属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人权 关于同性恋的分歧
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-最低工资标准 多少才合理
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-分心的青少年 邻家梦中人
1 | 我们怎样减轻她丧子的痛苦呢? | What can we do to distract her mind from the sorrow caused by her child’s death? | |
2 | 我做家庭作业时,收音机叫我分心. | The radio distract s me while I am doing my home-work. | |
3 | 这部电影分散了我的注意力,使我暂时忘记了这些难题。 | The film managed to distract me from these problems for a while. | |
4 | 这部影片分散了我的注意力,让我暂时忘记了这些难题. | The film managed to distract me from these problems for a while. | |
5 | ||1:实话说,即使一些政客以愤世嫉俗的原因提出反对,对同性恋的反感是一个古老深刻的话题。||2:拿起武器反对假象的西方阴谋,普京和尼日利亚总统乔纳森无疑希望从自己的政权的腐败和无能中转移注意力。||3:他们精明的挑选了他们的替罪羊:74%的俄罗斯人和98%的尼日利亚人反对同性恋。||4:在像印度尼西亚,塞内加尔,乌干达和马来西亚这样地方的年轻人不像老年人那么宽容,甚至更少。 | ||1:Revulsion against homosexuals is ancient, deep and, in its way, sincere, even if some of the politicians leading the backlash do so for cynical reasons.||2:By taking up arms against an imaginary Western plot to spread perversion, Vladimir Putin and Nigeria’s Goodluck Jonathan doubtless hope to distract attention from the corruption and incompetence of their own regimes.||3:But they have picked their scapegoats shrewdly: 74% of Russians and 98% of Nigerians disapprove of homosexuality.||4:In places like Indonesia, Senegal, Uganda and Malaysia the young are no more tolerant than the old—sometimes less so. | |
6 | ||1:野心勃勃,尖刻,并直接达到粗鲁的程度。海尔曼是个贪吃的女人,据1941年杂志纽约形象描述,她粗鲁的可以“用牙齿扯下瓶塞”。||2:她知道自己不是一个美人(她的第一任男友说她长得像是“捕鲸船的船头”),但是她性感十足,专门勾引别人的老公。||3:孤独,还有对性感的不安全感,使得她在艳遇和与男人的友谊中寻求肯定。 | ||1:Ambitious, acerbic and direct to the point of rudeness, Hellman was a woman of voracious appetites, the kind of “tough broad” who “can take the tops off bottles with her teeth”, according to a 1941 New Yorker profile.||2:She knew she wasn’t a beauty (her first boyfriend said she looked like “a prow head on a whaling ship”), but she bristled with a sexual charisma designed to distract husbands from their wives.||3:Lonely and insecure about her desirability, she found affirmation in affairs and friendships with men. | |
7 | ||1:最高法院本周对于非法移民的讨论也许只持续了一个小时,但是美国的政客们看上去从未停止在非法移民这个问题上大做文章。||2:最高法院裁决这个涉及到亚利桑那州州法律的案子还将花上几个月,但是参议院中民主党的领袖已经在计划,一旦最高法院判亚利桑那州州法律有效,就发动一场投票来推翻这一决议。||3:由于参议院中共和党的反对,这一投票多半会失败,但民主党却能把这一话题保留在公众视野中。||4:民主党也批评米特·罗姆尼,因为这位预定的共和党总统竞选人支持这一法律。||5:同时,罗姆尼认为这整场闹剧只不过是民主党人想借此来分散西班牙裔选民的注意力,让他们忽视奥巴马总统作为经济守门人的失职。||6:民主共和两党都承认,经济状态和激起西班牙裔美国人愤慨的亚利桑那州法律,都可能影响总统大选的结果. | ||1: IT MAY have taken the Supreme Court just an hour to wrap up its discussion of illegal immigration this week, but America’s politicians, it seems, cannot get enough of the subject. ||2: It will be several months before the court rules on the case in question, which concerns a state law in Arizona, but Democratic leaders in the Senate are already planning a vote to overturn its decision if the law is upheld. ||3: That vote would presumably fail, thanks to Republican opposition, but it would allow the Democrats to keep the subject in the news. ||4: Democrats are also attacking Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, for supporting the law. ||5: Mr Romney, meanwhile, has dismissed the whole fuss as an effort to distract Hispanic voters from Mr Obama’s failings as steward of the economy. ||6: The outcome of the presidential race, both sides acknowledge, could conceivably hinge on whether it is the state of the economy or laws like Arizona’s that stir more indignation among Hispanics. | |
