属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-亚历山大·黑格 Alexander Haig
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第144期:怎么能弄清楚女朋友是否背叛了你
1 | 眩晕患者之自觉残障程度与平衡功能 | Perceived Handicap and Balance Ability in Dizzy Patients | |
2 | 眼振图瘘管检查在眩晕病患的应用 | ENG-fistula Test in the Dizzy Patients-Cases Report and Literature Review | |
3 | 在胜利面前,我认为有两种不好:(1)胜利冲昏了头脑,使自己的头脑大大膨胀起来,犯出“左”的错误,这当然不好。 | It seems to me that there are two tendencies in the face of success, both undesirable.One is to become dizzy with success, which leads to swelled heads and "Left" deviationist mistakes.Of course, that’s bad | |
4 | 在站角放着爬到救火车底下修理时用的躺板。爸爸会说“抓住”,然后把我转得直到我晕得像个喝醉的水手。 | In the corner of the station was the "creeper" used to slide under trucks when repairing them. Dad would say "Hold on" and he would spin me around until I was dizzy as a drunken sailor. | |
5 | 在这个时间内,虽然苏联的一些地方党组织,如像《苏联共产党(布)历史简明教程》上所说的,犯过一次所谓“胜利冲昏头脑”的错误,但是很快就被纠正。 | Although, as the History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (bolsheviks), Short Course records, some local Party organizations in the Soviet Union became "dizzy with success" during this period, the error was quickly corrected | |
6 | 这时,车里出来的高温已经使内森昏昏沉沉。突然他听到一个声音叫道,“儿子!”他转身看见父亲朝自己跑过来了。 | By now, Nathan was dizzy from the heat inside the car when suddenly, he heard a voice call, "Son! "Turning, he saw his father running toward him. | |
7 | 蒸人的暑热使他头晕目眩。 | The wet heat made him dizzy | |
8 | 昨日开了方子,吃了一剂药,今日头眩的略好些,别的仍不见怎么样大见效. | He made out a prescription, and today after one dose she feels less dizzy but there hasn’t been much other irrlprovement. | |
9 | ||1:尽管他心中涌动雄心壮志,大多数时候却对总统办公室毫无兴趣。||2:1988年,他在新罕布什尔州投票前退出党内初选,就此远离政坛。||3:他没有政治家的龌龊嘴脸,并为此自豪。||4:他在西点军校养成了态度鲁莽、谈吐直率的品质,目光犀利,一向以轰炸进攻来对付美国敌手,不管是古巴、巴基斯坦还是左派支持的尼加拉瓜。||5:他曾在白宫担任亨利·基辛格的国家安全顾问,四年间从上校升至四星上将。||6:他在军事战斗和政治斗争中都伤痕累累。 | ||1:Most of the time, however, though ambition burned through him like a fire, he had no interest in the office of the presidency.||2:A disastrous foray in 1988, flaring out before New Hampshire, was as far as he went in that direction.||3:He had no politicians’ sleazy graces, and was proud of that.||4:The brusque attitude and tone had been instilled at West Point, together with the gimlet stare and the preference for dealing with America’s adversaries, whether Cubans, Palestinians or leftist Nicaraguans, with a bombing run or an invasion.||5:His duties at the White House, on Henry Kissinger’s National Security Council and for Nixon, had been carried out while still under military orders and earned him a dizzy ascent, from colonel to four-star general in four years.||6:His scar tissue came from battles both actual and political. | |
10 | ||1:他,名叫迈克尔·富特(Michael Foot),一位备受爱戴的英吉利人——带着他引人注目的一头蓬乱的白发、带着他在普斯泰德西斯公园牵着小狗迪齐蹒跚闲行的身影、带着他对文学的挚爱、还带着他任工党党魁时,身着风帽夹克在站台候车所赢得的谦逊美名——离开了人间。||2:进入高龄后,他几近失明,雪莱和拜伦的作品,乃其至爱,一俟新评问世,他必关注;而且,在早餐(那早餐是几枚在餐盘中来回滚动的鸡蛋)时侃侃而谈,谈论他所爱戴的工党的困境和未来。 | ||1:He died a much-loved Englishman, renowed for his untidy shock of white hair, his shambling wanderings on Hampstead Heath with his dog Dizzy , his devotion to literature, and the modesty that allowed him, when leader of the Labour Party, to stand in his anorak waiting at the bus stop.||2:Deep into old age, half-blind, he never failed to keep up with the latest works on his great loves, Shelley and Byron, and to hold forth over breakfast—several eggs running all over his plate—about the latest troubles of his beloved party, and its prospects for the future. | |
