1 | 七月,它雇佣了投资银行,意味着它愿意剥离资产以获得调查机构的准许。 | In July it hired investment bankers, signalling that it is willing to divest assets to gain regulatory approval. | |
2 | 2002年,爱德华·布林(EdwardBreen)出任CEO后,推动泰科剥离资产,甩掉债务。 | Edward Breen, who became the new CEO in 2002, has pushed Tyco to divest assets and rid itself of debt. | |
3 | ANC的财务大臣马修斯•弗萨说道,总理府不久后将会摆脱掉日立财团。 | Mathews Phosa, the ANC’s treasurer, says Chancellor House will divest from the consortium soon. | |
4 | ING公布了分拆银行业务和保险业务,并出售美国网上银行业务的计划。 | ING announced plans to separate its banking and insurance operations and divest its American online-banking arm. | |
5 | 贝恩资本是一家美国私人股本公司,该公司曾准备剥离3Com的TippingPoint业务,该项业务向政府销售安全软件。 | Bain, a US private equity firm, was prepared to divest 3Com’s Tipping Point unit, which sells security software to the government. | |
6 | 除此之外,Edwards称银行业者可以循序解除任何他们无法继续持有的投资部位。 | In addition, she said, banks could divest in an orderly way any investments they would no longer be able to hold. | |
7 | 但是,摩根大通一位内部人士说,不得不剥离高桥,这个大型套头基金(hedge-fund)公司,是很糟糕的。 | But having to divest Highbridge, a big hedge-fund firm, would be "horrible" , says a JPMorgan insider. | |
8 | 但是英国娱乐业律师安比说,麦当娜用这笔费用换取自由合情合理。 | But U. K. -based entertainment lawyer Ambi Sitham said it made sense for Madonna to divest herself of her British property. | |
9 | 盖特纳提议将美联储的消费者保护职能交给新的消费者金融保护局(ConsumerFinancialProtectionAgency)。 | Mr Geithner is proposing to divest the Fed’s consumer protection role and give it to a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency. | |
10 | 各方同意,辉瑞公司将在6个月内剥离指定品牌的相关疫苗业务,以缓解垄断担忧。 | The parties agreed that Pfizer would divest specified swine vaccine brands within six months, to ameliorate competition concerns. | |
11 | 官方媒体报道称,国资委将要求国有企业在三年内剥离非核心业务。 | State media reports have said Sasac will require state-owned enterprises to divest their non-core businesses within three years. | |
12 | 进行那桩交易后,力拓一直承受着剥离资产和筹资的压力。 | Since that deal, Rio Tinto has been under pressure to divest assets and raise money. | |
13 | 据信正在考虑是否减持股权的西方投资者包括苏格兰皇家银行(RBS),该英国银行持有中国银行(BankofChina)5%的股权。 | Among those believed to be assessing whether to divest stakes is RBS, the UK bank which owns 5 per cent of Bank of China. | |
14 | 美国国际集团希望剥离友邦,以筹集多达200亿美元的资金,帮助偿还维持其运营的600亿美元的美国政府贷款。 | AIG is looking to divest AIA to raise up to $20bn to help repay the $60bn US government loan that is keeping the group alive. | |
15 | 美国私人股本基金贝恩资本(BainCapital)正在举行洽谈,计划剥离全球连锁餐厅澳拜客牛排店(OutbackSteakhouse)的北亚区业务。 | Bain Capital, the US private equity fund, is in talks to divest the north Asian business of Outback Steakhouse, a global restaurant chain. | |
16 | 然而,该公司却为萨默斯大开绿灯,因为撤资是他即将出任的白宫职位所要求的。 | An exception was made for Mr. Summers, however, because the White House job he was taking required him to divest . | |
17 | 他们又提到,强制AT&;T公司出让资产不足以阻止这项交易对反竞争的严重破坏。 | Forcing AT& T to divest assets would not be enough to prevent "serious anti-competitive harms" , it added. | |
18 | 通用仅剩几周时间出让萨博,而福特还没达到孤注一掷的地步。 | GM may have only weeks to divest itself of Saab, whereas Ford is a slightly less desperate seller. | |
19 | 为了获准与惠氏公司合并(Wyeth),辉瑞(Pfizer)被迫放弃猪流感疫苗业务。 | Pfizer was just ordered to divest its swine vaccine business as a condition to the approval of its merger with Wyeth. | |
20 | 这仅仅是一个巨大的猜想,但是让我们演算出这引发的一系列灾难性连锁事件。 | This is a huge hypothetical - but let’s play out the disastrous chain of events that would happen if China began to divest . | |
21 | 这就是真正的瞬时消费主义:你放弃了昂贵的物质商品,把钱花在你的生活上。 | That’s true transumerism: You divest yourself of costly material goods and put your money where your life is. | |
22 | 这些公司都可以选择放弃中国业务,而不接受北京方面的苛刻条件。 | Companies always have the option to divest their Chinese operations rather than accept onerous conditions from Beijing. | |
23 | 这一举动被看成是政府广大的限制国企和抑制快速增长的房价和地价计划的一部分。 | That action is now regarded as part of a broader government plan for SOEs to divest and thereby rein in fast-rising housing and land prices. | |
24 | 自2005年6月以来,美国已有20个州决定从与苏丹有联系的公司撤资,其中14个州是在去年做出的决定。 | Twenty US states have decided to divest from companies linked to Sudan since June 2005, 14 of them this year. | |
25 | 最后一步将是迫使投资银行停止纯粹的自营交易活动,并剥离它们的资产管理部门。 | The final step would be to force investment banks to halt pure proprietary trading and to divest their asset management arms. |