1 | 还有一种想法对我也大有好处,而且,这种反省毫无疑问对遇到我这种灾难的其他任何人也一定大有用处。 | Another reflection was of great use to me, and doubtless would be so to any one that should fall into such distress as mine was | |
2 | 假使磨盘底下的黍粒有思维的能力,它所想的也许就是冉阿让所想的了。 | If the grain of millet beneath the millstone had thoughts, it would, doubtless , think that same thing which Jean Valjean thought | |
3 | 她尖呼高叫,其音量之骇人,无疑会使这些逃跑的孩子心儿狂跳不止。 | She screamed and shouted, too, with a terrific volume of sound, which, doubtless , caused the hearts of the fugitives to quake within them. | |
4 | 她生气是无疑的。 | That she was angry is doubtless . | |
5 | 她是在祈求祝福,向赐于孩子生命的上帝祈求祝福!毫无疑问,诚如这母亲自己对我们所说,她也是在祈求一种报应 | It was meant for a blessing; for the one blessing of her life! It was meant, doubtless , as the mother herself hath told us, for a retribution too; | |
6 | 她走到老人的身旁,说道:“那么,亲爱的诺瓦蒂埃先生,您无疑的是准备把您的财产留给您的孙子爱德华·维尔福的了。” | she gradually approached the invalid, and said: "Then, doubtless , dear M. Noirtier, you intend leaving your fortune to your grandson, Edward de Villefort?" | |
7 | 尽管我不知道发生这种现象的原因,但是,毫无疑问的是,这是我内心热切的愿望和强烈的思绪所产生的结果。因为我深切地体会到,如果能有一位基督徒与我交谈,这对我实在是一种莫大的安慰。 | Though I knew not from what it should proceed; it was doubtless the effect of ardent wishes, and of strong ideas form’d in my mind, realizing the comfort, which the conversation of one of my fellow-christians would have been to me. | |
8 | 开运动会那天多半会下雨。 | It will doubtless rain on sports day. | |
9 | 可是阿里和伯爵,前者由于他那野性的本质,后者无疑的得感谢他长期的狱中生活,却依旧能在黑暗中辨别出树枝的微动。 | still Ali, thanks to his wild nature, and the count, thanks doubtless to his long confinement, could distinguish in the darkness the slightest movement of the trees | |
10 | 没有疑问,对任何中国人、亚洲人而言,神舟五号的升空是值得骄傲和自豪的。 | For any Chinese or Asian, the successful launch of Shenzhou V is doubtless a cause for jubilation | |
11 | 明天他肯定要去广州。 | He will doubtless go to Guangzhou tomorrow. | |
12 | 那断头机是决不会失灵,决不会颤抖,也决不会象杀夏莱伯爵的那个兵那样连砍三十次的,红衣主教黎布留无疑是因为看到夏七伯爵被杀头时的那种惨景,动了恻隐之心,才改良刑法的,啊!” | The [1] never fails, never trembles, never strikes thirty times ineffectually, like the soldier who beheaded the Count of Chalais, and to whose tender mercy Richelieu had doubtless recommended the sufferer | |
13 | 那肯定是他自己的过错。 | It was doubtless his own fault. | |
14 | 你和他合得很不坏,不消说,他也和你合得来。 | You are doubtless quite right to adhere to him, indubitably, he adhered to you | |
15 | 您一定也听说过这次大屠杀吧,伯爵阁下?” | You have doubtless heard of these massacres, your excellency?" | |
16 | 诺瓦蒂埃当时成了显赫一时的人物,要不是为了他,拿破仑无疑早就把维尔福免职了,这个一七九三年的吉伦特党人和一八○六年的上议员保护了这个不久前保护过他的人,帝国正在复活期间,但已不难预见它的二次倾覆了。 | Napoleon would, doubtless , have deprived Villefort of his office had it not been for Noirtier, who was all powerful at court, and thus the Girondin of 1793 and the Senator of 1806 protected him who so lately had been his protector | |
17 | 派里尼老板一定觉得这种玩笑未免太讨苦吃了,因为他对这些问题只回答了一半,而且是向弗兰兹说的,只有弗兰兹似乎还象是在用心听他讲话似的。 | Doubtless Signor Pastrini found this pleasantry compromising, for he only answered half the question, and then he spoke to Franz, as the only one likely to listen with attention | |
18 | 漂亮女人--这是阿尔贝从她们风骚的化装上推测出来的--中的一个无疑地被他的殷勤献媚所打动了。 | Doubtless one of the charming females Albert had detected beneath their coquettish disguise was touched by his gallantry | |
19 | 其中最高雅的途径就是驾乘BMW 6系汽车踏上您的旅程。 | The most elegant is doubtless a journey in one of the new BMW 6 Series models | |
20 | 热闹的谈话就开始,不用说是议论交易所市场的情形。 | An animated conversation ensued-doubtless about the day’s events on the Stock Exchange | |
21 | 如有大难临头,很多人会惊慌失措。 | Many will doubtless be thrown into panic should a disaster strike. | |
22 | 虽然她向自己隐藏着那个秘密,但只要那个秘密象蟒蛇出洞似的从她心中一钻出来,她就会面色苍白,这或许是--应该说无疑是,将她滞留在如此息息攸关的场地和小路上的另一种感情。 | It might be, too-doubtless it was so, although she hid the secret from herself, and grew pale whenever it struggled out of her heart, like a serpent from its hole-it might be that another feeling kept her within the scene and pathway that had been so fatal. | |
23 | 他的同僚们望着他,对他那被一个女人的芬芳的气息所打破的好景感到有些怜悯。 | His colleagues looked at him, and doubtless pitied his prospects, blighted under the perfumed breath of a woman | |
24 | 他很可能跟平常一样会带吉他来. | Doubtless he’ll be bringing his guitar,as usual. | |
25 | 他无疑是可敬的. | He is doubtless respectable. | |
26 | 他无疑是最强有力的。 | Doubtless he was the strongest. | |
27 | 他无疑误解了我的意思. | It is doubtless that he has mistaken my intention. | |
28 | 他正要开口问那新来的人需要什么,那人双手靠在他的棍上,把老人和两个妇人来回地看着,不等主教开口,便大声说 | As he opened his mouth, doubtless to ask the new-comer what he desired, the man rested both hands on his staff, directed his gaze at the old man and the two women, and without waiting for the Bishop to speak, he said, in a loud voice:-- | |
29 | 微型计算机的迅速推广,无疑会引起许多社会问题。 | The rapid proliferation of microcomputer will doubtless cause many social dislocations. | |
30 | 我大概明天会见到你。 | I shall doubtless see you tomorrow. |