属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美式乌托邦 短命的狂热(下)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-利特维年科案的调查 扑朔迷离的谋杀案
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-前苏联的末途 The end of the Sovie
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-前苏联的末途 行尸走肉
1 | 他债务缠身。 | He was dogged by debts. | |
2 | 他正被跟踪 | He is being dogged . | |
3 | 天下无难事,只怕有心人 | It is dogged (that)does it | |
4 | 天下无难事,只怕有心人。 | It is dogged (that) does it. | |
5 | 我得建造一座房子,编造一个故事,来配合那个难以描述的“感觉”,这种感觉好比小说的灵魂,我对它穷追不放顽固坚持,因为没有其他东西比它更难确定界限的了。 | I’ve got to make, I’ve got to build up, a house, a story, to fit around the indescribable "feeling" that is like the soul of the story, and which I must insist upon in dogged , embarrassed way, as being no more definable than that | |
6 | 我军经过奋战,终于制服了敌人的一切抵抗。 | Eventually, after much dogged fightings, our troops bore down all resistance | |
7 | 我们都很钦佩他们坚持不懈的努力。 | We all admire their dogged efforts. | |
8 | 我们在整个旅途中遇到的尽是倒霉事。 | We were dogged by bad luck the whole journey. | |
9 | 有志者事竞成. | It is dogged that does it. | |
10 | 约翰追踪他小妹妹的足迹以确定她没有迷路。 | John dogged his little sister’s footsteps to make sure she didn’t get lost. | |
11 | 这个橄榄球队整个赛季都为队员受伤而困扰。 | Injuries dogged the football team all season. | |
12 | 这个想法固执地坚持着,不肯退去。 | The thought returned with a dogged insistence. | |
13 | 自从离开白宫,克林顿苗条了许多;由于积极讲演,以及与出版他的自传的出版商达成了利润丰厚的交易,克林顿已经还清了在那些困扰其总统生涯的丑闻中欠律师的费用。 | Since leaving office Clinton has slimmed down a good deal, and thanks to energetic lecturing and a lucrative deal with the publishers of his memoirs, he has paid off all his legal debts from the scandals that dogged his presidency. | |
14 | ||1:罗伯特欧文是英国一个工厂的厂长,同时他也是一位改革家,他把私有财产同有组织的宗教与婚姻归为社会灾祸。||2:1825年,他在印第安纳州购买了农场,建造了将农场与工厂集一身的公社,吸引农民、艺术家与学者前往。||3:工具,食物与住房都是免费提供,还有男女混合制的学校与图书馆。||4:此外,公社还赞助科学研究。||5:然而因没有共同的信仰或目的,公社内部发生分裂,成员间相互争斗。||6:到了1827年,欧文的这个非宗教团体也解散了。||7:在美国这样一个追求内阁政策的资本主义国家中,想要追求微型公社,困难重重。||8:欧文的新世界Icarians分裂成几个敌对群体。||9:无论是震教徒,欧文的组织还是Lcarians,都以他们各自的方式关注职责,都寻求驯化人类自私的心理。||10:法国人查尔斯傅里叶关注于这其中的乐趣,尽管他在肖像画里看起来很忧伤。||11:但他的著作鼓舞了波斯顿附近的“小溪农场”公社,还间接影响了奥奈达一带。||12:傅里叶想要解放人们的本能以便每个人,尤其是女性,都尽可能的过上享受多种娱乐与感官愉悦的生活。||13:他传递的信息不再只具有强调性,而是指好的生活,即耕种生活,并不是奋斗与工作的生活之一,这一观点对于“小溪农场”核心力量,一些来自新英格兰的学者颇有吸引力。 | ||1:Robert Owen, a British mill-owner and reformer, treated private property, along with organised religion and marriage, as a social scourge.||2:In 1825 he bought land for a farm-and-factory commune in Indiana. It attracted farmers, artisans and intellectuals.||3:Tools, food and housing were free. The commune had mixed-sex schools and a library.||4:It sponsored scientific research.||5:Without a shared faith or purpose, however, the members split into competing groups.||6:By 1827, Owen’s secular community had disbanded.||7:The difficulty of pursuing micro-communism in a capitalist society also dogged Cabet’s American followers.||8:His New World Icarians split into several rival groupings.||9:Shakers, Owenites and Icarians focused, each in their own way, on duties. They sought to tame human selfishness.||10:Gloomy as he looked in portraits, the Frenchman Charles Fourier concentrated on fun.||11:His writings inspired the Brook Farm commune near Boston and, less directly, Oneida.||12:Fourier wanted to free people’s instincts so that everyone, especially women, might lead a life of varied enjoyments and sensual delight.||13:Stripped of emphasis on sex, Fourier’s message that a good life was a cultivated life, not one of striving and work, appealed to New England intellectuals who formed Brook Farm’s core. | |
