属类:社会文化-人物-LITTLE WOMEN
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-格鲁吉亚的历史 糟糕的位置
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-忧郁的本质 Kind of blue
1 | 我听到你们的坏消息感到十分难过。 | I’ m dreadfully sorry to hear your bad news | |
2 | 我想这是因为他给人家捧得太厉害的缘故吧--而且那一套无穷无尽的俏皮话,也非常讨厌。 | I expect he has been too much lionized-and the everlasting smart speeches are dreadfully tiring. | |
3 | 我真为你的妹妹感到难过。 | I’m dreadfully sorry for your sister. | |
4 | 有一次我们遇到一群河马,离我们的船有十至十二码的样子,正一沉一浮地怪叫着朝我们游来,样子十分可怕。 | Once we came across a school of hippopotami, which rose, and bellowed dreadfully at us within ten or a dozen fathoms of the boat | |
5 | 这儿的人太喜欢砍头了! | They’re dreadfully fond of beheading people here | |
6 | 这篇文章写得糟极了. | This article is dreadfully written. | |
7 | 正好这时乔鲁莽地闯了进来,惊讶得目瞪口呆,然后喊了起来,“喂,快来人啦!约翰·布鲁克表演得可怕极了,梅格居然喜欢这种表演!” | Jo, blundering in, was transfixed with astonishment and dismay, and exclaimed, “Oh, do somebody come quick! John Brooke is acting dreadfully , and Meg likes it!” | |
8 | 主人们不在的时候,草地变得凌乱不堪 | During the owners’ absence the lawn became dreadfully unkempt | |
9 | 自从劳拉嫁给一位富翁后,便自高自大起来。 | Laura has been dreadfully stuck up since she married a millionaire. | |
10 | 佐立吓坏了,我自己也吓得要死。然而,更让我们心惊胆战的是,我们听到有一头巨兽向我们船边游来。 | Xury was dreadfully frightened, and indeed so was I too; but we were both more frightened when we heard one of these mighty creatures come swimming towards our boat | |
11 | ||1:可惜他的竞选失利对于这两本书而言都来地太晚了。如果这发生地再早些,就能推翻Jones对格鲁吉亚没能达到他可能相当不实际的“高尚”民主标准的许多批评。||2:首都第比利斯以外的许多地区仍然极度贫困;各类机构问题百出;政府对媒体和司法的压力很大,有时甚至会采用下流的手段。||3:但对于一个20年前还被认为是“失败国家”的地方来说,特别是考虑到该国几乎一直受到俄罗斯的压迫、暗中破坏和抹黑,其进步还是非常惊人的。 | ||1:That came too late for either book, which is a pity because it would offset many of Mr Jones’s criticisms of Georgia’s failure to meet his perhaps rather unrealistic standards of “virtuous” democracy.||2:Much of the country outside the capital, Tbilisi, is still dreadfully poor; institutions are imperfect; government pressure on the media and judiciary can be heavy-handed or even nastier.||3:But for a place that was a failed state only 20 years ago the progress is startling, especially given the near- constant pressure, subversion and denigration from Russia. | |
12 | ||1:已经75岁了,琼·迪丹的注意力也涣散了。||2:她的回忆缓慢而又反反复复,只有在那些无法让人回答的悲情问题(“我所做的这一切都是错的吗/我得到的这些全都是错误吗?”)时才被打断。||3:这些问题经常是思考做为一个母亲她的选择(“总是我有问题?”),和她自己越来越多的弱点(“如果我再也找不到那些能用的词语会怎样?”)。||4:借着《忧郁的夜》,这部以某个夏日里生命之光暗淡时的那种紧张而又不吉之美命名的书,琼·迪丹将自己思维里悲伤的呻吟译成了对死亡深厚的沉思。||5:所产生的结果是与这位悲伤的智者一起伤痛。 | ||1: Now 75, Ms Didion’s gaze is turned backwards. ||2: Her recollections meander and loop back, interrupted only by distressing questions that no one is left to answer (“Did I get this all wrong?”). ||3: Often these questions consider the choices she made as a mother (“Was I always the problem?”) and her own increasing frailty (“What if I can never again locate the words that work?”). ||4: With “Blue Nights”, named for the intense and portentous beauty of the dying light on a summer day, Ms Didion has translated the sad hum of her thoughts into a profound meditation on mortality. ||5: The result aches with a wisdom that feels dreadfully earned. | |
13 | “那是跳舞的第一个姿势,”爱丽丝说。可是她被这一切弄得莫名其妙,所以非常希望换一个话题。 | ’It’s the first position in dancing. ’ Alice said; but was dreadfully puzzled by the whole thing, and longed to change the subject. | |
14 | 而且在印度这样一个拥有十几亿人口的农业国家,土地资源也极其稀缺。 | And in India, an agrarian country with a billion-plus people, land is dreadfully scarce. | |
15 | 喉咙那里完全被撕裂了,留下一滩还没有完全凝固的血渍。 | From the throat, dreadfully lacerated, had issued a pool of blood not yet entirely coagulated. | |
16 | 塞伦喜欢收藏飞机和女人,并热衷于在晚宴和结婚派对上大展歌喉(嗓音极为难听)。 | Salem collects planes and girlfriends and insists on singing (dreadfully ) at dinners and wedding parties. | |
17 | 他左腿畸形得很厉害,脚扭着,后脚根到了前面,看着很吓人。 | His right leg was dreadfully deformed, the foot being twisted heel forward in a way horrible to see. | |
18 | 我非常讨厌欠别人钱的感觉,所以不到万不得已我是不会向别人借钱的。 | I did hate borrowing money from others, so unless I was dreadfully cornered, I would not borrowed money from others easily. | |
19 | 写这些长信把我烦死啦。 | It tired me dreadfully , writing those long letters. | |
20 | 在吉阿将军生命的最后的日子里,他被描述为一个凶残的小丑:受他妻子的威逼、面对真主阿拉啜泣不已,而且还痛苦地受着虫子的折磨。 | In his last days Zia is portrayed as a murderous buffoon: bullied by his wife, sobbing to Allah and suffering dreadfully from worms. | |
21 | 在中心城区泊车收费十分高昂,因此大多数人对驱车进城要犹豫再三。 | Sentence No. 2. Parking in downtown areas is so dreadfully expensive, so most people think twice about bringing their cars into the city. | |
22 | 这一切都相似得可怕(尽管没有欧洲国家会再选出一个希特勒上台)。 | It is all dreadfully familiar (though no European country is about to elect another Hitler). |