1 | 第二次是他向一家报社泄露了总统打算邀请一位知名持不同政见者参加节日宴会的消息,引发了一场外交风波。 | next he leaked to a newspaper the president’s plans to invite a leading dissident to a gala dinner, provoking a diplomatic incident. | |
2 | 而爱丁堡孔子学院的网站上推广一名持不同政见的中国作家的演讲,他的作品在中国被禁。 | But the website of the Confucius Institute in Edinburgh promotes a talk by a dissident Chinese author whose works are banned in China. | |
3 | 反对知识分子的地下组织 | An underground of dissident intellectuals | |
4 | 古巴释放了瘫痪的持不同政见者阿拉尔•西格勒,他因被控叛国罪在监狱中待了七年。 | Cuba freed Ariel Sigler, a paraplegic dissident , after he had spent seven years in jail on charges of treason. | |
5 | 记者无国界(ReportersWithoutBorders)称,持不同政见的网民杜导斌也因违反了缓刑期间的规定而遭逮捕。 | Internet dissident Du Daobin also was arrested for violating his probation terms, said Reporters Without Borders. | |
6 | 克劳斯是经济学家,家族中无“唱反调”背景。他后来于1989年加入哈维尔(Havel)领导的革命阶级。 | Klaus, a trained economist with no dissident pedigree, was a late addition to the Havel-led revolutionary class of 1989. | |
7 | 马塔尔的父亲是利比亚前外交官,一位异见人士,1990年在开罗失踪,可能如今仍囚禁在卡扎菲的监狱里。 | Mr Matar’s father, a Libyan dissident and former diplomat, disappeared in Cairo in 1990, and may still be alive inside Gaddafi’s prisons. | |
8 | 美国在伊拉克灾难般的战事被一个不太可能的组合挽救了,在这个组合中包括了持不同政见的将军、智库学者和外国专家。 | AMERICA’S disastrous war in Iraq was salvaged by an unlikely collection of dissident generals, think-tank scholars and foreign experts. | |
9 | 缅甸政权以残酷镇压而臭名昭著,其中最著名受镇压者是全国民主联盟(theNationalLeagueforDemocracy)领导人,持不同政见者昂山素季。 | The regime is notorious for repression, most famously of dissident Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the National League for Democracy. | |
10 | 姆贝基总统对艾滋和抗逆转录脢病毒药的不同看法反映出了类似的担忧。 | President Thabo Mbeki’s dissident views on AIDS and antiretroviral drugs reflect similar fears. | |
11 | 去年总统大选,很多年轻选民将票投给MarinaSilva(代表绿党参选的前工党异见人士)。 | In last year’s election many younger voters plumped for Marina Silva, a PT dissident running for the Green Party. | |
12 | 确实,他因作为苏联氢弹之父、持异议者与政治犯而标榜史册。 | Indeed, he had the advantage of scripting it as the father of the Soviet H-bomb, dissident and a political prisoner. | |
13 | 四月初逮捕持不同政见的艺术家艾,党已经在面对一系列国际上的批评。 | It is already facing a barrage of international criticism over the early April arrest of Ai Weiwei, a dissident artist. | |
14 | 他列举了几个此类瞬间的描述,包括VaclavHavel的经历,此人曾是捷克异见人士,后来当上总统。 | he cites several descriptions of such moments, including one by Vaclav Havel, the Czech dissident -turned-president. | |
15 | 听着幼稚吧,可在许多情形中还真有效嘞。因为当局不知该拿这场异见运动这么办! | It sounds simple, but in many cases it worked because the authorities were not sure how to handle the dissident movement. | |
16 | 同毛泽东一样,邓小平容忍着持不同政见的人充分表演,然后一脚踩灭他们。 | Deng, like Mao Zedong before him, tolerated the dissident movement as long as it served his ends, and then stamped it out. | |
17 | 同杀死科尔的汽车炸弹一样,那次暴行是反对北爱尔兰和平进程的持不同政见的共和党所为。 | That outrage, like the car bomb that murdered Mr Kerr, was the work of dissident republicans opposed to Northern Ireland’s peace process. | |
18 | 现居德国,持不同政见的作家廖奕武说他对莫言获奖感到震惊,因为莫与国家权利机构的联系是如此紧密。 | Liao Yiwu, a dissident writer in Germany, says he is shocked that Mo Yan won, because he is too closely associated with the establishment. | |
19 | 一场面向英国记者的媒体招待会惹恼了大马士革的异议知识分子。 | PRESS junket for British journalists has annoyed the dissident intelligentsia of Damascus. | |
20 | 已经坐牢的中国政见不同者陆小波已经被提名2010的诺贝尔和平奖的名单。 | Jailed Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo has been named the winner of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. | |
21 | 以前,只有少数人私下传播持不同政见的报纸,并常常因此而坐牢。 | Before, a few people had secretly circulated dissident newspapers and had often been imprisoned for that. | |
22 | 意识形态进入作品后处于一种异己力量的对抗中,在文学语言虚设的语境中暴露了自身的虚幻性。 | Represented by the fictitious language of works, ideology is put in contradiction with its dissident force and shows its illusion. | |
23 | 在苏联时代后期,乌克兰独立的意愿仅仅局限于一小群持不同意见的作家和知识分子。 | In the late Soviet era, aspirations for Ukrainian independence were confined to a group of dissident writers and intellectuals. | |
24 | 在昨天CDU和CSU的代表模拟投票中,有11人反对扩展EFSF,两人弃权(还有一位反对者没有出席)。 | In a test vote of CDU and CSU deputies yesterday, 11 opposed expanding the EFSF and two abstained (another dissident did not show up). | |
25 | 这些人的动机到底是什么呢?从贝尔法斯特报纸《爱尔兰新闻》对异见派发言人罕见的一次采访中可见一斑。 | As to what motivates them, a dissident spokesman provided a clue last month in a rare interview with a Belfast paper, the Irish News. | |
26 | 这应该会有助于抑制犯罪行为,但也会让政府更清楚地掌握异议人士的行动。 | That should help to limit criminality but it will also give those governments a clearer view of dissident activity. | |
27 | 正是昂山季素,一位主张有纪律地反抗缅甸军事统治的国际知名人士或许能再次发起对本次选举的辩论。 | The one dissident who could probably recast this debate is Miss Suu Kyi, the international face of principled resistance to military rule. |