1 | “城中村”城市化:问题困境中的悖论 | Urbanization of "Villages in City": A Dilemma in Puzzle Dom | |
2 | DOM(文档对象模型) | DOM (Document object model, see http://www.w3.org/DOM/) | |
3 | DOM与DEM数据的管理和三维可视化 | Management & Three Dimensional Virtualization of the DOM & DEM Data | |
4 | JX-4C数字摄影测量工作站对DEM和DOM的制作 | Making on JX-4C Digital Photogrammetric Work Station to DEM and DOM | |
5 | 表面活性剂及DOM对土壤中菲、芘解吸行为的影响因子初探 | Factors of the Effects of Nonionic Surfactant Tween80 and DOM on the Behaviors of Desorption of Phenanthrene and Pyrene in soil-water Systems | |
6 | 典型南方水源溶解性有机物分子量分布变化及去除特性 | Molecular Weight Distribution and Removal Characters of DOM in the Typical Source Water in South of China | |
7 | 混凝去除垃圾渗滤液中DOM的实验研究 | Removal of DOM in Leachate by Coagulation | |
8 | 基于DOM持久化的NXD数据存储模型研究 | A Data-storing Model of NXD Based on Persistent DOM | |
9 | 基于DOM规范的网页分析技术研究 | Analysis of Webpage Technology Based on DOM | |
10 | 基于Oracle的DOM影像库的建立研究 | Study of DOM Image Database Establishment Based on Oracle | |
11 | 建筑的四面完全相同,每面各有一座33公尺高的巨大中心拱门,都有一个球根状的双穹顶和四座穹顶凉亭。 | It has four identical facades, each with a massive central arch 108 ft (33 m)high, and is surmounted by a bulbous double dom e and four domed kiosks. | |
12 | 劳动者公平分享改革发展成果的困境与出路 | Puzzle Dom and Outlet on Equal Sharing of the Fruits of Reform | |
13 | 利用XML DOM创建强大的XML应用 | Constructing the Powerful XML Application by XML DOM | |
14 | 使用VC利用DOM和Script组件构建回归模型解释器 | Building Regression Model Interpreter Using DOM and Script Components on VC | |
15 | 水溶性有机物对菲的表观溶解度和正辛醇/水分配系数的影响 | Effect of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM )on the Apparent Water Solubility and the n-octanol/water Partition Coefficient of Phenanthrene | |
16 | 水溶性有机物与多环芳烃结合特征的红外光谱学研究 | Infrared Spectroscopy of Dom -PAHs Complexes | |
17 | 税费改革后农村公共产品供给的困境及其路径选择 | The Puzzle Dom and Its Way Out on the Supply of Rural Public Product after the Reform of Tax | |
18 | 一种基于DOM树的XML数据频繁模式挖掘算法 | DOM -Based Algorithm of Mining Frequent Patterns from XML Data | |
19 | 浙江桂凋落物中可溶性有机物对铜离子络合能力研究 | The Complexing of Cupric Ion and DOM Obtained from Cinnamomum Chekiangense Litter at Different Decomposition Stages | |
20 | 组合工艺控制有机物和消毒副产物的研究 | Combination Technology in DOM and Disinfectant by-products Control | |
21 | ||1:Dom漫步在一个老式的鸦片窝点拉希德, 在那里有人为你准备好烟卷,寂静袭来。||2:拉希德是各色人物进出和讲述众多故事的场所。||3:Dom遇到鲁米,鲁米实施家庭暴力,曾经经商却一败涂地;DOM引荐了一个愤怒的老艺术家泽维尔;并和男妓 Dimple成了朋友,Dimple讲述一个遭流放的中国人李先生的故事。||4:还有房子的主人拉西德——徒劳的抵抗——当看着自己优雅的鸦片世界被梦幻般劣质海洛因遗忘。||5:那些吸食鸦片的人或者死亡或者冲昏了头脑,孟买也被鸦片遗忘。 | ||1:Dom drifts in and out of Rashid’s, an old-fashioned opium den where pipewallahs prepare your smoke for you and serenity prevails.||2:Rashid’s is a clearing house for characters and stories.||3:Dom meets Rumi, a wife-beater and failed businessman; he brings Xavier, an angry old artist; he befriends Dimple, a eunuch prostitute who in turn tells the story of Mr Lee, a Chinese exile.||4:Then there is Rashid himself, who watches—and fruitlessly resists—as his graceful world of opium-eaters is rendered obsolete by the nightmare of low-grade heroin.||5:Mumbai forgets opium as those who loved it either die or burn out their brains. | |
