属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-托利党巨人退休 才华横溢国会议员告别
1 | “早晨――好,”她以悦耳的嗓音,故意拖腔带调地大声说道,“今天很冷,是吧?” | "Good morning," she cried, in her sweet, affected drawl , "Isn’t it cold?" | |
2 | “早晨好,”她以悦耳的嗓音故意拖腔带调地大声说。 | "Good morning," she cried, in her sweet, affected drawl | |
3 | 〞例如你问某人是哪儿人,他会拖着深沉的南方长音告诉你说他是纽约人。〞 | Suppose you ask a guy where he ’s from and with a deep southern drawl he tells you he ’s from New York. | |
4 | 得克萨斯州人字字拉长调的说话方式. | A broad Texan drawl | |
5 | 她讲话带着美国南方人慢吞吞的拉长调子的语气。 | She speaks with a Southern drawl . | |
6 | 科斯特纳的声音从话筒里可以立刻辨认出来。他的声音柔和、缓慢,带有加利福尼亚口音,好象家庭医生上门看病人时的宽慰声音。 | Costner’s voice is instantly recognizable on the phone-a soft, slow Californian drawl as reassuring as a family doctor making a house call. | |
7 | 例如你问某人是哪儿人,他会拖着深沉的南方长音告诉你说他是纽约人。 | Suppose you ask a guy where he’s from and with a deep southern drawl he tell you he’s from New York. | |
8 | 慢慢吞吞地说话 | drawl (out)one’s words | |
9 | 孙子回家后,开始很明显有一种异样的感觉,说话拉长腔、耸肩、脸部表情太丰富--并非不讨人喜欢,而是差别太大。 | When grandchildren come home, at first the Mien feeling is striking, the drawl in their voices, the shrug of the shoulders, the too expressive faces--not unattractive, but different. | |
10 | 他母亲说话的声音稍稍拖长一下。 | His mother was speaking with a slight drawl | |
11 | 他是鲁道夫在学院中最要好的朋友,是个精力旺盛、诚挚坦率的小伙子,在他那懒洋洋的俄克拉何马州的拖沓口音后面,隐藏着精明强干和愤世嫉俗。 | He was Rudolph’s best friend on the campus, an energetic, overt boy, cynical and shrewd behind a lazy Oklahoma drawl | |
12 | 他用一种兼有英美发音特征的拖腔(这种拖腔跟他的马萨诸塞州的出生地很有关系),审慎而又坦诚地谈他自己的情况。 | He talks about himself with cautious candour, in a mid-Atlantic drawl that owes more than a little to his birthplace in Massachusetts | |
13 | 拖长腔调说话 | say in one’s slow drawl | |
14 | ||1:他们错了。||2:因为这位54岁的约克郡人执行的是党的指令——这一举甚至超越了他简洁、慢吞吞的调子和在政务上的傲人之处,成为了他政治生涯的标志。||3:这一插曲也是黑格经常需要遵从的典型指令,无论是作为约翰·梅杰手下年轻得不可思议的威尔士事务大臣,或是梅杰的继任党派领导人,还是作为2010到2014年间的外事大臣,都是如此。 | ||1:They were wrong.||2:Because the 54-year-old Yorkshireman was following party orders—and that, even more than his laconic drawl and brilliance at the dispatch box, epitomises his career.||3:The episode was also typical of the sort of orders Mr Hague has often had to follow, as an absurdly young Welsh secretary under John Major, as his successor as party leader, and, between 2010 and 2014, as foreign secretary. | |
15 | ||1:他那布满皱纹、久经风吹日晒的脸,加上利穆赞地区慢吞吞的语调,使他的追随者想起了古老的生活方式,那种偏远地区的有着各种令人欣慰的准则的生活方式,它已经被现代人抛在一边了。||2:他保持着农民的单纯,1966年,他同意了一项新奇的药物测试,遭到了同事们的拒绝后和他们进行了深入的讨论。||3:但他同时也保持着精明的商业头脑。||4:他知道一个法郎的价值,每当他和兄弟们打破卧室的窗户后,他们的父亲就告诉他们,到春天之前都没有修补的钱。 | ||1:With his lined, wind-burned face and slow Limousin drawl , he reminded his followers of the old ways, la France profonde and all kinds of comforting verities that had been pushed aside by modern life.||2:He kept a peasant’s innocence, and in 1966 got into deep merde with his colleagues for agreeing to a newfangled drugs test which they were all refusing.||3:But he also kept a shrewd business head on his shoulders.||4:He knew the value of a franc, ever since he and his brothers had broken their bedroom window and been told, by their father, that there would be no money to mend it until the spring. | |
16 | Cook先生是个有着绅士风度的阿拉巴马州人,他与乔布斯的风格完全不同。 | An Alabaman with a gentlemanly drawl , Mr Cook would be a very different manager from Mr Jobs. | |
17 | 单身的他是一个工作狂,说话带着南方口音,慢条斯理;乔布斯急躁的时候,他却可以泰然处之。 | He is single and a workaholic. He has a southern drawl and is as cool as Mr Jobs runs hot. | |
18 | 她懒洋洋地拖长了鼻音说话。 | She spoke with a lazy, nasal drawl . | |
19 | 他的言谈随意而亲密,低沉犹豫的腔调听起来也并不会让人不悦。 | He talked freely and intimately in a low, hesitating drawl that was not unpleasant to hear. | |
20 | 他说话有点南方人慢吞吞拖长音调的口音。 | He had a bit of a Southern drawl . | |
21 | 雅梅耸耸肩笑了:“金色的头发、有钱的爸爸,还有让男人流口水的性感口音。” | Jamey shrugged and smiled. "Blond hair, rich daddy, and a sexy drawl that makes men drool. " |