属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法国经济学家 图卢兹VS巴黎
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-校园里的计算机技术 你好世界
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-寻医问药 In need of therapy
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-酒醉以酒解 A Hair of The Dog
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国法院和欧洲央行 尘埃未定
1 | 我们彼此相处,应该恢复和谐和友爱,因为没有它们,自由甚至生活的本身,都将成为无聊的事物。 | Let us restore to social intercourse that harmony and affection without which liberty and even life itself are but dreary things | |
2 | 我们位年强人振奋。它们带有自由的气息,他们不会为狭隘的野心和贪婪享受而孜孜以求。 | I find young people exciting. They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love comfort. | |
3 | 我们正在渡过那灰暗又艰苦的冬天。 | We were passing the dreary and oppressive winter | |
4 | 我奇怪,为什么说教者把世界称作凄凉的荒原;在我看来,它却象一朵盛开的攻瑰。 | I wondered why moralists call this world a dreary wilderness: for me it blossomed like a rose | |
5 | 我厌倦了他的枯燥无味的演说。 | I’m tired of his dreary speech | |
6 | 我一定会心灰意冷,怅然若有所失。 | There comes upon me a sense of chill discouragement of dreary deprivation | |
7 | 午后和罗先生到天河公园散步,我们踩在落叶上。晚秋的公园呈现一片凄凉的景色。只有枫树还在展现他们的灿烂的红叶。 | In the afternoon, took a walk to Tianhe Park with Mr. Luo stepping on the fallen leaves. The park in the late autumn presented a dreary sight. But maple trees alone were still showing off their gorgeous red leaves. | |
8 | 想到我们把所有的钱都花在儿子的教育上,而他却所想去一家沉闷的工厂工作,我感到很伤心。 | It breads my heart to think of all the money we spent on our son’s education and all he wants to do is work in a dreary factory. | |
9 | 一道凄凉而沉重的经典贺岁《天下无贼》 | A Dreary and Burdensome Recreation: "A World Without Thieves" | |
10 | 一个凄凄惨惨的下午他们到了道生,而那场大战还要俟之他日。 | They pulled into Dawson one dreary afternoon with the great fight still to come | |
11 | 一切都很的秩序地、很清洁地、很精密地、甚至很真正的进行着。然而在康妮看来,这只是有秩序的无政府状态罢了。那儿并没有感情的热力的互相联系。整处屋子阴森得象一条冷清的街道。 | Everything went on in pretty good order, strict cleanliness, and strict punctuality; even pretty strict honesty. And yet, to Connie, it was a methodical anarchy. No warmth of feeling united it organically. The house seemed as dreary as a disused street. | |
12 | 阴沉的天. | a dreary day | |
13 | 又要经过冥思苦想才能明白他的话语的真正含义,那我一定会饮誉受挫,若有所失了。 | And that in accents which only through the laboring intelligence can touch the living soul, there comes upon me a sense of chill discouragement, of dreary deprivation. | |
14 | 于是,我踉踉跄跄离开,走近了白雪覆盖着的阴沉凄凉的奥斯威辛。 | So I stumbled out into dreary snowy Oswiecim | |
15 | 在冬天的天空下,他久久而孤独地在阴沈的沙滩上走了很久。 | Long and lonely he paced the dreary beach beneath a wintry sky. | |
16 | 在昏暗的光线中看上去她那蜡黄的脸有些浮肿。 | Her face looked sallow and swollen in the dreary light | |
17 | 在那个压抑人性的古老年月里,凡夫俗子们对他们感兴趣的事情,总要涂上一层荒诞恐怖的色彩,他们就此杜撰了一篇关于红字的故事,我们完全可以随手写成一个骇人的传说。 | The vulgar, who, in those dreary old times, were always contributing a grotesque horror to what interested their imaginations, had a story about the scarlet letter which we might readily work up into a terrific legend. | |
18 | 在那酷冷严寒的季节,星期天是个悲哀的日子。 | Sundays were dreary days in that wintry season | |
19 | 在相隔许多凄风苦雨的岁月之前,海丝特·白兰曾经在那上面遭到世人轻辱的白眼。 | Where, long since, with all that dreary lapse of time between, Hester Prynne had encountered the world’s ignominious stare. | |
20 | 在心底里,她认为这种生活极其凄凉,因为在她想来,这种生活是如此缺乏爱情,如此可怜。 | In her heart she deemed the life deeply dreary because it was so loveless-to her ideas, so forlorn | |
