属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-加勒特·菲茨傑拉德 Garret FitzGerald
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-自闭症 为什么不是雨女
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-房产问题 为何怨声载道?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法国少数民族 一项前卫调查
1 | 喷管加装小突片强化射流混合的PIV测量 | PIV Measurements of the Jet Flows Enhanced by Tabs Fixed on convergent-divergent (C-D)Nozzles | |
2 | 迄今得出的结果颇为分歧,其原因,一部分是因为各种不同的辐射是在不同的高度上发射的。 | The results thus far obtained are rather divergent partly because different radiation are emitted at different heights | |
3 | 如果一个序列不收敛,我们称它发散。 | If a sequence is not convergent, it is divergent | |
4 | 散心爆轰数值模拟中人为粘性与空间步长的匹配关系 | Matched Relationship between Artificial Viscosity and Mesh Size in Numerical Modeling of Divergent Detonation Wave | |
5 | 它几乎一开始就遵循与合子显然不同的发育模式。 | Almost from its inception it follows a developmental pattern sharply divergent from that of the zygote | |
6 | 它们的根本起因和作用是不同的。 | Their underlying causes and mechanisms are divergent | |
7 | 体育本质认识的分歧根源与真义求解 | The Divergent Understanding of the Sport Essence and Its True Essence | |
8 | 我们的发展依赖于革新和独创、鼓励冒险和不同意见。 | We thrive on innovation and originality, encouraging risk-taking and divergent voices. | |
9 | 线性代数解题过程中的发散思维 | Divergent Thinking in the Question-Solution of Linear Algebra | |
10 | 想得多是想得好的前提吗?探讨发散性思考能力在创意问题解决的角色 | Is the More the Better? The Role of Divergent Thinking in Creative Problem Solving | |
11 | 小麦异交群体连续歧化选择的RAPD分析 | RAPD Marker Analysis of Continuous Divergent Selection in Cross-Bred Population of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) | |
12 | 应用重点发散追踪图,开展特检领域内审工作 | A Method Used to Audit Project in Institute of Special Equipment Inspection Based on Divergent and Tracking Analysis | |
13 | 由于各种文化对世界持有不同的信念,同一行为在不同文化中并不一定表示同样的意义。 | The same act may not have the same meaning in different cultural contexts because of divergent beliefs about the world | |
14 | 语言教育学家对何种方法才能帮助学生更有效地学习英语--利用双语教学、ESL教学、或让学生完全浸入一个英语的环境(认输或强学--),都拥有强烈并分歧的看法。 | Language educators often have strong and divergent views as to which approach helps learners achieve better results: a bilingual approach, an ESL approach-or even a pure immersion ("sink or swim")approach | |
15 | 这就有个十亿同两千万和五百五十万的关系问题。 | The problem arises of how to handle relations between such widely divergent numbers. | |
16 | 这些数字也可以说明,现代工业的机械作用与各种经济团体的精细的划分和各自为政现象有着多么密切而复杂的联系。 | These figures also afford some intimation of the complexity and complication of the modern industrial mechanism and the intricate segregation and isolation of divergent economic groups | |
17 | 正如儒家所说的"君子和而不同,小人同而不和"。 | It has been the Confucian philosophy to accommodate divergent views. | |
18 | 支架一根水平的起支撑作用的梁子或木棍,用两对叉开的支脚支撑 | A horizontal beam or bar held up by two pairs of divergent legs and used as a support. | |
19 | 只不过孙吉人的主张是联合各业而非一业罢了。眼前这几位实业家就不是一业,他们各人的本身利害关系就彼此不尽相同。 | What was new was that Sun Chi-jen was advocating the collaboration of men of different trades, not just of one trade--these men, his listeners, for instance, represented widely divergent interests conditioned by their different trades | |
20 | 智者乐水,仁者乐山-论齐鲁两种文化的不同氛围和特点 | The Wise delight in the Water, the Good delight in the Hills a Discussion on the Divergent Lu [魯]and Chi [齊]Cultures | |
21 | 中西方思维差异之于英汉语篇翻译的观照―基于《围城》英译本个案研究 | On Divergent Thinking Patterns between Chinese and English and the Impact on Text Translation-A Case Study Based on Fortress Besieged | |
