属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-乌克兰将苏联时期废旧厂房改造为绿色城市空间
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-漫步伦敦 伦敦步行者打破全国性趋势
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-台湾省大楼着火导致46人遇难
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本电子企业 苹果你挡住了我的阳光
1 | “保护环境,从回收废旧电池做起”,今日天津商学院的“绿蜻蜓”环保协会发出以上倡议。 | "Starting environmental protection with disused battery reclamation", this was a proposal by the "Green Dragonfly" environmental protection association of Tianjin University of Commerce | |
2 | 第三十八条进境供拆船用的废旧船舶,由口岸动植物检疫机关实施检疫,发现有本法第十八条规定的名录所列的病虫害的,作除害处理。 | Article 38 The old and disused ships entering the country for disassembling purposes shall be quarantined by the port animal and plant quarantine office. In the event that diseases, insect pests or harmful organisms specified in the catalogues mentioned in Article 18 of this Law are discovered, the said ships shall be subjected to a treatment of disinfection and disinfestation. | |
3 | 第十九条矿山企业对使用机械、电气设备,排土场、矸石山、尾矿库和矿山闭坑后可能引起的危害,应当采取预防措施。 | Article 19 Mining enterprises shall take preventive measures against perils that may arise out of using mechanical and electrical equipment, soil tips, mine tips, dams and lagoons, as well as from disused mine pits. | |
4 | 废电池对人体危害极大,只有妥善处理才能将污染尽量减少。 | The disused battery is very harmful and may cause serious pollution unless handled in a proper way | |
5 | 福州市废弃矿山生态环境存在的问题及对策 | Problems and Countermeasures of Ecological Environment at Disused Mines in Fuzhou City | |
6 | 肝细胞生长因子在防治大鼠腓肠肌废用性萎缩中的作用 | Effects of Hepatocyte Growth Factors on Contractile Function of Disused Gastrocnemius Atrophy in Rats | |
7 | 工厂被弃置的凄凉景象. | The derelict waste of disused factories | |
8 | 固定化红曲葡萄糖母液流加发酵红曲色素的研究 | Study on Immobilized Monascus Cell for fermentation of Monascus Pigment by Fed-Batch with Disused Glucose Solution | |
9 | 警察在一个废弃的仓库里发现了手脚被捆的人质。 | The police discovered the hostage bound hand and foot in a disused warehouse. | |
10 | 明知是伪造、变造、作废的票据而使用的行为 | act of knowingly using forged; mutilated or disused instruments | |
11 | 那是一座老式的、经过改造的房子;店里有许多废置不用的大壁炉和又高又是窄的烟囱。 | The shop was an old converted house with many large,disused fireplaces and tall, narrow chimneys. | |
12 | 那些男孩子到一些废弃的矿坑去探险(如旧锡矿的竖坑中). | The boys went exploring in some disused workings,eg the shafts of an old tin mine. | |
13 | 如果我们把这座闲置的教堂买下来,就可以将其改造成一个很吸引人的家。 | If we buy the disused church,we could make it into an attractive home. | |
14 | 使用作废的信用证、信用卡的犯罪行为 | criminal act of using disused letter of credits or credit cards | |
15 | 一起因清理废弃青梅腌制池导致中毒事故的调查 | Investigation of the Poisoning Accident Caused by Clearing up the Disused Bloat Pool of Green Plums | |
16 | 一切都很的秩序地、很清洁地、很精密地、甚至很真正的进行着。然而在康妮看来,这只是有秩序的无政府状态罢了。那儿并没有感情的热力的互相联系。整处屋子阴森得象一条冷清的街道。 | Everything went on in pretty good order, strict cleanliness, and strict punctuality; even pretty strict honesty. And yet, to Connie, it was a methodical anarchy. No warmth of feeling united it organically. The house seemed as dreary as a disused street. | |
17 | 一只小鸟在废弃的拖拉机上造了一个巢。 | A bird has made its nest in that disused tractor | |
18 | 一种废镭源整备技术的研究和建立 | Improvement of Technology for Disused a Conditioning Sealed Radium Sources | |
