1 | “高雅”的名字移到平民身上,村野的名字移到贵人身上,那样的交流只能说是平等思想激荡的后果。 | This displacement , which places the "elegant" name on the plebeian and the rustic name on the aristocrat, is nothing else than an eddy of equality | |
2 | 8 缸动力系统的较大排量可将BMW 750i 和 750Li 的输出功率增加到 270 kW(367 bhp),将BMW 740i 和 740Li 输出功率增加到 225 kW(306 bhp)。 | The larger displacement of the eight-cylinder power plant increases power output to 270 kW (367 bhp)in the BMW 750Li, and 225 kW (306 bhp)in the BMW 740Li. | |
3 | GB14316-1993间距1.27mm绝缘刺破型端接式聚氯乙烯绝缘带状电缆 | PVC insulated ribbon cable with a pitch of 1.27mm suitable for insulation displacement termination | |
4 | Viano 采用3.2升黄金排量,V型6缸,18气门,双火花塞,多点喷射汽油发动机,随时提供充沛动力。 | A generous 3.2 liter displacement , V6 cylinders, 18 valves, dual sparker, multi-injection, this is what Viano engine provides and what you can rely on. | |
5 | X线片显示右股骨头下部粉碎性骨折兼移位。建议行人工股骨头内修复置换术。 | X-ray film of her right hip showed evidence of a subcapital comminuted fracture of the femoral neck with displacement . An internal prosthetic replacement of the femoral head was advised. | |
6 | 阿基米德最先发现固体排水的原理 | Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies. | |
7 | 膀胱异位;膀胱外翻 | ectopia vesicae [bladder displacement ] | |
8 | 比如,在传感器的弹性元件上进行应变测量时,其应变数据一般用来确定实际产生这一应变的力或位移或转矩或加速度或其他变量的大小。 | When measured on a transducer spring element, for example, strain data is used to determine the magnitude of the force, displacement , torque, acceleration, or other variables actually producing the strain. | |
9 | 必须为正在使用氩的地方提供充分的通风。对氧迁移可能发生的地方进行监测。OSHA确定19.5%作为没有补充空气情况下工作时氧的最小浓度。 | Provide adequate ventilation in areas using argon. Provide monitoring for areas where oxygen displacement may occur. OSHA has established 19.5% oxygen concentration as the minimum for working without supplied air. | |
10 | 变量泵可在长的保压时间内节省能源。 | A variable displacement pump could save energy during the long holding time. | |
11 | 船舶是指各类排水或非排水船、筏、水上飞机、潜水器和移动式平台。 | Vessels " means all types of displacement or non-displacement ships, rafts, seaplanes, submersibles and mobile platforms. | |
12 | 但是,最早期的地震记录,就记录下了主震中具有很大横向位移分量的频散波。 | However, the earliest long-period seismographs recorded dispersive waves with large transverse displacement components in the main tremor | |
13 | 当桁架很大时,根据几何学定律来计算相对位移就会变成很麻烦的事。 | When the truss is large such a calculation of a relative displacement by the laws of geometry becomes excessively tedious | |
14 | 动力由革命性的V6发动机提供,排量为3724毫升,这一新款SL 350将活力与舒适性组合在一起。 | Powered by a revolutionary V6 engine featuring a displacement of 3724 cc, this new SL 350 is a combination of vitality and comfort. | |
15 | 对物体做的功,不仅由整个物体的移动来实现,还可以通过压缩气体、转动轮轴、甚至物体内部质点在外部磁力作用下的微小运动来实现。拿一个重物静止不动时并没有把能量转移给它,因为没有位移。 | Work is also done by compressing a gas, by rotating a shaft, and by causing invisible motions of particles within a body by an external magnetic force. No work is accomplished by simply holding a heavy stationary object, because there is no transfer of energy and no displacement . | |
16 | 反过来,如果从变应场来寻找位移场,那么问题就没有这么简单。 | The inverse problem of finding the displacement field from a strain field is not so simple | |
17 | 该数可从排水量表中查出每一水尺数的排水量而获得。 | This can be obtained from the displacement scale which gives the value of the displacement for each draught. | |
18 | 高阻尼不能使其直接从横臂的位移读出重力值。 | The heavy damping makes it impractical to read gravity directly from the displacement of the beam | |
19 | 根据它们给流体传输能量的方式来将它们分类,基本的方式是体积位移、增加动能和使用电磁力。 | Pumps are classified by how they transfer energy to the fluid. The basic methods are volume displacement , addition of kinetic energy, and use of electromagnetic force. | |
20 | 功:物理学中,物体在外力作用下运动而至少有分力加在物体位移的方向时,所发生的能量转移的量度。 | work : In physics, the measure of energy transfer that occurs when an object is moved over a distance by an external force, some component of which is applied in the direction of displacement . | |
21 | 国外汽车制造厂家也广泛地使用多重化油器,以提高小排量发动机使用性能和经济效益。 | Foreign manufacturers have used multiple carburetors extensively to increase performance and efficiency of small-displacement | |
22 | 很明显,通过声子反冲过程而取得晶格原子位移的几率是不大的。 | The probability of obtaining a lattice atom displacement via the phonon kick process is evidently small | |
23 | 黄元胶通过增加水的涌入量并置换出油的方式提高油的回收率。 | Xanthan polymers enhance oil recovery by improving water flooding and the displacement of oil. | |
24 | 混相驱油有许多优点,许多有价值的重组分将最终呈现具有高运移性的相态。 | A miscible gas displacement of the oil is advantageous, because valuable heavy components will at the end be contained in a phase with a fairly high mobility | |
25 | 活塞排量:活塞排量是当活塞从下止点运行到上止点时,活塞排出气体的体积。 | PISTON DISPLACEMENTPiston displacement isthe volume that the piston displaces as it moves from BDCto TDC. | |
26 | 霍尔效应磁强计;霍尔效应磁力仪 | Hall effect displacement transducer | |
27 | 机械性刺激感受器对机械性刺激,如抗力、压力或位移作出反应的神经末梢器官 | A specialized sensory end organ that responds to mechanical stimuli such as tension, pressure, or displacement . | |
28 | 解决了初始和边值问题,包括位移的、曳力的和混合的边值条件。 | Both initial and boundary-value problems, including displacement , traction and mixed boundary conditions are solved | |
29 | 金属材料裂纹尖端张开位移试验方法 | Test method for crack-tip opening displacement measurement of metallic materials | |
30 | 径向位移必定伴随着圆环力。 | The radial displacement must be accompanied by a hoop force |