22 | 周期性渐扩-渐缩通道层流流动与换热特性研究 | Numerical Study on the Laminar Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in Periodic Divergent -Convergent Channels | |
23 | ||1:此人温柔又天真,在1982年的一次不明智的投资中失去了其一生的积蓄。即使如此,他做事还是雷厉风行。||2:80年代会见那些愤怒罢工者的家属时,他仍会抱有有同情心,但再也不会让自己受恐怖分子或“暴徒”的影响。||3:尽管被嘲讽为“不现实”,他仍然卖力地推行他的“新爱尔兰”革命——无论统一与否,介于北方大多数希望如此——以天主教徒和新教徒的身份一样庆祝。||4:因此,当一切尘埃落定时,起初他是个统计员,之后当有提及他所知的空中航线,他都能准确的说出,如什么时间、什么地点,不同的航线,无论怎么分散,都必定能越过。 | ||1: He was tender and naive, losing his life-savings on an unwise investment in 1992; yet he was also tough. ||2: Meeting the families of IRA hunger-strikers in the 1980s, he would be sympathetic as ever, but would never let himself be swayed by terrorists or “crawthumpers”. ||3: Though mocked as otherworldly, he stuck to his crusade for a “new Ireland”—reunified or not, as the majority in the North wanted it—in which Catholic and Protestant identities would be equally celebrated. ||4: For, when all was said and done, he was a statistician first; and when shown any air-traffic controller’s chart he could tell, to a high degree of accuracy, that at such-and-such a time and place the different flightpaths, no matter how divergent , were bound to cross. | |
24 | ||1:这些突变在男性和女性中是一样普遍的,所以一个对分歧发生率的解释是对于同等的基因毁坏,男性大脑比女性的更容易受伤害。||2:这被称为女性保护模式。||3:另一个广发的解释是社会偏见理论,认为这些不同是虚幻的。||4:这些被诊断不足的女孩,因为她们被评估的方式或对环境的处理不同,而不是他们真的很少有这个症状。||5:例如,一些研究者声称,女孩能更好的隐藏这些症状。 | ||1:Most of these mutations are as common in women as in men, so one explanation for the divergent incidence is that male brains are more vulnerable than female ones to equivalent levels of genetic disruption.||2:This is called the female-protective model.||3:The other broad explanation, social-bias theory, is that the difference is illusory.||4:Girls are being under-diagnosed because of differences either in the ways they are assessed, or in the ways they cope with the condition, rather than because they actually have it less.||5:Some researchers claim, for example, that girls are better able to hide their symptoms. | |
25 | 第二,不考虑城市的规模的情况下,纵观全国,过去四年中人们更加能负担得起住宅费用。2010年4月达到最顶峰,此时住宅售价是家庭年收入近12倍;这个比率已经降到如今的不足9倍。发展中国家的房价比较高,但是中国的房价比之其他发展中国家也高不了多少。 | Second, regardless of city size, housing has become more affordable over the past four years throughout China. At the peak, in April 2010, house prices on average were nearly 12 times household incomes; that has dropped to less than nine times today.|| Prices are higher than in many developing countries, but they are not wildly divergent .|| | |
26 | 气候模型表明,至少在北大西洋,如果气温升高,那这类风速甚异的气流可能会变得更常见。 | Climate models suggest, in the North Atlantic at least, that such divergent winds may be more common in a warmer world. | |
27 | 这些大相径庭的结果映射出欧洲其他国家少数民族的发展趋势。第二代孟加拉国裔英国移民的学校成绩远不同于第二代巴基斯坦裔英国移民,如今超过了英国白人儿童。 | Such divergent patterns mirror those found in other European countries. British-born Bangladeshis have pulled away from British-born Pakistanis in terms of school results, for instance, and now perform better than white British children. | |
28 | “峨眉地裂运动”对扬子古板块和塔里木古板块的离散作用及其地学意义 | Divergent Role of "Emei Tafrogeny" on Yangtse Palaeoslab and Tarim Palaeoslab and Its Significance in Geoscience | |
29 | 2008年,这张照片拍摄后十八个月,这三位吸毒者的命运大相径庭。 | In the 18months since this photograph was taken in 2008, the fates of thesethree users have followed widely divergent paths. | |
30 | Acritas称,造成这种变化的一个关键因素是,不同律所向合伙人收取的费用千差万别。 | One of the key factors driving this shift is the widely divergent charge-out rates for partners, according to Acritas. |