15 | ||1:为了让英国政府公开调查此案件,利特维年科的遗孀玛丽娜在资金不足的情况下坚持四处奔走,不卑不亢。||2:政府当局以未指明的国家安全为理由对其加以阻挠。||3:但是,2014年6月份,由于英俄关系不断僵化,英国政府对此事的态度突然好转,并于本周开始展开调查。||4:利特维年科夫人的律师提到伦敦街道发生的“核恐怖主义行为”。 | ||1:Mr Litvinenko’s widow Marina has fought a dogged , dignified and cash-strapped battle for a public inquiry into the case.||2:The government blocked this, citing unspecified national-security concerns.||3:But it flip-flopped in July 2014 as Britain’s relations with Russia iced over.The inquiry began this week.||4:Mrs Litvinenko’s lawyer spoke of an “act of nuclear terrorism” on London’s streets. | |
16 | ||1:之后,虽然德米特里·杜德科神父心理满是悔恨,但是为时已晚。||2:孤独和罪恶感陪着他走完余生,其间他一直苦于不能重塑自己当年“为信任、希望和信念而战斗的形象”。||3:他深陷散发着“俄罗斯式爱国主义”恶臭的泥潭之中,沉浸在多疑好猜忌的反犹太主义之中,即使这是他曾经一度反对的。||4:60年代勇敢、自信、快乐的德米特里·杜德科神父死了,70年代的德米特里·杜德科神父变成一个卑鄙无耻的种族主义分子,一个满脑子仇恨、虚无缥缈的沿街叫骂的人。 | ||1:Later Father Dmitry was filled with remorse.||2:But it was too late.||3:Dogged by loneliness and guilt, and unable to resurrect his crusade for trust, hope and faith, he descended into the fetid swamps of Russian nationalism, wallowing in the paranoid anti-Semitism he had once eschewed.||4:The brave, happy and confident man of the 1960s and 1970s became a miserable racist, a campaigner for hatred and nihilism. | |
17 | ||1:之后,虽然德米特里杜德科神父心理满是悔恨,但是为时已晚。||2:孤独和罪恶感陪着他走完余生,其间他一直苦于不能重塑自己当年“为信任、希望和信念而战斗的形象”。||3:他深陷散发着“俄罗斯式爱国主义”恶臭的泥潭之中,沉浸在多疑好猜忌的反犹太主义之中,即使这是他曾经一度反对的。||4:60年代勇敢、自信、快乐的德米特里杜德科神父死了,70年代的德米特里杜德科神父变成一个卑鄙无耻的种族主义分子,一个满脑子仇恨、虚无缥缈的沿街叫骂的人。 | ||1:Later Father Dmitry was filled with remorse.||2:But it was too late.||3:Dogged by loneliness and guilt, and unable to resurrect his crusade for trust, hope and faith, he descended into the fetid swamps of Russian nationalism, wallowing in the paranoid anti-Semitism he had once eschewed.||4:The brave, happy and confident man of the 1960s and 1970s became a miserable racist, a campaigner for hatred and nihilism. | |
18 | 此前印度的军火交易总是伴随着贪污的指控,这次这样做迄今为止看来都是很规范的,一位参与其中的高管说到。 | Whereas previous Indian arms deals have been dogged by accusations of corruption, this one has so far been exemplary, says an executive involved. | |
19 | WTO于2001年启动多哈回合贸易谈判,各成员国之间一直存在分歧。 | The WTO launched the Doha round in 2001 and it has been dogged ever since by differences among member countries. | |
20 | 澳博的上市之路漫长而曲折,厄运和争议始终紧紧相随。 | SJM’s road to market has been a long and tortuous one, dogged by bad luck and controversy. | |
21 | 巴黎远落后伦敦已有很长时间,前者受到管制多和税收高之名的苦恼。 | Paris has long lagged far behind London, dogged by a reputation for excessive regulation and high taxes. | |
22 | 饱受学生抗议和腐败指控困扰的中间派自由党,试图再一次牵制独立派 | Dogged by student protests and allegations of corruption, the centrist Liberals are trying to keep the separatists at bay one more time | |
23 | 波音商用飞机集团已经避免了紧随防务业务的丑闻; | Boeing Commercial has avoided the scandals that dogged the defence business. | |
24 | 布什图书馆的计划注定要被关于总统学识的笑话所困扰。 | Plans for a George Bush library were bound to be dogged by jokes about the president’s literacy. | |
25 | 财富杂志的亚当拉辛斯基,经过数月的跟踪报道和调查,最近拼凑成了一个叫做“内部苹果”的故事。 | Fortune’s Adam Lashinsky, after months of dogged reporting and research, recently put together a story called "Inside Apple. " | |
26 | 陈先生从顽强的决心和勤恳诚实、公平和谦恭的声誉中创造财富。 | Mr. Chen built a fortune out of dogged determination and a reputation for being assiduously honest, fair and respectful. | |
27 | 成天被债主们穷追不舍,他东躲西藏避开他们。虽然很不情愿,但是他没有办法,因为他陷入困境。 | When he is dogged by creditors, he is loath to hide himself from them but he has to, because he has gotten into a jam. | |
28 | 此后,他们一直在追踪这本书,并可能就其提出索赔。 | They had dogged it since and ex-posed it to compensation claims. | |
29 | 此后一届政府试图加强针对高风险小企业投资者的激励措施,但种种难题困扰着其努力。 | Difficulties have dogged efforts by successive government to improve incentives for investors in small, high-risk companies. | |
30 | 从2008年起就困扰经济和产权投资市场的基本问题将依然存在。 | The fundamental problem that has dogged the economy, and equity markets, since 2008 will remain. |