属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人造肉 人造汉堡的诞生
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国医疗行业 对医疗费用动动刀
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人造肉 人造汉堡的诞生
1 | 民事活动应当尊重社会公德,不得损害社会公共利益,破坏国家经济计划,扰乱社会经济秩序。 | Civil activities shall have respect for social ethics and shall not harm the public interest, undermine state economic plans or disrupt social economic order. | |
2 | 其他严重扰乱市场秩序的非法经营行为 | Conduct other illegal business activities that seriously disrupt the market order. | |
3 | 扰乱将…从一个稳定的状况移走;掀翻;打乱 | To displace from a settled condition;disrupt . | |
4 | 任何人不得利用宗教进行破坏社会秩序、损害公民身体健康、妨碍国家教育制度的活动。 | Nobody may make use of religion to engage in activities that disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with the educational system of the state. | |
5 | 任何组织和个人不得扰教学秩序,不得侵占、破坏学校的场地、房屋和设备。 | No organization or individual may disrupt the order of teaching in schools, occupy or damage school ground, housing and installations. | |
6 | 如果破坏社会秩序,触犯了刑律,就必须坚决处理。 | If any of them disrupt public order or violate the law, they must be dealt with unhesitatingly. | |
7 | 使不能或艰于移动或行动 | To impede or disrupt in movement or action. | |
8 | 使减活化抑制、阻碍或破坏(酶或其它生物剂)的活动 | To inhibit,block,or disrupt the action of(an enzyme or other biological agent. | |
9 | 为了维护社会秩序和广大人民的利益,对于那些盗窃犯、诈骗犯、杀人放火犯、流氓集团和各种严重破坏社会秩序的坏分子,也必须实行专政。 | To maintain public order and safeguard the interests of the people, it is necessary to exercise dictatorship as well over thieves, swindlers, murderers, arsonists, criminal gangs and other scoundrels who seriously disrupt public order | |
10 | 伪造并出售伪造的增值税专用发票,数量特别巨大,情节特别严重,严重破坏经济秩序的,处无期徒刑或者死刑,并处没收财产。 | Committing forgery and the sale of forged exclusive value-added invoices in extraordinarily large quantities or of a especially serious nature that severely disrupt economic order shall be punished with life imprisonment or death, with forfeiture of property. | |
11 | 我希望他们中断的友谊会继续起来。 | I hope their disrupt friendship will be renewed. | |
12 | 小肠吻合可能破裂并产生瘘管和腹膜炎。 | Enteric anastomoses may disrupt and produce a fistula and peritonitis | |
13 | 一场事故已经中断了进出城的火车. | An accident has disrupt ed railway services into and out of the city. | |
14 | 游击队决定用伏击战和速决战破坏政府军的活动。 | The guerrillas have decided to disrupt the activities of the Government Army by ambushes and hit and run actions. | |
15 | 在接近光速时,粒子撞击并分列出原子核及亚原子粒子,让物理学家研究原子核的组成,推算出新类型的亚原子粒子。回旋加速器加速正电荷粒子,贝他加速器加速负电荷电子。 | At speeds close to that of light, particles collide with and disrupt atomic nuclei and subatomic particles, allowing physicists to study nuclear components and to make new kinds of subatomic particles. The cyclotron accelerates positively charged particles, while the betatron accelerates negatively charged electrons. | |
16 | 在水面、滩涂所有权和使用权的争议解决以前,任何一方不得破坏养殖生产。 | Before the disputes over ownership and rights to the use of certain water surfaces or tidal flats are solved, no party may disrupt fishery production in the disputed areas. | |
17 | 战争可能使这个国家分裂。 | The war seemed likely to disrupt the state. | |
18 | 这场冲突可能于政府垮台。 | The conflict seemed likely to disrupt the government. | |
19 | 这些公共当局延误或干扰了承包商的工作;以及 | these authorities delay or disrupt the Contractor’s work, and | |
