to win converts. | |
15 | ||1:查封理查德?李德财产是联邦政府日益扩大的禁麻行动中最引人注目的做法,各州和市对这样的行动感到奇怪。||2:遍布于加利福尼亚、科罗伦多和蒙太纳诸州的药店,甚至是药房的房东都收到了恐吓信。||3:很多药店主关掉了药店。||4:大麻种植者和使用者怒气冲冲后变得恐惧起来。||5:有一些人抗议,而另一些人则转向大麻的地下市场,如同回到了药用大麻未被允许合法使用的岁月。 | ||1:The raids on his properties are only the most telegenic instances of a much wider federal crackdown that has taken states and counties by surprise.||2:Dispensaries and even landlords of dispensary -operators, all over California, Colorado and Montana have been getting menacing letters.||3:Many have closed shop.||4:Growers and users are by turns livid and scared.||5:Some have protested.Others have ducked back into the black market, as in the old days before medical marijuana was allowed. | |
16 | 对医院门诊药房转变为药品零售企业的分析与思考 | Analysis and thinking on the change from outpatient dispensary to drug retail corporation | |
17 | 截止2月8日,丹佛要求配药房老板进行背景审查,提交安全计划并支付5000美元年检和相关费用。 | As of Feb. 8, Denver requires dispensary owners to undergo background checks, submit security plans and spend $5, 000 in licensing and fees. | |
18 | 门诊药房常见差错原因分析 | Analysis of common error causes in dispensary for outpatients | |
19 | 通常情况下,遵医嘱吸食大麻的病人不得不从获准诊所购买大麻然后带到别处去(吸食)。 | Patients who have been prescribed marijuana usually have to buy it from a licensed dispensary and then take it elsewhere. | |
20 | 我院门诊西药房药品数量化管理细节介绍 | Quantitative management of clinic western medicine dispensary in our hospital | |
21 | 中药房计算机管理的应用与体会 | Application and comprehension of computer management in Traditional Chinese Medicine dispensary | |
22 | 住院药房临床带教体会 | The experience of clinical guiding teach in inpatient dispensary |