属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-亚洲的兴衰 Boom and bust in Asia
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-想象的殿堂 House of dreams
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-旧金山教育工作中帮助年轻人自由生活
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-美国立法者讨论教育问题
1 | 由国内4名院士及35名资深教授带领的近100名博士、博士后参加了联合体项目的研究。 | Nearly 100 doctors, post doctorate students led by 4 academicians and 35 senior professors are involved in the research projects.” | |
2 | 有些人在获得博士学位之后还继续进行一段时间的研究工作。这被叫做博士后研究o | Some people continue their research work for a short period of time after being granted the doctor’s degree, and this is called post-doctorate study. | |
3 | 在…(学校)取得博士学位 | earn a doctorate from the... | |
4 | 这些同船的中国人里,只有苏小姐是中国旧相识,在里昂研究法国文学,做了一篇《中国十八家白话诗 | Among the Chinese on board, the only one he knew from China was Miss Su, who had studied French literature at Lyons.She had written her dissertation on eighteen Chinese poets of the colloquial style and had just received her doctorate | |
5 | 之后,整整七年,他一口气在本校读完本科、硕士,又于99年拿下北京外国语大学英语语言文学博士学位,最终实现了他从小的读大书的夙愿。 | By 1999, he had realized his dream of getting his doctorate from Beijing Foreign Languages University | |
6 | 衷心祝贺你完成研究生课程并获得工程学博士学位。 | Hearty felicitation on your completing the post-graduate courses and obtaining the doctorate of engineering, form Paul. | |
7 | 衷心祝贺你修完研究生课程并获得理学士学位 | Hearty felicitation on your completing the postgraduate course and obtaining the doctorate of science | |
8 | 祝贺你荣获耶鲁大学文学博士学位。像你这样的年龄能取得这样的学术成就是非常了不起的。 | My congratulations on your having received a Doctorate in literature from Yale University. To have reached this milestone in your scholarship at a young age is simply great. | |
9 | 祝贺你完成博士学业。 | Congratulations your complete doctorate study. | |
10 | 准博士:已具备除论文以外学历证书所必须的一切条件,如课程和考试,的博士候选人。 | abD: a candidate for a doctorate who has completed all the requirements for the degree, such as courses and examinations, with the exception of the dissertation. | |
11 | ||1: Studwell 的秘方并非独开先河。他表示这些成功秘诀至少可以追溯到一百四十年前明治天皇统治下的日本。 ||2:而本报只对其中的第一步(也就是小农耕作)持支持态度。||3:不过,《亚洲是如何运作的》这本书确实富于启迪性,让人耳目一新。||4: 它折射了作者不寻常的职业生涯。Studwell 曾经在本报的姊妹公司经济学人信息部担任过分析人士,也曾经从事过咨询工作。他写过几本书,论述过中国对外商的吸引力、以及亚洲的裙带资本家等等。 ||5:而后他回到校园攻读博士学位,进的正是剑桥大学——这里有很多不拘传统的经济学家。 | ||1: Mr Studwell’s recipe is not original: the formula dates back at least 140 years, he shows, to Japan under the Meiji emperor. ||2: Only the first step, smallholder farming, would be backed by this newspaper. ||3: But “How Asia Works” is a striking and enlightening book, which reflects the author’s unusual career. ||4: Having worked as an analyst (for the Economist Intelligence Unit, our sister company) and a consultant, he wrote books on China’s seduction of foreign businessmen and Asia’s crony capitalists. ||5: Then he went back to school, embarking on a doctorate at Cambridge, home to a number of unorthodox economists. | |
12 | ||1:旺加里·马塔伊的人生怎会如此紧密地与斗争相联系,不可谓不怪。||2:因为尽管出身微寒,成功于她唾手可得。||3:她生于肯尼亚中部高原一个名叫伊希特(Ihithe)的小村庄,出身基库尤农民家庭,当时肯尼亚还是英国的殖民地。||4:在二十世纪四十年代,像她这样的非洲女孩多半没机会受教育,马塔伊却很幸运,在哥哥的建议下,家里让她在八岁进了小学。||5:从此各样成就纷纷收入囊中,她进了中学,并以全班第一的成绩毕业,后来留学美国在堪萨斯获得生物学学士学位,在匹兹堡获得理学硕士学位,又赴德国学习,然后回到肯尼亚,在首都内罗比获博士学位,研究方向为牛科动物生殖腺研究。||6:这样,她成了东非第一个女博士,获得黑人女性未曾有过的学术与行政职位,接踵而来的是一项又一项荣誉与奖励,最为荣耀的是在2004年获得诺贝尔和平奖。 | ||1: In many ways it seems odd that Wangari Maathai’s life should have been so closely associated with struggle. ||2: Success appeared to come almost effortlessly to her, even though her origins were humble. ||3: She was born to a Kikuyu family of peasant farmers in Ihithe, a small village in the central highlands of Kenya, which was then a British colony. ||4: Though it was far from common in the 1940s for girls like her to receive an education, Wangari was sent to primary school—at her brother’s suggestion—at the age of eight. ||5: From then on accomplishments seemed to drop into her lap. She got to secondary school, graduated top of her class and went on to earn a degree in biology in Kansas, an MSc in Pittsburgh and, after studying in Germany, a PhD on gonads in bovines in Nairobi. ||6: That made her the first woman in east Africa to hold a doctorate . Jobs followed, in academic and civic positions which no black woman had filled before, and on their heels came award after award, none grander than the 2004 Nobel peace prize. | |
13 | ||1:在《希格斯力》中,有着剑桥大学非应用粒子物理学博士头衔的皇家天文学会研究员尼古拉斯·梅提出了希格斯介子为何至关重要,以及要怎么做才能找到它。||2:在日内瓦城外地下27公里长的环形隧道内,大型强子对撞机让被称为质子的亚原子粒子以接近光速对撞。||3:然后大型强子对撞机的科学家在大教堂般大小的探测器内研究对撞形成的碎屑。 | ||1:In “Higgs Force” Nicholas Mee, a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society with a doctorate in theoretical particle physics from Cambridge University, lays out why the Higgs matters, and what is being done to find it.||2:The LHC smashes together subatomic particles called protons in a 27km underground circular tunnel outside Geneva at within a whisker of the speed of light.||3:Its scientists then study the detritus in cathedral-sized detectors. | |
14 | 马歇尔拥有心理学博士学位。他认为黑帮与暴力是一种病态,应该作为公共健康问题来处理。 | Joe Marshall has a doctorate in psychology. He sees gangs and violence as a disease that needs to be dealt with as a public health problem. | |
15 | 约书亚·乔丹(Joshua Jordan)获得了物理疗法的博士学位。他说,“我目前负债21万美元。” | Joshua Jordan earned a doctorate degree in physical therapy.? "I am currently in debt for $210,000." | |
16 | (开始修读博士学位课程); | to begin a course of study leading to doctorate | |
17 | “我主修的是法律,在StanislausState州拿到了博士学位,”那个音乐家告诉潘乔。 | "I was majoring in law, getting a doctorate in law at Stanislaus State, " the musician is telling Pancho. | |
18 | “在怀孕的时候得到博士学位,”她说,“要比在怀孕的时候高中刚毕业要好吧。” | "Better pregnant and getting a doctorate , " she said, "than pregnant at your high school graduation. " | |
19 | 1988年获得博士学位后,莱因哈特女士开始在国际货币基金组织工作。 | After earning her doctorate in 1988, Ms. Reinhart started work at the I. M. F. | |
20 | 1991年吉尼斯获得剑桥大学名誉博士学位。 | In 1991, Guinness received an Honorary Doctorate from Cambridge University. | |
21 | 1994年版本的第一作者之一仅在两年前才获得硕士学位,而且直到1995年才发表第一篇论文。 | Another Australian academic was an assistant author in 2001 and a lead author in 2007, although she did not earn her doctorate until 2009. | |
22 | KakenyaNtaiya预期在明年获得博士学位,她计划回肯尼亚为(村里的)女孩们创办一所学校。 | Kakenya Ntaiya expects to receive a doctorate in education next year. She plans to return to Kenya to establish a school for girls. | |
23 | KerrieHolley获得了DePaul大学数学文学学士学位和法学博士学位。 | Kerrie Holley received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics and a Juris Doctorate in law degree from DePaul University. | |
24 | KN期望明年能得到一个教育方面的博士学位 | [Kakenya Ntalya] expects to receive a [doctorate ] in education in next year. | |
25 | Peter获得到德国亚琛技术大学的计算机科学博士学位。 | Peter received his doctorate in computer science from the Technical University Aachen, Germany. | |
26 | Smith在读生理学博士,而Ms.Strobel是一名网页设计师和自由撰稿人,高高兴兴地在家工作。 | Mr. Smith is completing a doctorate in physiology; Ms. Strobel happily works from home as a Web designer and freelance writer. | |
27 | 艾斯伯格在哈佛大学修得博士学位; | Mr Ellsberg earned a doctorate from Harvard University. | |
28 | 博士培养平台是大学进入高端冲刺的门票。 | Doctorate cultivation platform acts as the ticket for a university to make a spurt towards a higher level of development. | |
29 | 博士学位让她在找工作时更具优势。 | Her doctorate degree gave her a leg up in finding a job. | |
30 | 博士学位需要花四到六年来完成。 | A doctorate can take four to six years. |