属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-美国死亡谷录得百年以来最高温度
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-美国爆发罕见的真菌性脑膜炎
属类:自然科学-Science in the News 科学报道-刺激大脑能否防止晕车?
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-血检可以查出脑震荡损失
1 | 温暖、眩晕、下降的感觉 | A sensation of warmth,dizziness ,falling | |
2 | 我忽然感到一阵头晕。 | A fit of dizziness came over me. | |
3 | 硒是作为一种抗衰老的补充元素而加以宣传的,如摄入过量,影响很快就会显现出来:呼吸和皮肤上会有大蒜的气味,指甲变脆变黑,嘴里有金属味,头晕、恶心。 | If you overdose on highly toxic selenium, promoted as anti-ageing supplement, the effects will soon be apparent: garlic odour on breath and skin, fragile or black fingernails, metallic taste in the mouth, dizziness and nausea. | |
4 | 一阵眩晕过后,他终于站了起来。 | A moment of dizziness came and went. He stood up | |
5 | 以头晕或头痛为表征的脑膜瘤 | Meningioma Manifesting as Dizziness or Headache | |
6 | 有时伴随恶心和呕吐的剧烈抽痛。有些偏头痛患者在头痛前会有警示症状(先兆)出现,包括视觉干扰、虚弱、感觉麻木或头晕。 | "Severe throbbing pain is sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Some migraine patients have warning symptoms (an "aura")before the headache, including visual disturbance, weakness, numbness, or dizziness ." | |
7 | 晕机病由飞行中的飞机运动引起的恶心,呕吐和晕眩 | Nausea, vomiting, or dizziness induced by the motion that occurs during air flight | |
8 | 晕旋有回旋或旋转的感觉,尤指是头晕或旋转的结果 | To have a sensation of revolving or whirling,especially as a result of dizziness or giddiness. | |
9 | 在旋转之中,似乎有一种神力把它紧紧地揉捏在一起,因此,它虽然经历了头晕目眩的痛苦,但它觉着自己开始变成了一种新的形状。 | A strange power pressed it and moulded it, as it revolved, and through all the dizziness and pain it felt that it was taking a new form. | |
10 | 这会导致化学黄萎病、头痛、眩晕、虚弱、昏聩和其它伴随着氧气供应减少的表现。 | This can lead to chemical cyanosis, headache, dizziness , weakness, confusion, and other manifestations associated with a reduced oxygen supply. | |
11 | 这句尖刻蛮横的讥讽使她感到肉体上受到了迎头痛击似的一阵眩晕。 | The brutality of the thrust gave her the sense of dizziness that follows on a physical blow | |
12 | 中国餐馆综合症:摄取含有大量谷氨酸一钠的食物后可能出现的一组症状,包括晕眩、面部紧张、出汗和头痛等. | Chinese restaurant syndrome:a group of symptoms, including dizziness , facial pressure, sweating, and headache, that may occur after the ingestion of food containing large amounts of monosodium glutamate. | |
13 | 游客被告知每天要至少喝4升水,并在车上携带额外的水。他们还被告知不要远离车辆,并注意自己与他人是否出现头晕、恶心和其它中暑的迹象。 | Visitors are warned to drink at least 4 liters of water each day and to carry additional water in their cars. They are also warned to stay close to their vehicles and watch themselves and others for dizziness , nausea and other signs of heat illness. | |
14 | “发烧,新发头痛或头痛加剧,有时会颈部僵硬。我们还在一些患者中发现中风,突发口齿不清、头晕、行走困难,突感无力的症状和体征。” | "Fever, new or worsening headache, sometimes neck stiffness. We’ve also seen in a few patients signs and symptoms of stroke, sudden onset of slurred speech, dizziness , difficulty walking, sudden weakness." | |
15 | 当你通过内耳感受到的运动和你眼睛看到的运动有差别时就会晕车。晕车的症状包括头晕、恶心、呕吐等。人们已经尝试了不同的办法来防止晕车,包括腕带和抗恶心药物。 | Motion sickness occurs when the motion you sense with your inner ear is different from the motion you see. Symptoms of motion sickness are dizziness , nausea and vomiting. People have tried different ways to prevent the condition, including wrist bands and anti-nausea drugs. | |
16 | 脑震荡会导致头晕、头痛以及难以入睡。这些问题可以存在很长时间。 | A concussion can lead to a feeling of dizziness , headaches and an inability to sleep. These problems can exist for a long time. | |
17 | 辨证治疗颈性眩晕80例疗效观察 | Efficacy Observation on the Syndrome differ Treatment for 80 Cases of Dizziness Caused by Cervical Syndrome | |
18 | 常见的症状有头痛,头晕,呼吸困难,恶心和呕吐。 | Commonly reported symptoms of exposure included headache and dizziness , breathing difficulties, nausea and vomiting. | |
19 | 常见有头痛、面红、眩晕、心悸、消化不良、视力模糊和看东西泛蓝。 | The most common ones are headache, flushing, dizziness palpitations, indigestion and blurred or blue tinged vision. | |
20 | 成百上千的墨西哥湾居民开始抱怨嗓子疼,头晕,持续不断的咳嗽,甚至失忆。 | Hundreds of Gulf residents have begun complaining of sore throats, dizziness , a constant cough, and even short-term memory loss. | |
21 | 成年人的明显征兆是经常胸闷、腹痛,有时会突然感到眩晕。 | Adults with severe symptoms may also complain about pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen, sudden dizziness and confusion. | |
22 | 大量出汗,昏昏欲睡,头晕目眩,口渴难耐,以及肌肉痉挛都是中暑的迹象,此外,你可能还会觉得恶心。 | Sweating large amounts, lethargy, dizziness , thirst and muscle cramps are all trouble signs. You may also feel sick. | |
23 | 但是长久地盯视无底深渊所带来的眩晕感还残留在我心中。 | But inside I still felt the dizziness of those who have gazed too long into a bottomless pit. | |
24 | 多数与怀孕相关的头晕症状发生在怀孕中期,那时你的心血管系统对位置的反应更加缓慢了。 | Most pregnancy-related dizziness occurs in the second trimester when your cardiovascular system reacts more slowly to changes in position. | |
25 | 非器质性原因的生理不适(如胃疼,头疼,眩晕) | Physical complaints (stomachaches, headaches, dizziness ) for which a physical cause cannot be found | |
26 | 芬特明提高血压和心率、失眠、头晕 | Phentermine Increased blood pressure and heart rate, insomnia, dizziness | |
27 | 否则,运动后会出现疲劳、头晕等现象,并因营养素的不足而有害健康。 | Otherwise, fatigue and dizziness will occur after exercising and damage will be done to the health due to insufficient nutriments. | |
28 | 高速公路新型防眩设施结构设计 | The Construction Design of New Type Installation of Dizziness Prevention on Free Way | |
29 | 告诉你的医生、护士或者药剂师你过去在吃药时遇到的问题,比如皮疹、消化不良、头晕眼花等。 | Tell your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist about past problems you have had with medicines, such as rashes, indigestion or dizziness . | |
30 | 葛根素与培他啶治疗眩晕疗效比较 | Comparison between Curative Effect to Dizziness by Puerarin and Betahistine |