21 | 早餐是开在各人寝室里的。克利福在午餐以前从不出来,饭厅里总是有点忧闷。喝过咖啡后,蔑克里斯恍恍惚惚地烦燥起来,不知做什么好。 | Breakfast was served in the bedrooms; Clifford never appeared before lunch, and the dining-room was a little dreary . After coffee Michaelis, restless and ill-sitting soul, wondered what he should do. | |
22 | 这是一本枯燥的书。 | This is a dreary book. | |
23 | 这些居民和这地方一样,形容枯搞,丑陋,阴森而不和睦。 | The people were as haggard, shapeless, and dreary as the countryside, and as unfriendly. | |
24 | 注意,资产负债表在表头要设置三个项目:(1)企业名称(2)财务报表名称"资产负债表"(3)资产负债表编表日。 | Note that the balance sheet sets forth in its heading three items: (1)the name to the business, (2)the name of the statement "Balance sheet", and (3)the date to Dreary : the balance sheet. | |
25 | 最后,还可以说,这个可怜的朝圣者,在他凄凉的旅途中,倍感昏迷、病痛和悲惨的折磨,却瞥见一道充满仁爱和同情的闪光,其中有崭新和真实的生活,可以取代他目前正在赎罪的沉重的命运。 | That, finally, to this poor pilgrim, on his dreary and desert path, faint, sick, miserable, there appeared a glimpse of human affection and sympathy, a new life, and a true one, in exchange for the heavy doom which he was now expiating. | |
26 | ||1:如果法国的哲学家们是国宝,那么经济学家们就是沉闷的标本。||2:但是经济学这一学科又有一些新动静。||3:一位法国经济学家珍·泰勒尔赢得了诺贝尔经济学奖。||4:另外,托马斯·皮凯提也在其著作《21世纪资本论》大热之际博得了大众眼球。||5:当国际货币基金组织最近列出世界最佳年轻经济学家,其中7名(包括皮凯提)是法国人。 | ||1:IF PHILOSOPHERS in France are national treasures, economists are dreary specimens.||2:But the discipline has some new star dust.||3:One French economist, Jean Tirole, won the Nobel prize for economics.||4:Another, Thomas Piketty, brought in rock-star quality when his book, “Capital”, became a bestseller in English.||5:When the IMF recently listed the world’s 25 best young economists, seven (including Mr Piketty) were French. | |
27 | ||1:信息与通讯技术自1990年便登上了学校的课表。但最近它的风头渐弱。||2:2012年,英国皇家学会报告,文字处理和试算表软件的沉闷教学使得课程变得“毫无动力、平淡乏味”。||3:这样糟糕的声誉难以吸引优秀的老师,也浇熄了学生对这门学科的热情。 | ||1:Information and communications technology has been on school timetables since 1990. But lately it has grown unfashionable.||2:In 2012 the Royal Society reported that dreary instruction in word-processing and spreadsheet software had made lessons “demotivating and routine”.||3:That reputation has made it difficult to attract good teachers and has dulled enthusiasm for the subject. | |
28 | 迈克·梅奥喜欢追问一些尖锐的、他人不愿去触碰的问题。在一些人看来,他的质疑就像照亮黑暗角落的焰火,使大银行的高管和分析师们关于季度收益的枯燥讨论引起关注;对另外一些人来说,他的问题就像凭空冒出来的火箭炮,一下子就能把金融业的强人掀翻在地。 | Mike Mayo likes to ask blunt questions about issues that no one else will touch. To some, his queries are sparklers that light up dreary quarterly earnings calls between the heads of major banks and financial analysts; to others, they come from nowhere, rockets that bring down banking’s high-fliers. | |
29 | 这是有所帮助的。在第四季度,美国经济以年利率2.8%的速率增长,比起其他萧条的年份是最快的一年。这很大程度上得益于后无来者的库存补充存货。此外,消费性开支以2%的年率增长,住房建筑以11%的年率扩张,是自2004年以来最可观的一次。 | This is helping. In the fourth quarter, America’s economy grew by 2.8% at an annual rate, the fastest in an otherwise dreary year. Much of that was from inventory restocking which will not be repeated. Still, consumer spending rose at a 2% annual rate and house building expanded by 11%, the most since 2004. | |
30 | 这些直接货币交易的名字沉闷无趣,却隐藏着强大的冲击力。事实证明,OMT威慑力大到实质上从不需要被调配。 | These Outright Monetary Transactions, whose dreary name disguises their punch, proved so potent a deterrent that they never had to be deployed. |