1 | 当营养药品或功能食品开始充斥超市货架时,我们将越来越难判断究竟服用了多大剂量的维生素和矿物质以及它对我们有什么效果。 | As nutraceuticals or functional foods start to fill the supermarket shelves, it will become harder to work out exactly what dosage of vitamins and minerals we are ingesting or what effect it is having on us. | |
2 | 灯盏花素新制剂、新剂型及其结构修饰研究进展 | Research Progress on New Dosage Forms and Structural Modification of Breviscapine | |
3 | 低剂量L-Name与耐力性运动训练对大鼠肝醣储存的影响 | Effect of Low-Dosage Treatment of L-Name and Endurance Training on Glycogen Storage in Rats | |
4 | 第十六条 精神药品的处方必须载明患者的姓名、年龄、性别、药品名称、剂量、用法等。 | Article 16 On a prescription of psychotropic drugs, the name, age, sex of the user, the name of the drug, dosage and administration must be written down clearly. | |
5 | 第十三条销售药品必须准确无误,并正确说明用法、用量和注意事项; | [Article 13] In selling drugs, it is necessary to be exact and accurate; the method of use, dosage and points to note must be explained precisely. | |
6 | 碘片:含有有效碘,用以对饮用水消毒的碘片可在药店或体育用品店中买到。 | Commercially prepared iodine tablets containing the necessary dosage for drinking water disinfection can be purchased at drug and sporting goods stores. | |
7 | 毒物任何会损害活组织、致伤或致死的物质(自然物或合成物)。 | Poison Any substance (natural or synthetic)that, at a certain dosage , damages living tissues and injures or kills. | |
8 | 对有配伍禁忌或者超剂量的处方应当拒绝调配;必要时经处方医生更正或者重新签字,方可调配。 | Where a prescription contains ingredients that are incompatible or amounts of ingredients in excess of the proper dosage , a request to make up the prescription shall be refused; if necessary, after the prescribing doctor has corrected it and signed it again, it may be made up. | |
9 | 对于选用的75%的PAC,当投药量(以废水量计)为0.6g\L时,COD去除率达69%,SS去除率为84%,处理后的废水达到国家排放标准。 | When the dosage of PAC with 75% of base saturability is 0.6 g\L water, the removal rate of COD is 69%, removal rate of SS is 84%, the treated wastewater can meet the requirement of the discharging standard | |
10 | 对于原水总磷在4.295~29.839mg\L之间变化的污水,得出去除总磷的建议最佳组合:接种量0.8%、pH值为8、曝气时间为6h、反应时间为24h。 | When the total phosphorus of domestic wastes is 4.295~29.839 mg\L,the optimum reaction conditions are as follows: the dosage is 0.8%,pH is 8,the aeration time is 6 hours and the reaction time is 24 hours. | |
11 | 分三次接种的白喉、百日咳、破伤风三联疫苗 | three-dosage diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus vaccine (DPT III) | |
12 | 服最大的量供给足够的毛地黄属以得到最大疗效且不会出现有毒症状 | To administer digitalis in a dosage sufficient to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect without producing toxic symptoms. | |
13 | 高镍铬铸铁轧辊辊身铁水配料铁屑用量研究 | Dosage Research of Compounding Material Scrap Iron of High Nickel Chromium Cast Iron Milling Roll | |
14 | 构建正交多项式数学模型的方法研究抗疲劳特性量效关系 | Optimization of the Best Dosage and Time of Anti-fatigue According to the Combination Method of Orthogonal Polynomial Mathematics Model | |
15 | 呼吸系统(如果接受体检的人目前或过去是肺结核病患者,请指出患病日期、治疗期限以及其所使用过药物名称、药力与药量。) | Respiratory system (For current or previous tuberculosis, provide date and duration of treatment and name, strength and dosage of drugs used.) | |
16 | 混凝投药装置伺服控制器的应用研究 | Application Research on the Servo Controller of Dosage System for Flocculating Effect | |
17 | 鸡牡公路改性中沥青路面改性剂量的合理确定 | Reasonable Dosage of Modifiers for Modified Asphalt Pavement of Ji-Mu Freeway | |
18 | 基于二维定位图像的射野剂量自动计算的研究 | Research of Field Size Dosage Calculation Based on two-dimensional Localization Image | |
19 | 甲泼尼龙治疗大鼠视神经挫伤时效关系的研究 | Experimental Study of effect-time Relation of High Dosage Methylprednisolone on Traumatic Optic Neuropathy in Rats | |
20 | 碱用量对大麻纤维高温煮练脱胶质量的影响 | Effect of Sodium Hydroxide Dosage on the Coming Unglued Quality of Hemp Fiber | |
21 | 介孔生物活性玻璃材料在模拟体液中的用量对考察其体外生物活性的影响 | Influence of the Dosage of Mesoporous Bioactive Glass in Simulated Body Fluid on the in vitro Bioactivity Evaluation | |
22 | 局部麻醉剂中小剂量肾上腺素引起血压下降的原因探讨 | Marked Decrease of Blood Pressure Induced by Low Dosage Adrenaline under General Anesthesia | |
23 | 雷公藤多甙“顿挫”方式维持治疗原发性肾病综合征效果观察 | Clinical Efficacy of Double Dosage of Tripterygium Wilfordii with Intermittent Maintenance Therapy in Treatment of Primary Nephrotic Syndrome | |
24 | 硫代乙酰胺剂量个体化诱导大鼠肝硬化门脉高压模型 | Model of Rat’s Liver Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension Induced by Individuation of Thioacetamide Dosage | |
25 | 氯胺酮在利多卡因化学性点燃大鼠的量效关系 | The Study of dosage -dependent Effect of Ketamine on Lidocaine Kindling in Rats | |
26 | 氯片:含有有效氯,用以对饮用水消毒的氯片可在药店中买到,按说明使用。如果没有说明书,可以在每夸特水中加1片。 | Chlorine tablets containing the necessary dosage for drinking water disinfection can be purchased in a commercially prepared form. When instructions are not available, use one tablet for each quart of water to be purified. | |
27 | 门诊无痛人工流产中应用瑞芬太尼的合适剂量 | Approach to Optimal Dosage of Remifentanil in Painless Artificial Abortion | |
28 | 米索前列醇对人工流产术中异丙酚使用剂量的影响 | The Effects of Misoprostol on the Optimal Dosage of Propofol during the Induced Abortion Anesthesia | |
29 | 柠檬酸用量对碳纳米管制备的影响 | Effect of Citric Acid Dosage on Carbon Nanotubes Preparation | |
30 | 瓶上标明了。 | The dosage is on the bottle. |