属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-韩国的学术剽窃问题
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-"人脑PK计算机" 人类智慧的褪色?(
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-"人脑PK计算机" 人类智慧的褪色?(
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-百货商场的逆袭 细数各个领域中的"平台"
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-反其道而行 土耳其的面纱自由
1 | 学位论文答辩委员会必须有外单位的有关专家参加,其组成人员由学位授予单位遴选决定。 | A dissertation committee must include relevant specialists from other units, and the committee members shall be selected and determined by the degree-conferring unit concerned. | |
2 | 学位论文馆际互借的知识产权风险及其规避 | On the Intellectual Property Rights Risk of Dissertation Interlibrary Loan and Its Prevention | |
3 | 学位论文书目规范控制述略 | On Authority Control over Dissertation and Thesis Bibliography | |
4 | 学位评定委员会负责审查通过学士学位获得者的名单;负责对学位论文答辩委员会报请授予硕士学位或博士学位的决议,作出是否批准的决定。 | The academic degree evaluation committee shall be responsible for examining and approving the list of holders of the bachelor’s degree and for making a decision whether or not to approve each resolution on the conferment of a master’s or doctor’s degree submitted by the dissertation committee. | |
5 | 严羽审美直觉说试论 | Dissertation of Yanyu’s Aesthetic Intuition Theory | |
6 | 研究生学位论文质量评价体系的构建 | Quality Evaluation System for Postgraduate’s Dissertation | |
7 | 以课程学习和论文写作为评估的基础,无笔试 | Assessment based on coursework and dissertation . No written examination | |
8 | 用PHP建立学位论文数据库 | Using PHP to Establish Dissertation Database | |
9 | 在美国,博士论文代表一项高深的学问研究。 | In the United States, the doctoral dissertation represents a high level of scholarly investigation | |
10 | 这些同船的中国人里,只有苏小姐是中国旧相识,在里昂研究法国文学,做了一篇《中国十八家白话诗 | Among the Chinese on board, the only one he knew from China was Miss Su, who had studied French literature at Lyons.She had written her dissertation on eighteen Chinese poets of the colloquial style and had just received her doctorate | |
11 | 政府主导型散杂居城市和谐民族关系机制探讨―以河南省南阳市为例 | Dissertation on the Harmonious National Relationship Mechanism in Government Dominant Dispersed and Mixed City-Taking the Research in Anyang of Henan Province as an Example | |
12 | 中国藏区脱贫与生态保护政策的联动性探讨 | Correlative Dissertation on Poverty Alleviation in Tibetan Region in China and eco-protection Policy | |
13 | 准博士:已具备除论文以外学历证书所必须的一切条件,如课程和考试,的博士候选人。 | abD: a candidate for a doctorate who has completed all the requirements for the degree, such as courses and examinations, with the exception of the dissertation . | |
14 | 资格证明是依据学生的学习表现,而且是在完成课程和规定测验及学生论文题目批准之后的某一阶段才能得到。 | Certification of candidacy is based on the student’s performance and comes at a certain stage in the successful completion of course work and prescribed examinations, and after approval of the subject for the student’s thesis or dissertation | |
15 | 邹思明《文选》评点著作-《文选尤》略论 | The Dissertation about Zou Si-ming’s Critical Works to Wenxuan | |
16 | 最后的考试主要是学生为他所写的博士论文及有关题目进行答辩,这是取得博士学位的最后一步 | A final examination concerned mainly with the student’s defense of the doctoral dissertation and related subjects is the final step in the process of obtaining a degree | |
17 | 当然,这类问题不仅限于韩国。||今年4月匈牙利总统帕尔·施密特(Pal Schmitt)在匈牙利大学收回他的博士头衔后辞职。一个委员会发现,施密特关于现代奥林匹克的论文的大部分页面直接翻译自其他人的作品,或与其他人的作品部分相似。|| | Of course, problems like these are not limited to South Korea. In April, Hungary’s President Pal Schmitt resigned after a Hungarian university withdrew his doctoral title.|| A committee found that most of the pages of his dissertation on the modern Olympics "were either direct translations or showed partial similarity to other works."|| | |
18 | 随后他借用Winograd先生的名字和他论文中的谜题格式制作了一个更加真实的机器“理解能力”测试:Winograd模式。 | He later asked to borrow MrWinograd’s name and the format of his dissertation ’s puzzle to pose a more genuine test of machine “understanding”: the Winograd Schema. | |
19 | 他在博士论文中给计算机提出了一个难题:“城市议员拒绝给示威者许可,因为他们害怕暴力。 | In his doctoral dissertation Mr Winograd posed a riddle for computers: “The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they feared violence. | |
20 | 这是2000年,一位麻省理工的教授在读现任萨里大学数字化经济中心联席主任安娜贝尔·加威尔的研究论文时候的反应。 | That was the reaction of a professor at MIT in 2000 upon reading the dissertation of Annabelle Gawer, now co-director of the Centre for Digital Economy at the University of Surrey. | |
21 | 作为一名律师和国会议员,Fatma Benli记得九十年代末她在论文答辩前被要求除去头巾。 | Fatma Benli, a lawyer and parliamentarian, remembers being asked to remove her scarf before defending her dissertation in the late 1990s. | |
22 | “他总是说,为兰登书屋编纂的字典就是他的毕业论文。”妮可•厄当说。 | "He always said he considered the Random House dictionary his dissertation , " Nicole Urdang said. | |
23 | 1972年,他攻读计算机科学博士学位的博士论文却没有通过。 | But in 1972 his dissertation for a PhD in computer science was rejected. | |
24 | ErichGamma在90年代初期他的博士论文中提出了软件设计模式的基础。 | Erich Gamma laid the foundation for software design patterns with his PhD dissertation in the early ’90s. | |
25 | RoyFielding博士在他的博士论文中提出了术语REST,他在其中提到了“作为应用程序状态引擎的超媒体”。 | Dr. Roy Fielding coined the term REST in his Ph. D. dissertation , where he referred to "hypermedia as the engine of application state. " | |
26 | 阿迪勒还没有完成他的学位论文,但表示希望尽快回到祖国。 | Adil has yet to complete his dissertation , but says he hopes to return to his home country as soon as possible. | |
27 | 本论文通过加热覆盖在硅片表面的金属锌粉,首次得到凹陷和凸出的三维硅表面结构。 | In this dissertation , we have firstly obtained 3-dimensional structures on silicon wafers by simply heating zinc powder on silicon wafers. | |
28 | 本文从理论脉源、逻辑基点、显著特征三个方面对此作了论述。 | This article has made a dissertation from the source of the theory, the logical basic point and the dominant character. | |
29 | 本文首先用民族志的方法,系统全面地描写花腰傣社会。 | The first part of this dissertation is an ethnography which devoted to a systematic and comprehensive description of this ethnic group. | |
30 | 本文主要研究公安消防支队119电子政务系统的设计与实现。 | This dissertation mainly studies how to design and program fire detachment 119 e-government system. |