属类:文学表达-外国名著-The Captain’s Daughter
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第三册:lesson 1
1 | 很抱歉,打搅您了. | I am sorry if I’m disturbing you. | |
2 | 即使这样,他们还经常事先警告观众他们“可能会看到一些令人不安的场面”,因此可以随意转看别的节目。 | Even so, viewers are usually warned in advance that they "may find some of these scenes disturbing " so they can look away if they choose | |
3 | 几天之后,哥萨克们攻打奥伦堡。在一次反击中,白山要塞的一位哥萨克给彼得带来了令人不安的消息,希瓦卜林正在强迫玛利亚嫁给他。 | Several days later the Cossacks attacked Orenburg. During a sally against them Peter received a disturbing message from one of the Bailogorsk Cossacks Shvabrin was forcing Maria to marry him. | |
4 | 教师没有惊动全班就毫不费力地解决了那些违反课堂纪律的事。 | The teacher handled problems of discipline with ease without disturbing the class | |
5 | 她把夜间发生的事向父母粗略地讲了一遍(略去了一些令人担心的内容). | She gave her parents a potted version of the night’s events,ie an account that omitted anything disturbing . | |
6 | 净化(陈述、报道、新闻等)(以免引起不安、惊慌等) | Make(a story,news,etc)less disturbing ,shocking,etc | |
7 | 敬鬼神而远之,是为智。要言之,子不语乱力怪神。受孔子的影响,中国人把宗教当成是哲理。 | Respect spirits while keeping aloof from them, that may be called wisdom. In a word, the Master dismissed the discussion of extraordinary forces and disturbing spirits. Under his influence the Chinese people take even their religion philosophically. | |
8 | 拒绝接受事故调查或无理阻挠、干扰海事管理机构进行事故调查 | Refusing to accept the investigation of the accident or obstructing or disturbing the maritime administrative agency in the accident investigation without justified reasons; or | |
9 | 聚众闹事,扰乱正常监管秩序的 | Assemble a crowd to make trouble, thereby disturbing normal supervision order | |
10 | 令人不安的环境影响. | Disturbing environmental influences | |
11 | 罗马人不仅对纵火、伪证、谋杀等罪,而且也对扰乱城市夜间治安罪判处死刑。 | The Romans decreed death for arson, perjury and murder, but also for disturbing the city’s nocturnal peace | |
12 | 你的孩子吵得我妻子不得安宁,请说说他们好吗? | Your children are disturbing my wife;can you speak to them,please? | |
13 | 请原谅我打扰你了。 | Please excuse me for disturbing you . | |
14 | 然而,奇妙的是,往往要经过好长一段时间才能一语道破事实;而二人为了避免某一话题,又要何等小心翼翼地刚刚触到边缘,便又马上退缩回去,才不致点破。 | It is singular, however, how long a time often passes before words embody things; and with what security two persons, who choose to avoid a certain subject, may approach its very verge, and retire without disturbing it. | |
15 | 然而变化太快了,固然令人兴奋,也使人不安。 | Yet the rate of change, though exhilarating, was disturbing | |
16 | 然后我回到家里,走到哪里吹到哪里,对哨子非常满意,却吵得全家不得安宁。 | I then came home, and went whistling all over the house, much pleased with my whistle, but disturbing all the family. | |
17 | 扰乱,骚乱:扰乱的行为. | Disturbance:The act of disturbing . | |
18 | 如果管道需要保温隔热或绝缘,那么球阀就要配置耐热绝缘材料的2英寸加长手柄,还需要配置保护套筒,这样在操作阀门时不会破坏蒸汽密封或保温隔热绝缘层。 | Where piping is insulated, ball valves shall be equipped with 2″extended handles of non-thermal conductive material. also provide a protective sleeve that allows operation of the valve without breaking the vapor seal or disturbing the insulation. | |
19 | 少数不法商人借此进行欺诈活动,严重侵害消费者的合法权益,对守法经营者构成不正当竞争,也使大多数传销员蒙受了经济损失,引发了社会问题,扰乱了经济秩序。 | A minority of lawbreaking merchants have taken advantage of this to engage in deceitful practices which seriously infringe on the legal rights and interests of the consumers, constituting unfair competition towards legal operators, resulting in financial losses to the majority of retailers engaged in pyramid retailing, arousing social problems, and disturbing the economic order. | |
20 | 使(某人)感到肠胃不适 | Cause(sb)to feel ill by disturbing his digestion | |
21 | 使人害怕的;吓人的;扰乱人心的 | Alarming adj causing fear;disturbing | |
22 | 收音机的声音在扰乱大家。 | The squeaking of the radio was disturbing everybody. | |
23 | 搜寻工作持续了几周,美洲狮仍没有找到。想到在宁静的乡村有这么一只野生的动物在逃,真叫人担心。 | The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught. It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quite countryside. | |
24 | 他老是打扰我. | He’s constantly disturbing me. | |
25 | 他们被指控扰乱公共治安。 | They were charged with disturbing the public peace. | |
26 | 他睡着的时候,有一种撩人的、有节奏的悸动潜入他的意识,他一心要把它赶走,不让自己醒来。 | As he slept there stole into his consciousness a disturbing , rhythmic throbbing which he tried to fight off to keep from waking up | |
27 | 他说男士们抑制了女性的那种本应为一种“原始行为”的自然反应,他们增添了人工分娩的压力----因为他们觉得妻子的痛苦太令人揪心了。 | He said that men inhibit women’s natural responses in what should be a "primaeval act" and that they increase the pressure for an artificial birth--because they find their wives’ pain so disturbing | |
28 | 他有过一些使他很不安的经历。 | He has had some disturbing experience. | |
29 | 他曾经在那儿把一只羊腿扔到一个粗鄙惹人的导师的身上。 | He had flung a leg of lamb at some indelicate disturbing tutor | |
30 | 听着,如果你继续干扰我,我将报告教务主任。 | Mark my words, I’ll report you to the Dean if you go on disturbing me. |