19 | 在废弃的地窖、旧厂房或任何能找得到的隐蔽场所里,遍布德国的印刷机都在夜间起来,揭露德国和纳粹制度的真相。 | Printing presses throughout Germany worked by night in disused cellars, old factory buildings and shelter at all that could be found, printing the truth about Germany and the Nazi system | |
20 | 在废弃的矿场探查. | explore in a disused working | |
21 | 在我们城里把垃圾予以焚化,还是倒进废弃的采石坑,哪一种方法好? | Which is better,to incinerate the rubbish from our towns or to tip it into disused quarries? | |
22 | 这是个老式商店,有许多废置的大壁炉以及又高又窄的烟囱。 | The shop was an old-fashioned one with many large,disused fireplaces and tall,narrow chimneys. | |
23 | 位于伊万诺-弗兰科夫斯克市的这家废弃工厂曾经生产燃气表和其它产品。现在,它是一个成长中的城市空间,拥有一家绿色微型农场、一处艺术展示中心、办公室和一家儿童教育机构。 | The disused factory in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk once produced gas meters and other products. Now, it is a growing city space with a green micro farm, a space to show art, offices, and a children’s education group. | |
24 | ||1:步行也变得越来越方便。||2:南肯辛顿的会展路于2011年重新开发。||3:路边石被移除,柏油路也被花岗石路面代替。||4:车站附近这条从海德公园延生到博物馆和餐馆的路上车子更少了,这也有利于人们步行。||5:六月,一系列将位于泰晤士河边沃克斯豪尔工厂内的一条走道建成类似于纽约高线公园(一个充满生气的公园,由一条废弃的铁路改造而成)的计划正式宣布。 | ||1:Streets are also becoming more pedestrian-friendly.||2:Exhibition Road in South Kensington was redeveloped in 2011.||3:Pavement curbs were removed and tarmac replaced by granite bricks.||4:Fewer cars now go down the road, which stretches from Hyde Park to the museums and restaurants around the station, encouraging swarms of pedestrians.||5:In June plans to develop a walkway by the Thames in Vauxhall were announced, turning a neglected part of London into something resembling the High Line in New York (which transformed a disused railway track into a lively public garden). | |
25 | ||1:据当地媒体报道,这栋有着40年楼龄的大楼里的许多住户都退休了,他们独自生活在这些小到13平米的公寓里。||2:中央通讯社表示,这栋大楼的高楼层有120户。||3:在他们楼下还有一家停业的电影院,有废弃的餐馆和卡拉OK厅。||4:高雄市长陈其迈表示,这栋大楼已经部分废弃。 | ||1:Many of the people living in the 40-year-old building were retired and lived alone in apartments as small as 13 square meters, local media reported.||2:The building had 120 living spaces on the upper floors.||3:It also had a closed movie theater, disused restaurants and karaoke businesses below them, the Central News Agency said.||4:Mayor Chen Chi-mai said the building was partly abandoned. | |
26 | ||1:其他对于消费者电器依赖较少的日企,例如东芝和日立,则开始更多的关注它们的重工业业务。||2:这些变动将有利于改善日本工业普遍存在的结构性问题,那就是企业的产品相似度太高。||3:还有一些电子巨头则开始挺进全新的领域:高科技农业。||4:富士通,日立,松下和夏普都在把废弃不用的工厂改造成为高科技温室,以种植在日本卖价颇高的蔬菜。 | ||1:Other firms, such as Toshiba and Hitachi, which were already less reliant on consumer electronics, are paying new attention to their heavy industrial businesses.||2:All these moves should help solve a common structural problem in Japanese industry, which is that too many firms all make similar products.||3:Some electronics giants are moving into a surprising new field: high-tech farming.||4:Fujitsu, Hitachi, Panasonic and Sharp are converting disused factory space and opening high-tech greenhouses to grow vegetables, which are expensive in Japan. | |
27 | 报废汽车回收拆解管理方法探讨 | The Exploration of the Management Method of Recycling And Dismantling the Disused Cars | |
28 | 对废密封放射源的策略与管理选择 | Strategies and Management Options for Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources | |
29 | 废旧冰箱塑料回收再生利用技术研究 | Study on technology of recycling and reuse of plastic of disused refrigerator | |
30 | 废旧单体液压支柱经技术改造后重新利用的原理分析 | Theory analysis on the re-utilization of the disused monomer hydraulic supporter |