22 | ||1:Shuklaji街就座落在这座高架桥附近,它是孟买与鸦片的最后联系。||2: “它不像一个街道” Jeet Thayil处女作《Narcopolis》的主人公说。因为这里是罪恶中心:嫖娼,毒品交易,小偷小摸盛行。 ||3: Dom Ullis讲述孟买与毒品的渊源,仿佛置身于150年前孟买毒品伊始到结束的场景。 | ||1: In the shadow of that viaduct lies Shuklaji Street, Mumbai’s last connection with opium. ||2: “It wasn’t much of a street,” notes Dom Ullis, the narrator of Jeet Thayil’s debut novel, “Narcopolis”, but it was the epicentre of vice: prostitutes, drug dealers and petty criminals. ||3: Dom arrives here to partake in Mumbai’s (Mr Thayil calls it Bombay) love affair with opium just as it is drawing to a close, some 150 years after it started. | |
23 | ||1:一个遭改造的毒枭Mr Thayil,用自己的亲身经历描述这个世界。||2:他也是位有名望的诗人,小心翼翼的驾驭自己的文字。||3:他的努力有目共睹。||4:备受赞誉的是,Mr Thayil抑制着插进叙述着的欲望。||5:因Dom大部分时间不在场 ,读者无法追溯时间。||6:唯一可以晓知书中年代的是书中的谈话。||7:随着印度经济开放,新车,饮料和咖啡店暗示时光的流逝。||8:书中提及丑恶暴力的穆斯林时,意味着1993年爆发了宗教暴乱,并给穆斯林带来伤痕。||9:而当书中提到迷幻药和摇头丸时,那一定是21世纪的孟买。 | ||1:A reformed addict, Mr Thayil has had personal experience with the world he describes.||2:But he is also a published poet, who wields his words with care.||3:His efforts are there to be seen.||4:Admirably, Mr Thayil resists the urge to insert himself into the narrative.||5:Dom Ullis is mostly absent, giving the reader nothing.||6:The only way to keep track of the book’s chronology is through the conversations.||7:New cars, soft drinks and coffee shops indicate the passage of time as India’s economy creaks open.||8:Ugly, brutal references to Muslims mean that 1993, when the city erupted in religious riots, has left its scars.||9:And if it’s ecstasy and MDMA, it must be 21st-century Mumbai. | |
24 | 他们进行了一系列随机挑选的一位学生被要求在他自己与另一个对象之间平分20美元的实验。 | They conducted experiments in which a student chosen at ran dom was asked to divide $20 between himself and another subject. | |
25 | “文档对象模型”是XML文档的一种特殊树型结构编程模型,W3C将它描述成一个标准。 | DOM : The Document Object Model is a specific tree-structured programming model of an XML document described as a standard by the W3C. | |
26 | DOMStorage提供一组简单的JavaScript变量,这些变量在代码装载之间仍可持久。 | DOM Storage provides a simple set of JavaScript variables that are persistent across page loads. | |
27 | DOM的主要威力不只是方便阅读,还在于很方便地改变的文档的内容和结构。 | The main strength of the DOM is the option not only to read, but also to alter the content and the structure of the document at hand. | |
28 | DOM很容易理解和使用,因为其内存结构与原始XML文档相似。 | The DOM is easy to understand and utilize since its structure in memory resembles the original XML document. | |
29 | DOM将数据显示为节点对象层次结构。 | The DOM presents data as a hierarchy of node objects. | |
30 | DOM一直被诬蔑成相当困难且不直观的操纵XML文档的方式。 | The DOM has been maligned as a difficult and nonintuitive way of manipulating XML documents. |