属类:文学表达-外国名著-Madame de Bovary
1 | (二)未按照主管机关许可的目的、方式、标语、口号、起止时间、地点、路线进行,不听制止的; | (2)failure to act in accordance with the purposes, manners, posters, slogans, starting and finishing time, places, and routes permitted by the competent authorities, and disregard of instructions to stop acting without permission. | |
2 | (三)在城市集会、游行,违反有关规定妨碍交通,不听民警指挥的; | (3)blocking traffic by rallying or demonstrating in cities, violating relevant regulations in disregard of police directions; | |
3 | (四)无理拦截车辆或者强行登车影响车辆正常运行,不听劝阻的; | (4)deliberately intercepting or boarding vehicles by force or impeding the normal operation of vehicles in disregard of dissuasion; | |
4 | (五)在县级以上公安机关明令禁止通行的地区,强行通行,不听公安人员劝阻的; | (5)deliberately passing through an area when passage is forbidden in express terms by public security organs at or above the county level, in disregard of dissuasion; | |
5 | (一)不按规定申报户口或者申领居民身份证,经公安机关通知拒不改正的; | (1)failing to register for residence or apply for a resident card according to regulations, in disregard of the notice of the public security organs; | |
6 | “如果情况更糟,那还能做手术吗?”“能,但是如果你听医生的就没必要做手术了。” | "And if the condition gets worse,is it operable"Yes,but there should be no occasion for that in your case,unless you choose to disregard the doctor’s orders" | |
7 | 爱玛被剥夺了查尔斯财产的支配权,又无力偿还债务,就更加毫无顾忌地听从莱翁的摆布,因为她已如此彻底地堕落,她必须寻求松弛和欢乐,否则就必然会发疯了。 | Deprived of her hold over Charles’ finances and unable to repay her debts, Emma threw herself upon Lion’s mercy with all disregard for caution. Her corruption was so complete that she had to seek release and pleasure or go out of her mind. | |
8 | 别管那噪音继续工作吧。 | Disregard the noise and keep working. | |
9 | 不顾、忽视或不再想某事物 | Disregard ,ignore or forget sth | |
10 | 不顾条件,一哄而起 | To rush into action in disregard of objective conditions | |
11 | 不理会或不顾某事物;放弃或回绝某事物 | Disregard or ignore sth;abandon or reject sth | |
12 | 不理一项警告. | disregard a warning | |
13 | 不留心,玩忽不留意,不注意;不在意 | Lack of heed or attention;disregard . | |
14 | 不要理会这混乱,继续工作。 | Disregard the mass and keep working. | |
15 | 不应使用诸如"迅速"、"立即"、"尽快"之类词语,如已使用,银行将不予置理。 | Expressions such as "prompt," "immediately," "as soon as possible," and the like should not be used. If they are used banks will disregard them. | |
16 | 持票人可以不按照汇票债务人的先后顺序,对其中任何一人、数人或者全体行使追索权。 | The holder may exercise the right of recourse against any or several or all of the persons liable for the bill of exchange in disregard of the order of precedence. | |
17 | 出租人未按照合同约定,擅自选定港口卸货致使承租人遭受损失的,应当负赔偿责任。 | where the charterer has suffered losses as a result of the shipowner’s arbitrary choice of a port to discharge the goods, in disregard of the provisions in the relevant charter, the shipowner shall be liable for compensation. | |
18 | 除非托收指示中另有授权,银行将不理会向其发出托收的任何当事人/银行以外的任何当事人/银行的任何指示。 | Unless otherwise authorized in the collection instruction, banks will disregard any instructions from any party/bank other than the party/bank from whom they received the collection. | |
19 | 当然,任何人不可以无根据地胡思乱想,不可以超越客观情况所许可的条件去计划自己的行动,不要勉强地去做那些实在做不到的事情。 | Of course, no one should disregard reality and indulge in flights of fancy, or make plans of action unwarranted by the objective situation, or reach out for the impossible | |
20 | 当中国经济开放政策渐有成就时,特别是在沿海地区,我们清楚地看到无视环境和安全措施最终会阻碍人们享受经济发展所带来的利益。 | As the achievements of China’ s economic opening-up process unfold, especially in the coastal regions, it is becoming clear that the disregard for environmental and safety measures is hindering the benefits of economic development. | |
21 | 党的各级组织和全体党员特别是领导干部,都要严格遵守党的纪律,决不允许有令不行、有禁不止、各行其是。 | All Party members, leading cadres in particular, must strictly abide by Party discipline. Under no circumstances should they be allowed to go their own ways in disregard of orders and prohibitions. | |
22 | 党的各级组织和全体党员特别是领导干部,都要严格遵守党的纪律,决不允许有令不行、有禁不止、各行其是。 | Party organizations at all levels and all Party members, leading cadres in particular, must strictly abide by Party discipline. Under no circumstances should they be allowed to go their own ways in disregard of orders and prohibitions. | |
23 | 得到冷淡回报的关心 | Consideration requited with callous disregard | |
24 | 地方保护主义各立门户、各搞一套的做法会阻碍经济改革的顺利进行 | The local protectionists, who act dividedly and dis-coordinately in disregard of interests of the state as a whole, would hamper the steady progress in economic reform | |
25 | 对别人的感情漠不关心 | Show ruthless disregard for other people’s feelings | |
26 | 对不听劝阻,扰乱社会秩序的,依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》予以处罚。 | Anyone who disturbs the social order in disregard of dissuasion shall be penalized in accordance with the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security. | |
27 | 对法律满不在乎. | An airy disregard for the law | |
28 | 对他上班经常迟到,我们不能不管。 | We cannot disregard his coming late to work so often. | |
29 | 对于寒冷天气毫不在乎 | a casual disregard for cold weather. | |
30 | 而不遵守伦理规则,则比车祸事故更具有灾难性的后果。 | The disregard of ethical rules will prove more disastrous than a car accident. |