20 | 这些恐怖分子杀人不光是为了结束生命,更是为了毁灭和结束一种生活方式。 | These terrorists kill not merely to end lives, but to disrupt and end a way of life. | |
21 | ||1:20世纪90年代早期,种族隔离制度行将就木,尤金·特雷布兰奇先生力图强行让这种制度死灰复燃。||2:1993年,他的喽罗们撞毁一辆装甲车,穿过约翰内斯堡一道玻璃外墙,来到附近一幢大楼,那里,政府正在同非洲国民大会分开进行交涉。||3:驱散代表后,尤金·特雷布兰奇先生手下的这些打手烧烤去了。||4:他们一离开,谈判旋即恢复。||5:翌年三月,在100多名手下的簇拥下,他闯入了博茨瓦纳,一个名义上的独立的“家园”,由推行种族隔离制度的政府为安置无业的黑人设立的垃圾场。||6:他们开着皮卡车,随意枪杀步行的黑人,当黑人警察向他们开枪,予以还击时,他们看上去着实吃惊不小。||7:三个着黄卡其布短衫的暴徒被击毙,剩余的作鸟兽散。||8:对于白人来说,形势发生逆转。||9:尤金·特雷布兰奇先生的支持者投放炸弹来扰乱投票,造成20人死亡。||10:但是成百万的黑人进行投票选举已势在必行。 | ||1:In the early 1990s, when apartheid was dying, Mr Terre’Blanche tried violently to revive it.||2:In 1993 his men crashed an armoured car through the glass fa?ade of a building near Johannesburg where the government was now openly negotiating with the ANC.||3:Having driven out the delegates, Mr Terre’Blanche’s bully boys held a barbecue.||4:But when they left, the talks resumed.||5:In March the next year, with about 100 of his followers, he invaded Bophuthatswana, a nominally independent “homeland” created by the apartheid government as a dumping-ground for jobless blacks.||6:They drove around in their bakkies (pick-up trucks), killing black pedestrians at random, and seemed genuinely surprised when black policemen shot back at them.||7:After three khaki-shorted AWB thugs were killed, the rest fled in disarray.||8:And that was that for the white counter-revolution.||9:Some of Mr Terre’Blanche’s supporters set off bombs to disrupt the poll, killing around 20 people.||10:But that was nowhere near enough to stop millions of blacks from turning out to vote. | |
22 | Post博士任职于荷兰霍芬大学,现从属于一个课题组,该课题组致力于中止人类最古老的行业之一—畜牧业。 | Dr Post, who works at Eindhoven University in the Netherlands, belongs to a group of people who hope to disrupt one of mankind’s oldest industries—animal husbandry. | |
23 | Post博士任职于荷兰霍芬大学,现从属于一个课题组,该课题组致力于中止人类最古老的行业之一——畜牧业。实际上,他们不仅仅希望去中止它而是去终结该产业。 | Dr Post, who works at Eindhoven University in the Netherlands, belongs to a group of people who hope to disrupt one of mankind’s oldest industries-animal husbandry. In fact, they wish not so much to disrupt it as to destroy it. | |
24 | 但医疗旅游近期的初步兴起还是困扰医疗行业的一个原因。 | The nascent boom in medical tourism could also disrupt the hospital business, | |
25 | 实际上,他们不仅仅希望去中止它而是去终结该产业。 | In fact, they wish not so much to disrupt it as to destroy it. | |
26 | “然而,每五名中约一有位妇女的更年期症状严重,足以干扰睡眠和生活质量。” | "However, for about one in every five women, menopausal symptoms are severe enough to disrupt sleep and quality of life, " she adds. | |
27 | “如果你闯入正在做手术的手术室,你就是在谋杀”。 | "If you go into a theater where somebody is being operated on and you disrupt , you are actually committing murder, " he said. | |
28 | “如果你破坏了激素水平和周期,便很容易的影响到女性生育,”沃尔夫说。 | "If you disrupt the hormone levels and the timing, it’s very easy to disrupt fertility in females, " Wolfe says. | |
29 | “这会破坏正常规律的循环,使你的体重增加,”李灿阿提博士说。 | "It can disrupt the body’s usual regulatory cycle and that sets you up for weight gain, " says Dr. Ricanati. | |
30 | ALTERASSEMBLY不中断当前正在运行的会话,这些会话正在运行所修改的程序集中的代码。 | ALTER ASSEMBLY does not disrupt currently running sessions that are running code in the assembly being modified. |