11 | ||1:他们以前从没听到过这样的声音。||2:然后,在这堆羊角号里面,她发现了它-这个羊角号产生完美的深男中音的声音,这是她长久以来梦寐以求但从未发出的最原始的呼唤。||3:当她吹这个羊角号的时,人群陷入了寂静。||4:店主、游客、推着手推车的老人都停了下来。||5:他们知道这个是不同的。||6:就这样诞生了一位新的巴阿拉特·托克亚,吹羊角号的女能手。||7:她从两岁起就开始吹这个乐器,这当然帮助了她。||8:14岁时,她在家乡蒙特利尔的旭日爵士俱乐部参加完一场音乐会后,去了迪兹·吉莱斯皮那里,问她是否可以演奏一下他的乐器——上一节课。||9:第二天早上,她妈妈把她送到他住的旅馆,在外面的车里耐心地等着。 | ||1:They had never heard such a sound before.||2:And then, somewhere in the barrel, she found it—the shofar that produced the perfect deep baritone, the primal call she’d long dreamed of but never made.||3:When she blew it, the crowd fell silent.||4:Shopkeepers, tourists, old men pushing carts: they all stopped.||5:They knew this one was different.||6:And so was born a new ba’alat tokeah, a high mistress of the horn.||7:It helped, of course, that she had played the trumpet since she was a child.||8:At 14 she went up to Dizzy Gillespie after a concert at the Rising Sun jazz club in her native Montreal, and asked if she could have a go on his instrument—and a lesson.||9:The next morning her mother dropped her at his hotel and waited patiently in the car outside. | |
12 | 还有些人甚至认为捕食者看到一群条纹在面前飞奔会晕头转向。 | Another even speculated that predators mightget dizzy watching a herd of stripes gallop by. | |
13 | 基本上我会让自己发晕。然后躺下来,闭上眼睛,小睡一下。嘭。 | Mainly what I do is try to get dizzy . And then lie down and close your eyes, and go take a nap. Bam. | |
14 | “看见星星”并且感到茫然、眩晕或头昏眼花 | "seeing stars" and feeling dazed, dizzy , or lightheaded | |
15 | “太晚了,不想管那些该死的羊了”埃尼斯说道,醉醺醺地仰面躺着。正是寒冷时分,从月亮的位置看已过了两点钟。 | "Too late to go out to them damn sheep, " said Ennis, dizzy drunk on all fours one cold hour when the moon had notched past two. | |
16 | 爸爸突发心脏病⋯;⋯;他搬动一些重家具时,突然晕了过去。 | Dad had a heart attack. . . He moved some heavy furniture and got dizzy . | |
17 | 此外,一些卡塔尔人也担心令人晕眩的现代化飞速进程会消蚀掉卡塔尔人的个性。 | Moreover, the dizzy pace of modernisation has led some Qataris to worry that their identity is being eroded. | |
18 | 大家都知道他住院是为了方便检查。头晕的时候做这些检查时很正常的,而且结果表明一切都很好。 | "Everyone knows that he stayed in hospital for tests, that’s normal when you suffer a dizzy spell, all of this looks positive, " he said. | |
19 | 但泊珍看他第一眼,仿似一声雷劈头而来,令她晕头胀脑。 | However, as soon as she gave a first glance at the child, Pozhen was like stricken by a thunder and felt dizzy . | |
20 | 但是让人头晕的经常账户赤字,混乱的外币借贷和草率的货币政策仍给一些国家留下了可怕的后遗症。 | But dizzy current-account deficits, wild foreign-currency borrowing and reckless fiscal policy are leaving a horrible hangover for some. | |
21 | 但是我乘船颠簸,很觉头晕,我想最好是坐一会。 | But I was very dizzy from the motion of the vessel and I thought I had better sit down. | |
22 | 对大中专学生运动性头晕、恶心症状的调查分析 | The diagnosis of symptom of dizzy and nauseated of university and college student movement | |
23 | 儿子看了看黑乎乎的沟底,立即傻了眼。 | Looking at the black bottom of the ditch, his son felt dizzy . | |
24 | 而它自身的基于廉价劳动力和正在走下坡路的疲软的房地产市场的经济模式又为其平添忧色。 | To this is added Spain’s own particular crisis, as a model based on cheap labour and a dizzy property market hits the skids. | |
25 | 放大和缩小(并保证不会头晕)的能力是战略设计师具备的一个重要能力。 | The ability to "Zoom" in and out (and not get dizzy ! ) is an important over arching skill that strategic designer have. | |
26 | 刚学走路的孩子则会仔细观察他们的脚趾,在镜子里做鬼脸,在地上原地打圈,直到头晕而倒下,然后咯咯地笑。 | Toddlers examine their toes, make faces in the mirror, turn in a circle until they get dizzy and collapse into giggles. | |
27 | 估值能够飙升至令人眩晕的高位,但一般都会逐渐回落至均值水平。 | Valuations can rise to dizzy heights but generally revert to mean over time. | |
28 | 古代防治眩晕证方药研究 | The Study of Prescription and Drugs to Prevention and Cure Dizzy in Ancient Times | |
29 | 股市反弹,石油价格继续快速上涨。 | Equity markets recovered ground and oil continued its dizzy rise. | |
30 | 家里的导力灯坏了一个,光线比平时暗,头脑晕乎乎的感觉很好玩。 | One of the lamps broke down, making the room darker, but Estelle became dizzy and had a lot of fun. |