1 | 排泄管道必须与安全阀出口具有相同的口径,必须从安全阀的下方接到安全排放地点。 | The discharge line must be the same size as the valve outlet, and must pitch downward from the valve to a safe place for disposal. | |
2 | 其他经理人则认为既然闲置生产能力的机会成本为0,或接近于0,因而应协议将市价调低作为转移价格。 | Other managers would argue that idle capacity combined with an opportunity cost of zero, or near to zero, calls for a negotiation of the transfer price downward from prevailing market rates. | |
3 | 起落架与地面的撞击阻止了机身迅速地向下运动。 | The rapid downward motion of the fuselage is stopped by the impact through the landing gear | |
4 | 强烈而痛苦的疼痛似乎从他的脖子直往下蔓延 | Keen, poignant agonies seemed to shoot from his neck downward | |
5 | 青筋露起的脖颈,满面杀气的面孔,眉目上挑,嘴角下撇 | Blue veins stand out in his neck, and there is a murderous look on his face with its raised eyebrows and downward curling lips. | |
6 | 倾斜向下的倾斜或斜坡 | A downward inclination or slope. | |
7 | 曲轴是由合金钢铸造或锻造,经过热处理,具有一定的机械强度的整体结构。曲轴必须具有足够的强度,以承受活塞在做功行程期间向下运动产生的冲力,而不会产生过度的扭曲。 | The crankshaft is a one-piece casting or forging of heat treated alloy steel of considerable mechanical strength. The crankshaft must be strong enough to take the downward thrusts of the pistons during the power strokes without excessive distortion. | |
8 | 趋向下降的价格 | Prices with a downward tendency | |
9 | 让我们安定下来工作,踏过舆论的污泥浊水。 | Let us settle ourselves, and work and wedge our feet downward through the mud and slush of opinion | |
10 | 熔岩向下流动时,无缝不钻,无孔不入。 | The molten lava got into every nook and cranny on its downward path. | |
11 | 如阿拉伯人说的,那象是些沙丘,柔和地、成长坡地下降。生命在这儿还带着一些希望,但是这儿也一样,她是比以前消瘦了,不成熟了,而且有点涩苦了。 | Like hillocks of sand, the Arabs say, soft and downward -slipping with a long slope. Here the life still lingered hoping. But here too she was thinner, and going unripe, astringent. | |
12 | 若加宽墩的下部,能更好地分配来自于上部建筑结构的压力。 | The lower portion of a pier may be widened to better distribute the downward pressure of a massive overlying structure. | |
13 | 上阀杆通过丝口旋在横膈膜止动螺母里。当手轮旋转到关闭位置,上阀杆推动横膈膜,横膈膜下垂,迫使下阀杆接触阀座。 | The upper stem is threaded into the diaphragm retainer nut. When the handwheel is rotated to the closed position the upper stem pushes on the diaphragms, which deflect downward , forcing the lower stem against the valve seat. | |
14 | 生根的植物从下往上吸收水分,从上往下吸收阳光。 | Rooted vegetation takes water upward and sunlight downward . | |
15 | 使滚向前(或向下)引起向前或向下流动 | To cause to roll onward or downward . | |
16 | 水从水面的高处倾向、垂向或斜向地向下流动。 | From the higher point on the table the water moves laterally, vertically, or obliquely downward | |
17 | 随风满地石乱走。匈奴草黄马正肥 | That downward , headlong, follow the wind. ...In spite of grey grasses, Tartar horses are plump; | |
18 | 他低着头看,以避开我的目光。 | He looked downward to avoid my eyes. | |
19 | 他脸朝下趴在人行道上。 | He was lying face downward on the pavement. | |
20 | 他在文章中指出他们的经济仍在走下坡路。 | In the article he noted that their economy is still on its downward slide. | |
21 | 它们安装在车桥和车架之间,并允许后桥壳相对于车架上下运动,防止向一侧或向前、向后的运动。 | They are attached between the rear-axle housing and the car frame and permit upward or downward movement of the axle housing with respect to the car frame. They prevent side movement or forward and backward movement. | |
22 | 通常所有汲取管朝上(以接触气相),从拖车的后部提取气体。可以从拖车的前部提取液体。在前部,汲取管向下伸入到液相里。 | Normally, gas can be withdrawn from the rear of the trailer with all dip tubes oriented upward (to the vapor phase). Liquid can be withdrawn from the front of the trailer where the dip tubes will be oriented downward into the liquid phase. | |
23 | 同拱顶不同的是桁架不承担推力而只承担向下的压力,不需要扶壁或其它特别的加固物来支撑墙体。 | Unlike a vault, the truss exerts no thrust but only downward pressure; supporting walls require no buttressing or extra thickening. | |
24 | 图10-4表示一内贮液体的圆筒,圆筒上面配有密闭活塞,并有一向下的压力作用在该活塞上。 | Figure 10-4 represents a fluid in a cylinder provided with a piston, on which is exerted a downward force | |
25 | 弯嘴龙头一种带有向下弯曲的喷嘴的龙头;龙头 | A faucet with a nozzle that is bent downward ;a bibb. | |
26 | 文学的衰落表明一个民族的衰落;这两者在走下坡路的时候是齐头并进的。--歌德 | The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation; the two keep pace in their downward tendency.--Wolfgang Von Goethe | |
27 | 我们知道,一个正常人的智商为100左右,而弱智儿童的智商只有75或者低于这个数值。大多数弱智儿童由于在出生过程中出现问题而造成智力方面的缺陷。 | as we know, an average person has an I. Q. of about 100, while retarded children range from 75 downward . Most of the children were born with limited mental capacity because of problems in the birth process. | |
28 | 我母亲发现我脸朝下浮在水上,通过人工呼吸我得救了。 | My mother found me floating face downward and I was saved by artificial respiration. | |
29 | 我想这叫做‘对称人’(19世纪中学地理教科书上流行个名洞,叫“对跖人”,意思是说地球直径两端的人,脚心对着脚心。 | How funny it’ll seem to come out among the people that walk with their heads downward ! | |
30 | 我一滑,开始往下陷,有人叫道:“坚持住!” | I slipped and began to plummet downward "Hold on"Came the cry. |