8 | 他们不能忽略导致部分劳动者工资水平过低的根源—例如受教育程度不高和缺乏相关技术培训,当然各国在此问题上所做的努力也是不够的。 | They should not distract attention from more fundamental causes of low wages—such as a lack of education and skills—and the efforts to address them. | |
9 | 与异性交朋友会使青少年分心,影响学业成绩? | Do friends of the opposite gender distract teenagers, hampering their academic performance? | |
10 | “把罪名安插在中国、巴西和印度,只不过是转移视线的把戏。”他说道。 | "The blame put on China, Brazil and India is nothing but a red herring to distract people’s attention from the real problem, " he said. | |
11 | Carr-Gregg是墨尔本一家大学的儿科学教授,他担心移动电话会使人分散精神和过度兴奋。 | Carr-Gregg, a University of Melbourne professor of paediatrics, is worried about the power of mobile phones to distract and overexcite. | |
12 | LeechBlock在你应该工作的时候,不让你登录到让你浪费时间的网站。 | This extension allows you to block access to certain time-wasting sites that can distract you when you’re supposed to be working. | |
13 | RamRamgopal把他们安排到一所临时学校里,那里的课程有助于转移他们的失落感。 | Ram Ramgopal joined them in a makeshift school where lessons help distract them from losses. | |
14 | 把自己从对即将要发生的事情的想法中拉出来。 | Distract yourself from thoughts of the upcoming event. | |
15 | 背景电视还可能使父母分心,使父母不能有效地和孩子进行互动和沟通。 | And it may distract parents, preventing them from speaking and interacting with their kids, the AAP says. | |
16 | 不存在第三股势力分散人们的注意力。 | There is no third party to distract people. | |
17 | 不要带孩子一起购物;他们往往会让你分心,无法做出正确的决定或看清食品成份的标签。 | Try to not shop with your kids; they can often distract you from making the right choices and reading ingredient labels. | |
18 | 除了办公桌和文件资料,其他什么也没有,幸运的话,会有一扇窗户分散你的注意力。 | There was nothing but a desk, your files and, if you were lucky, a window to distract you. | |
19 | 传统中华文化中有一种对游戏持负面看法的观念,认为游戏是会干扰学习的。 | In traditional Chinese culture, there exists the concept that games distract the mind from learning. | |
20 | 从学习中分散注意力 | Distract our attention from studying | |
21 | 但如果图片与邮件联系不紧密,则会分散读者的注意力。 | But they can also distract the reader from your message if the pictures don’t relate closely to the message. | |
22 | 但是,不管EBAY在布鲁塞尔能够招徕什么样的支持,也无法将公众注意力从即将到来的LVMH诉讼案上移开。 | But however much support eBay can drum up in Brussels, it is unlikely to distract attention from the forthcoming decision in LVMH’s lawsuit. | |
23 | 但是这证明是不可能把陪审团的注意力从那些电话中所说的话转移开。 | But it proved impossible to distract the jury from what was said in those calls. | |
24 | 但最大的风险来自手机,因为有研究表明,这些玩意儿个头虽小,在分散司机的注意力上却往往具有更大的杀伤力。 | But mobile phones pose the biggest risk, for research shows that these gadgets distract in a more pernicious way. | |
25 | 当你并不是真正饥饿的时候不要去吃点心,要分散自己的注意力。 | Fight boredom. Instead of snacking when you’re not truly hungry, distract yourself. | |
26 | 当然室外跑的时候更容易让自己分散注意力。 | It’s easier to distract yourself when running outside. | |
27 | 当然这些活动还是有一些内涵的(一部电影就是艺术的结晶),他们只是帮助我们从日常工作或者苦难中暂时解脱出来。 | And while these each have other merits (a good film is a work of art), often they serve to distract us from work or other difficulties. | |
28 | 当我们尝试分散我们的注意力时,一条隐蔽搜索就进行着,监视我们大脑里任何想回避的意图。 | While we try to distract ourselves, a covert search is underway, monitoring our heads for any inkling of that unwanted thought. | |
29 | 对志愿者的研究表明,当神魂颠倒于视频游戏时,不管怎样尝试分散他们的注意力,他们仍会继续玩下去。 | Studies of volunteers enrapt in addictive video games show that gamers continue to play on despite multiple attempts to distract them. | |
30 | 分散对于他违背了一些竞选承诺这一事实的注意力令人失望。 | It is desperate to distract attention from the fact that it has broken some of its promises. |