属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-会计造假 抓住他们!哥谭
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本汽车制造商 活力无穷
1 | (指借口或不在犯罪现场的申辩)无懈可击的. | (of an excuse or alibi)impossible to disprove | |
2 | 对于文人,它是一颗导弹,他可以把它投到读者脸上,以驳斥那种有害的邪说。 | To the man of letters it is a missile that he can fling in the reader’s face to disprove the pestilent heresy | |
3 | 反驳…的旧观念 | Disprove the’old notion that... | |
4 | 尽管这两党各自不同意它党的理论,在迫害持异议者这一点上却是一致的。 | The two parties disprove the theory of the other,but unite in persecute the dissenter. | |
5 | 凯瑟琳觉得如果她是他的姐姐,她就会反对这条通则。 | It seemed to Catherine that if she were his sister she would disprove this axiom | |
6 | 抗辩试图证明(诉讼或声明)是错的,或使(诉讼或声明)无效 | To attempt to disprove or invalidate(an action or a claim. | |
7 | 另一方面,人们只要发现一个观测结果与理论预言不一致,就可以否定那种理论。 | On the other hand, you can disprove a theory by finding even a single observation that disagrees with the predictions of the theory | |
8 | 他们的陈述不正确,现提反对意见如下。 | Their statement incorrect we disprove as follow. | |
9 | 我们的对手们想利用我们计算中的一个小小失误来推翻我们的整个论点。 | Our opponents tried to make a great deal of capital of a small mistake in our calculations in order to disprove our whole argument. | |
10 | 我证明他提出的索赔要求不能成立. | I disprove his claim. | |
11 | 我证明他提出的索赔要求不能成立。 | I disprove his claim | |
12 | 这下子我可有点窘迫,因为我无法反驳他的话。 | I was in something of a corner now, as I couldn’t disprove his assertion | |
13 | 这些指控完全是无中生有 | The allegations have been completely disprove . | |
14 | 正在那时,象是要证明他不是一个吃人的妖怪似的,那人从他的干粮袋里取出一些黑面包、黄油和大蒜,开始狼吞虎咽地大嚼起来。 | at the same time, as though to disprove the ogreish propensities, the man took some black bread, cheese, and onions from his wallet, which he began devouring voraciously | |
15 | 证明是错误的;不赞成 | To demonstrate to be false;disprove . | |
16 | ||1:尽管如此,中国依旧是一片充满“机遇”的土地。||2:浑水公司最新的调查对象是秦网手机,后者的审计委员会主席在7月4号突然请辞。||3:当市场投资者们对各类小知名度的企业掷下重金之时,布洛克先生在非洲观望着经济态势发展。||4:Citron的莱福特先生认识到,企业行骗者已经不能像从前那样行事了,因为现在人们有更多的手段可以查到网络资讯以及公共记录等等的数据。上述资料都能用以揭穿投资者们的各种声明。||5:诚然,但同时也充斥着太多天真的赌徒,总在期盼着天上能掉下来几块馅饼,而他们总会不厌其烦地想要给予风险家们一次机会。 | ||1: Even so, China will remain fertile territory. ||2: Muddy Waters’ latest quarry there is NQ Mobile, the head of whose audit committee resigned abruptly on July 4th. ||3: Mr Block is also said to be sniffing around in Africa, where investors are chucking money at little-known firms. ||4: Citron’s Mr Left reckons corporate fraudsters “can’t bullshit [investors] the way they used to,” because “there’s so much more accessible information online, in public records, and so on,” with which to disprove their claims. ||5: True, but the temptation to give it a try, faced with so many naive punters hungry for fat returns, seems undiminished. | |
17 | ||1:这些第二梯队公司似乎比以往任何时候都更有决心,去反驳这样一个观点:业务规模和巨量销售额都是不可或缺的。||2:除去日本本土市场以外,铃木汽车只在印度取得了耀眼的成绩,相比于其他制造商来说十分不起眼。||3:但就在不久之前,该公司退出了与德国大众汽车(Volkswagen (VW))所结成的商业联盟,而后者本应该能帮助铃木汽车进入海外发达国家市场,以销售旗下的小型廉价车辆。 | ||1:The second-tier firms seem more determined than ever to disprove the notion that global scale and huge volumes are indispensable.||2:Suzuki is a relative minnow with a strong presence in only one big market outside Japan—India.||3:But not long ago it withdrew from an alliance with Germany’s Volkswagen (VW), which could have helped it sell small and cheap vehicles in developed markets overseas. | |
18 | 从某种意义上讲,这似乎证明我的美国出版界朋友两年前给我的建议是错的。 | Now, in some senses this might appear to disprove the advice I was given by my American publishing friends a couple of years back. | |
19 | 从那时起,其他的科学家就开始检验这个关于霰弹式吸尘器的想法,有的想证实它,也有的想推翻它。 | Other scientists have since run with that comparison to canister-style vacuum cleaners and have set out to prove or disprove it. | |
20 | 利己行为的逻辑诱惑则不同:这种观点似乎无可辩驳。 | The logical lure of egoism is different: the view seems impossible to disprove . | |
21 | 罗小姐屈服得叹了口气说,“不幸的是,尸体解剖者很可能没有察觉到或对来自外太空的微波提出反证。” | "Unfortunately, the autopsies will probably not detect or disprove microwaves from outer space, " Miss Rowe said with a sigh of resignation. | |
22 | 你(和我一样)可以对他上面的说法心存怀疑,这还是不能证明“共同创新理论”就不成立。 | Even if (like me) you find this latter point unconvincing, it still doesn’t disprove the community of innovation theory. | |
23 | 你不能证明它也不能证伪它,而且无从检验。 | You can’t prove it or disprove it, and you can’t test it. | |
24 | 你知道,当时不像我们今天这样,有因特网可以用来驳斥各种古怪的说法。 | And, you know, they didn’t have the Internet to disprove all these wacky theories, like we do today. | |
25 | 如果您认为您的孩子可能患有多动症,有测试来证明或者反驳这个理论。 | If you believe your child might have ADHD, there are tests that will prove or disprove that theory. | |
26 | 如果我们中的某一位能够首先对一个信号作出解读,其他人就能对其进行证实或证伪。 | If one of us will be able to provide the first hints of a signal, the other will be able to confirm it or disprove it. | |
27 | 如果性别定势确实令人侧目,那么驳斥定势的动机,就会鼓励并引导她们展开行动。 | If the stereotype is really blatant then the motivation to disprove the stereotype kind of energises and leads them to work to disprove it. | |
28 | 如果需要一个反驳“如果你造了他们就要”的真理,那就是赛格威。 | If there was ever a product to disprove the axiom "If you build it, they will come, " it’s the Segway. | |
29 | 事实说话:我们发现自己陷于另一个悖论之中了,对于宗教我们是没有办法判断真伪的。 | The facts: We find ourselves at another paradox, there is no way to prove or disprove any religion. | |
30 | 事实说话:因为这个理论宣称当今的年份有误,所以证实它真伪有非常可靠的方法。 | The facts: Well, there is no solid way to prove or disprove it, since the very theory says the carbon dating of this age is flawed. |