属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-门铃摄像头是否有助于减少犯罪?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-物联网 智能家居让你无力抗拒(下)
1 | 我刚把电话放下,门铃就响了。 | Just as I placed the telephone receiver down, the doorbell rang | |
2 | 我没有听见门铃响。 | I didn’t hear the doorbell ring. | |
3 | 我听到了门铃。 | I heard the doorbell . | |
4 | 我正在用打字机打一则新闻报导,突然门铃响了。 | I was tapping out a news report on my typewriter when the doorbell rang. | |
5 | 一天,我正遥望着白雪皑皑的群山时,听到了停车声,接着是一阵急促的门铃声。 | While I stood staring toward the snowcapped mountains one day, I heard a car pull up, then the impatient peal of the doorbell | |
6 | 一天正在作画的时候;门铃声把我吓了一跳。我迅速将画画的材料收藏妥当,开了门。 | While painting one day, I was surprised by a doorbell ring.Quickly putting all my painting materials out of sight, I opened the door. | |
7 | 一阵短促怯懦的门铃声传来。她开了门,外面站着一个湿淋淋、浑身发抖的小女孩。 | A short, timid ring at the doorbell summoned her. Outside stood a little girl, dripping wet and shivering. | |
8 | 这气味几乎教你一闻就百病消除,犹如牙科医生的门铃。 | Te Virid.Smell almost cure you like the dentist’s doorbell | |
9 | 这时门铃响了,佩吉一边飞奔着去开门,一边叫着一定是圣诞老人。 | The doorbell rang and Peggy ran fleetly to answer it, calling that it must be Santa Claus. Then I heard a man talking heartily to her and went to the door. | |
10 | 该摄像头能够提供所安装位置的大视野画面。如果门铃响起或是设备传感器感应到有人或汽车经过,房主就会在手机上收到带视频画面的通知。 | The cameras offer a wide field of vision from wherever they are set up. Homeowners get notifications on their wireless phones with video images if the doorbell rings or the device’s sensors observe a person or a passing car. | |
11 | 杰米·西敏诺夫(Jamie Siminoff)是远程控制智能门铃创业公司(Ring)的创始人兼首席执行官,他表示,作为顾客与智能家居的连接纽带,智能手机提升了客户的期望。 | The smartphone, the link between the customer and smart-home device, has raised consumers’ expectations, explains Jamie Siminoff, the boss of Ring, a startup that makes a doorbell that can be answered remotely. | |
12 | 门铃摄像头是否有助于减少犯罪? | Are Doorbell Cameras Good or Bad? | |
13 | 我听到门铃响。 | I heard the doorbell ring. | |
14 | 当门铃一响,谢丽尔就奔跑着去开门。 | When the doorbell rang, Cheryl scampered to answer. | |
15 | 第二天下午5:30的时候,我按响了父母家的门铃。是爸爸开的门。 | The next day at 5. 30p. m. , I was at my parents’ house ringing the doorbell . It was Dad who answered the door. | |
16 | 对于三分之一的病人都会登门拜访维尔医生位于哈利街的办公室,我实在不知道该说什么。 | I certainly can’t comment on why one in three of Dr Vial’s patients ring his Harley Street doorbell . | |
17 | 告诉孩子,如果有人想闯进屋里或者有人按了门铃以后一直不走就打911(译注:我国应拨打110)。 | Tell the child to call 911 if someone tries to break in the house or won’t go away after ringing the doorbell . | |
18 | 两年前,富国银行的两个人按响了他家的门铃,说可以将他的消费贷款换成低成本的抵押贷款。 | Two years ago, his doorbell rang, and two men from Wells Fargo offered to consolidate his consumer loans into a low-cost mortgage. | |
19 | 门铃式摄像头越来越多,邮箱摄像头越来越多,车里的摄像头越来越多。 | More doorbell webcams, more mailbox cams, more cams in our cars. | |
20 | 门铃响了,但是送来的依然不是那种红绿相间的盒子,计划又一次失败了。 | The doorbell rang. But no red-and-green box was delivered. The plan had failed again. | |
21 | 门铃响了,正好给了Michael一个必需的休息间隙,他打开了门,是个送比萨饼的女孩。 | The doorbell rings, giving Michael a much needed break from the project. He opens the door for a delivery girl. | |
22 | 门铃一响就知道杰克驾到。 | A ring at the doorbell announced Jack’s arrival. | |
23 | 门铃再次响起,那只的蟑螂站在那儿。 | The doorbell rang. The cockroach was standing there. | |
24 | 门铃再次响起,又是一束玫瑰,放在她的门前。 | The doorbell rang, and there were roses, sitting by her door. | |
25 | 虽然结婚已经18年了,丈夫有时还会来到门前按门铃接我出去约会! | Even after 18 years of marriage, my husband still comes to the front door and rings the doorbell to pick me up for our dates! | |
26 | 我刚要出门,这时门铃响了。 | I was about to leave home when the doorbell rang. | |
27 | 我好心去找鸡的主人通报一声,当我按过门铃说明情况之后,他给了我一耳光。 | I decided to be a good person and tell the owner. When I rang the doorbell and told him what happened, he slapped me across the face. | |
28 | 我还以为前门按电铃的是NatBaker呢,别让我打扰你们。 | I thought that was Nat Baker who rang the front doorbell . Don’t let me interrupt you. | |
29 | 我还以为是NatBaker按大门门铃呢。 | I thought that was Nat Baker who rang the front doorbell . | |
30 | 我们刚睡着的时候门铃就响了。 | We had barely dropped off to sleep when the doorbell began to ring. |